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That "wire" Speculation

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An Aeous "Raudom Note" (seo issiia oí May 31) proved a center shot,- at least it hit our friend the up-Huron postmaster, and he rnakes hasta to explain in the íollowing letter : Scio, Juno 3, 1878. Kd. Abgus : You say in lust week's Abgus that two giangers, one in Sció aud otie in Dexter, "used a car-load of íence wire to wire greenbacks out ot grangers," etc. I state the facto aud theu the public eau judge in tam business trausaction who made and saved groenbacks. Tho agent emoloyed by the grange to iurnish fence wire for the order. Mr. Joseph Hopkins, found he could not furuish it. Througu hïs solicitation and others I ordorsd a car-load oí vrire (eleven ton) direct trom the mauufactory ; probably it was the fust car-load of lence wire ever shipped in bulk iuto this couuty. It was charco&t aunealed wire, much supanor to any i'uruishod by our home dealers. I sold it to farmers, in the grange aud out, at 4 1-2 cents per pound, while the dealers at Aun Arbor were selling a poorer article at C cents per pound. Now, please teil your readers who wired greeubacks out oí' the pockets oí the innocent farmers, - the home dealers or the writer of this article. Taking the quality iuto cousideratiou, und pnce, X saved the farmers from three to four huudred dollars on this one car-ioad of wire. That's not all ; it couipelled the home dealers to lower the pnce of their wire thirty dollars a ton. Now one word to the farmers of Washtenaw Couuty : If you co-operate, act together, bunch your orders, pay cash, you can save from 25 to 60 per cent. on evcry article used on the farm. Please stop aud thinlc : In the aggregate this would be a saring to the farmers of this couuty thousauds oï dollars enuh year. Itespectfully, Gko. A. Petees. As Mr. Peters does n't deny making a profit out of his brother graugers there is no chance for controversy. He is the " hated middle mau."


Old News
Michigan Argus