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- Wool raarket still quiat. - , The Circuit Court has been in sessiou since Tuesday. No juiy. - The High School class which graduatos to-day numbers 56. - The public schools closed a very successful year yeaterday. - The exercises of the graduatiug clara of the High School take place to-day at 10 o'clock n. m. - The Germán Workinyineu's Association joiu in the Maenuerchor excursión to Toledo ou Tuesday next. - Attentiou is invited to the new advertisenient of Bach & Abel. They offer grent attaractions to buyers. - At a meeting of the creditors ot Martin Clark held iu Detroit on Monday last E. D. Kinne was chosen assignee. - Florence Hice Kuox has accepted an invitatiou to give a concert at Ypsilmiti on Tuesday eveniiig uext, June 25. -Ou Monday Justice Skiuuer, of Ypsilanti, ticketed Joseph Tucker, a brick-layer, to 20 days in, tor habitual drunkennosa. - George Carr, of Ypsilanti, proprietor of the new hotel at the depot, bas been proaeouted for violating the Suuday liquor Ihw. - Sneak-thieves stole a freeaet of ice cream, 20 quarts ot strawberries, and about $5 worth of dishes trom the basement of the Presbyterian Church ou Friday evening last. - Manchester Enterprise : "Charley Vogel lias fuuud several eels, measurlug from seveu to thirteen iuches in length, in Silver Lake. They are now over a year old, having been placed there a year ago last spring." - The Canada Southern Railway will give special rates to students going east. Application should be made to G. W. Shfirpless, agent, M. C. R , Auu Arbor, or tu Cunada Bouthern twket offices at üetrait or Graad Trunk Junctioii. - Cut the giass au.l weeds iu Uit; streets : that is the advice we are aaked to give the Arous readers. A few hours' work aloug each block will uiake our city loak more attractive to the hundreds of stiangeis who will visit us nexu week. - Uistance to Toledo by the T. & A. A. K., 4(1 miles. Stations : Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti Junction, Urania, Xura, Hilan, Azalia, Macou, Duudee, Monroe Junction, Lu-Lu, Serlia, I mana, Hawthorue, Detroit and Toledo J unctiou, North Toledo. -The exauuuation of Anthony C. Chupatou aud lïobert McKiuuey, charged with perjury ui justifyiug as boudsmen of Crowell and Salsbury, the 'conñdence" operators, was adjourued by Justice Skiuuer, of Ypsilauti, from Saturday lal to June i. - Judge Thompson, of Coldwuter, ia exwcted to hear the branch of the laboratory .uit agaiust Dr. Duuglas, couimenciug July 2. At the request ot Jud.e Kamsdell, Bilwin E. lienedict, of Maniütee, hus beeu UDpomted to yssist him. - The iiew school building in tlie Fourtb arel oí Ypsilauti is tu bc modeled aiter the Fust ward building or this city. There is sonie hope lor Ypsihiuti jet, wheii it con so far forget local jealousies as to look to Auu Arbor tor a modal oí auy kiud. - Lorenzo Davis has been eleoted Se retary ot the Washtenaw üounty Agriculturat and Horticultural Society, rice William A. Lovejoy, resigned. The animal luir will be held in tina city October 1, 2, 3, and 4. Gen. George tí. McCletlau is to be iuvited to delivtsr an adilress on the second dav. - The Fourth oí July Committeos :re uieetiug with good 8ucce33. The Mayor and Ooiniiion Couucil oí Toledo llave accepted an invitation to be present, and the participaron of several military compauies is expected. A grand display oí fire-works wül lake place in the eveuing. More uext week. - John V. Sheehan, treasurer of the High School Alumni Association, invites the resident alumni each to make cuntribution to him to-day, to aid meeting the expenses ot the supper to be given this eveniug. It is the desire of the oiïicers ot the association to make the supper free to the visiting alumni. - We uuderstand thut a large delegation from Toledo,- merchauts, members of the bar, and other prominent citizons, wiU visit our city next Thursday,- Cominencement day. The headquarters of the party will be at the Uregory House. Some concerted action on the part of our citizeus will be had to make their visit a pleasant one. -At a meeting of the Court House Building Committee, held on Monday last, it was deciJed to contract for a cisteru to hold 600 barrels The cisteru will probably be located at the southeast corner of the square, and Judge Lawrence says that a counectiou is contemplated with the city cisterna, whieh can easily be filled with the overflow. - There is considerable stir in military circles in this city over that pending court martial, ordereil by Col. Withiugtou to convene here June 2ó, for the trial of a number of insubordínate members. The Colonel has been invited to come down here and make a personal iuvestigatiou with a view to pouring oil on the troubled waters, and we are informeel will be here this eveuing. -At a trial of plows made at Grand Blanc, Genesee County, on June 13, The Advance, manufacturad by the Aun Arbor Agricultura! Company, came out ahead, competing with the Syracuse, Wiard Hero, Bement, Burch, and Uurtis. Th (Jliver withdrew altor startiuí; and the Gale and others refused to enter under the rules prescribod. The Advance "howed the lightest drait while cutting the tleepest and broadest f urrow. I- The Sehool Board is considering the propriety ot making au addition to the First ward building. If the lots owued by the district in the Sixtb ward could be exchauged for others more favorably located, and a muil building put up in that ward, it would be better thau the proposed eulargement. It is probable, however, that the eulargemeut can lfe made with less money. One thing iy eertam that more room tor the primary gradeB ia needed in the southeru section of the city.


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