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Proceedings In Congress

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Tuesday, June 4.- Senate.- Tho select corn inittee to inquire into and report on the condition of aftairs between the United StaU?s and Mexico was coutimiod until the ext aesaion, and aulhorized to eit during tlie varation. Tho House biil tnipplemcutary to tbo act of Marck 3, 1839, to carry iuto effect the convention bet ween tho United StateBand Ohíua, eoncltided at Shanghai on tiie 8ta of November, J8-Ï8, and to give tho Court of Claims j ii risdiction iu certain casee, was paanccl The Senate bill to provide íor tho construction, Uiaintenance and operation of n military telegraph in Dakota aud Montana Territorios passeil Ihe Sonate insieted npun itr, anu-rulineiits to tlie LegisJative, Judicial and BxcouUve Appropriation bill, and a conferí uco with the House was rt queeted. . . . Th Post-Kcute bill was diweussed. HoTifiE.- The Senate amendments to the Legislativo, Kxecutirc and Judicial Appropriafion biJl witc coucurred in. ...Mr. Knott, the Chairman of the Jmliciary Committoe, repoited a bíil for tbe relief of the pmfchABatfl Of land sold for direct taxrs iu the iiiMirrrectionary Status. KeTcd l'he following bilis were paened; Fixing me election for Representativo to tho next Congres froni Colorado for iho Tut-sday af ter the flrat Monday in November ; c-xr mpting municipal and eouniy bitfkkiuu, iined as bucu, from levy and h;i!. ■; próTidlng for the appointiufiu oí a District .ïudgo for the Western District of Tcnnessee, and for a división of the district ; providing for holding term a of tho United States District and Circuit Courts at Fort Wayne, Intl., and Toledo, Ohio; attaching the Assitaut Attorcey General for the Pobtofncc Department to the Depurtmeut of Jubtice ; exemptiníí . omployes in tho potial service froni miütary and jury duty ; providiDg Llie election for lir-prcRentatives to the Fortyöixth Conwefö from West VlrMnia bo held on the Fecond ïursday of Octobcr; fixinj? the election for KcpreBentativcH in Oongrces in North Camlina on the Tupsday afir the first Monday in November ; reorfianiziuR the iïfe-saving service... The Tarifl' bill and the Mexican Award bill were debatod. Wepjïesday, June 5. - Senate. - ÏIr. Matthcwfi, of Ohio, nro.it1 to a quostion of privilege, and made a personal explanatiou. He recited the teitimony of Jamea E. Anderson beforo the Potter committtc, and said that it affectíít not on)y bis own reputation, but that of the Senate. He knr-w of no frauds practiced in Lonl aud no wrongp, exoèpt tho one cortimitted by Aiidereon, wbich Anderson acknowlcdgcd to hini and profcflsed repentai:co. Andereon, In conff niing a wrong act done, placed in nis (Matthowh1) hantín cr-rtain papers ae au evidente of hifi rt-pentauee, whích he (Matthews.) held, in order to pi tv.iit a public pcandal. Hp pald he had interestcd hfmBclf in Anderson'a appointment, becanse hv ( VndtrHOu) had devoted bistfme to advanciug the UcpubMcan caiisc in Eönteiana, and had inoorred the ho&tllity of lüe Democratie party. Iu couchiBios .Mr. Matthews moved the appointment of a Bpfeclal coiüiuittre of eeven, t: tabc testimony tooohïxig tbe elecUon held In Louifllanain ISj6. The ïiiotion was agreed to Mr. 1 humaan, from tho Judiciary Coaiinittee, reported a bill creatin a fíuking íund for tho Kansas Pacific Kailroad Compimy. . . .The rost Boute bül was then tafeen np, and there was a losg debate on the amond'iientB restoring the franking privilege and granting a fiibpJdj for Kraziliau njail eervico. Iïoth amendmeute were finally adoptcd and the bill paesed Houhk.- The Wood Tariff bill camo up in the nouee, and a motíon to Btrike out the enacting claiiBe was carried by a voto of 131 yeas to 120 nays. This virtualiy bilis the nicafiuro The Mexican Award bill was paHod as it carne from the Senate. . . . .The biil amending the revenuo laws waa taken up, aud an amendment adopted reducing the tax on tobáceo to Ifi cents por pound. Thürsday, June C- Senate. --Mr. Voorhees addrcfsed the Senate in favor of the eariy confiideration of tho bill to repeal the Specio Resuanïliou act Tho Army Arpropnation bili occupied the ittention of the Stnate during tbe greater portion of the day. The JÜousc otefiM flxing the ütreogth of tho army at 20,0f,0 men was stpicken out. and 25,000 Bubstituted. The saption in regard to tbo reorganizaron of the army was alno Htrickcu out, and an aincndnu:ut adopted rcforring the qucBiion of reorganization to a rommifchioii of Senators, ItepreBeutativcs and army officBrs. House. - Mr. Tipton introduced a bilí anthorizing Ohio, Illinois and Indiana to proseen! o suits against the United States in the Supreme Court The Senate amcndmentK to the bül for printing the agricnltural report of 1877 were concurrid in, and tbo biJl paRsrd. .. .onfereoce coiiiiiiitifCH wi re appointed on the Legislativo and Postoffloe Ajjpropiiation bilis The büle am nding the Interna! Kovenue lawa and the General Defkiency bi 1 were disCUBBCd. Fbiday, Juno 7. - Senate. - The Sonato waa engaged nearly all doy on the Army Appropi i líuni bill, the snbjrcï of tho transfer of tbe Indian Bureau to tho War Department beiug tho bono of oontention. It finally reftrred tho mattor to a comp inihiion of thr(' S.i.ulurK and for BepreecntaUves, to Bit durLje the rúcese and report iu Jar.uary next. HcufeK. - Tho Commiltee on Appropriafion roporUid the Simdry Civil Appropriatiou bill i the Hoiiiie, and the ontlro day was dtvoted to its cenalderation. Satcrday, Juno 8. - Senate.- The Committee on Pensione made a report in favor of increasing the of Oen. ShieldB to $100 a month. Tbo TexaR Pacïnr Iïailroad bill was postponed till the flrflt Wedneeday of tho next po-ou The bill appropriatiiiii $5,f0O,OOO for the pymeat of the 8heiet award was pagsorï. Kif, Spf introduced a írsolution providing for the anpointment of a ócfmmtttee to inveeUgate tho ebOHCfl oí f raud, Intl lion, etc., iu conufetion witb the lunt Prcsidontial Q in tbe States of iouieiana, riorida, Bouth arolioa, A] aban ia and Missiwsipjn. Mr. ïiayard bjecÜng to it cnnpidcration, Mr. Rponcer gave oticoihat be won ld cali the resolntion up cvery ay tiuill a voto upon it should be reached.... By a voto of yeas fi5, nays '2, tho bill was pannod niodifying the contract with. lames }ï. Eads for thr oiiHtruction of the jolties at the South paBH of thu liselöfilpnl rivcr. The bill pi vides tbat the payD?ents to Kade ehall bo ad vaneed, apon córtalo ooni'imis, in montbly ínstallineiits, not execcding iu he aggregate $)00 000, aud a!so pro vide for a comnipfion of flvo arm y engincers to cxamiuo tho work. EFotmc. - Mr. Cobb, from the Comniittco ou ïïèctianH, reported a rcBolutinn in the contfHtrdclcction case of Tillman vk. SmaUs, from the Flfth jOnrpsBional District of South Carolina, setting optS that tlirre waH not a fair, freo and peacoful electioi) in the district, and declaring the eeat vacaut. Mr. Wait submittcd a niinoriiy resolution deciaring SmallP, the sitlin merabtT, entitled to heeeat. The re jtorU werr ordcred j)rinted. . . .The Deficicccy Appropriatiou bill waa passed. Mokday, Juno 10.- Sknatk. - Mr. Sponcor xicd to cali up his invontigation rcsoluticr, but it was decidnd to refer it to the Committce on Privileges and Klcctione Tho bilU to stronethen the foundation of tke Washington monument, and doaigDfttlxig tlie time for holding elcctions for ConKn-H.sinen in Went Virginia and Colorado were passed. . ..The Rivor aud Harbor AppropriationJ)üi was discusBed. Hovbb. - The bill to enforce, under penalty ol flne and imprifionuient, Sec. 1,751, Reviaed Statutea, wblob provides that soldiere and eailors hocornbly difoharet! by reason of disability resulting from wounds or Riek neus received in the lino o1 duty étíaH bo preferred for appointu.onte to civi oíncerf, provided tbey posee bb the ueceeary cipacity, waa passcd The followiug bilis were introduced : Ey Mr. lintier, for the relief of tho industrial classes, for tho prompt scttlement of public lands and for the better protection of the frontier ir.u IiKlian depredatioill ; by Mr. Morse, autuorizing tiic iippointment by tho Piesidoit cf thrce Com miösionf rB to confír with CommisBÍoners on tbc part of Great Britain, and to ascertain on wba liasiw a treuty of reciprocity can bo ncgotiated with the British provinces in Air.eri. a ; by Mr. Cox, o New York, to reduce the dutios on importa 15 pe ent The Sundry Civil Appropriation bill occu pied the attention of the House nearly the eutire day.


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