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Dennis Donneiïly, auother of tho couvicted Molly Maguires, was hangcd at Pottaville, Pa., on the lllh inst,, tor the mnrder of Thomas Banger, a mino boss, in 1875. . . . . JoReph Foulkcá' Son-1, thipping and commlssion merchante, on Beaver atrcot, New York, have fsiled. Liabilitieë, 470,000 ; asets, $1K4,OOO. Tho iirra bas beeu iu cxistenoe eighty yearn. Wiltjam Cullen Biiyakt, the vencrable editor of the New York Kvening Post, died n that city on tho 12th inst., aged 84 years. Mr. Bryanl's illncss datcd from tho 20th of May. Ou that day ho delivered an addrcss at the unvriling of a statne of Mazzini, the Italian patriot, in Central Park. Shortly af ter dtlivering the speech, wliile aucending the steps of a friend's honso, be was peized with an attack of veitigo, and in falling strack hia bead heavily against ono of the stono steps. From the injuries t hen received bo liever recovered; but continued t.i gradually grow weaker untJ death reieved him of h;s snfferiDgs. Max Stbakosoh, the ■well-known oper atic mauager, bas been arrested in New York, n a suit brought agaiust him by a Miss Smedley, of Chicago, who claim3 .lü,060 damages for breach of marriage contract Alden ]!. Stockwell, ex-President of the Pacific Mail teamnhip Company, and once a leading capialist of New York, haa failedfor $1,250,000. 1 Libut. EdwahdH. Totten, of the 34th Uuitcd Statea Infantry, was killed by arailway accident on the Huduon River road, near West Point, a few dayis ago. A STABTLiso case of poisoning is reported from Pittston, Pa. Several families are prostrated by drinking the milk of a cow whose udder was bitten by a snakc, and eighteen persons who pattook of the milk wero taken verr inck Thomaa Wilkinson, of Cayuga county, N. Y., killed his wife and then committed suicide. THE WEST. Thb Socialista of Chicago held a picnic in that city on Sunday, tha 17th of June, at which abont 4,000 of them were present. Contrary to general expectation, overvtliing passed off quiotly. Abvioes from the West report that Oen. Howard, at the head of a well-organized forco, had cominenced a forward movement against the hostile Indiana in Idaho. The latter nnmber about 700, including Bannocks Nez Perce?, Sboshones and Piuted. THE SOUTH. A dispatch from San Antonio, Tex. eays that Gen. Mackenzie, at the head of 500 United States cavalry and a battery of artillery had crossed the Ilio Grande into Mexico iiï pursuit of raiders who had been stealing stock from ranches on the American pide. Tho troopn had fiftcen days' rations, and excitinc times were expected. Noah Cherrt, Harris Atkinson and Robert Thompson, colored murderers of the Wormley family, were executed at Goldflboro, H. (!., on the llth inat., in thepresence of 6 000 people. Thcy proclaimed thcir innocenco to tho last. ■WASHINGTON. The President has appointed Ernst Dichman, of Wisconsin, Minister to the United States of Colombia, lienj. F. Potte bas beenreftppomted Governor of Montana Bef ore adjourmng for tne sumraer, the Conrt of Claims pronounced a decisión upon questions in dispute between (he Government and the Union Pacific railroad. The conrt ascertained that the corpcration owes the Govemment $1,367,716.73, beiuc: 5 per cent. of its net earnings piior toNov. 5, 1874. It has just been discovered at the State Department that the Diplomatic and Consular Appropriation bilí, approved Juno 4, Rboliahes the misxion to Greeco, now fllled bv Gen. Mcredith ltead, and all of the Second Secretarles of Legation. Tbia includes Englanó", France, Germany, and all firet-class missions. Several gentlemen havo just been appointed to thece places. The President nominated Beuben E. Fenton, of New York, William S. Groesbcck, of Ohio, and Francia A. Walker, of Connecticut, United States Commissioners at the International Jlonoy Conferenco ; William Havden Edwards, of the District of Commbia, Consul General at St. Petersburg ; Alexandcr V. Perrin, of Kansas, United States Consul at Padonf; ; B. Jefforda, United States Attorney for tho Southern District of Misnissippi. Minister Noyes returned from Paris last week for the purpose of testifying before the Potter committee From data coUected at the Agricultural Buieau in Washington it is estimated that the wheat erop of the United States this ear wül be at least 0,000,000 bushels.... The President and Secretary of War were in consultation tho other day upon the subject of tlio Indian troubles in the Northwest. Secrttary McCrary read to the l'resident a telegram received by him from the Governor of Oregon relating that Indian 8 were committiug hostilities on tbe eastern borders of that State; that the tettiers are unprovideU with arms and ammunition f ar the purpose of their protection, and asking the Government to furnish them with supplies The request will be granted. OKXERAL. A SEWOTJS labor strike was inauguated in Quebec, Canada, last week, and nearly all the factoriesand work-shopsin the city were closed in consequence. Tuk labor strike at Quebec, Canada, culmiuatcd ast week in eerious disorders, neceseitating the calling out of tho military. The mob was fired upon, and one man killed and a nnmber seriously wounded. The affair created tho wüdest excitemeut and alarm in tho city. At last accounts from the Rio Grande, the Lerdist party on the border had been defeated and scattered by the Diaz troop. Escobedo still romained on the Mexican side with a email force, but tho other revolutiomsts wero gotting into Texas as fast as poseiblo. Advices from the Texas-Mexico border ropart that tho Crossing of American soldiers into Mexico had created tho wildett excitoment among tho Mexicana, and that a forco was being organizeJ at Piedras Negras for the punoso of driving back Gen. Mackcuzie's Jittlo army. POLITICAL The Ohio Republicon Convention was held at Cincinnati on the 12th inst. Milton Barnes, for Secretary of State, and Judge White, for the Supreroe bench, were nominated by acclamation, without a disenting voice. For tho IJoard of Public Works two ballots were taken, the choice falling upon Georce Paul, of Akron. A resolution was reported by tho Committeo on Resolutions indorsing tho poüey of President Hayes. Gea. Bcatty, the leader of the anti-Hayes element in Oliio, offered a substituto condemnatory of the HRves policy. and followcd it with a speech bitterly denouncing the administration's Southern, civil service and fioancial policy. The substituto was rejected by a large majonty, and the platform as a whble adopted. The Kepublicans of Michigan held their State Coiivention at Detroit on the 13lh of Jane. There were C42 dolegates present, representing every coucty in the State. ExSenator Zachariah Chandlcr presided. Tho platform denounces Communism and deprecaU-K the reopenirg of lho Prei-idential disjuto as fraught with danger to tho country. It ïnakcs no allusion wbatevcr to the admiiiistraliiüi or its policy. Gov. Croswell and Licut. Gov. Setsions wero nominated for re cloction by acclamation ; William Jenny was nniinated for Secretary of Stato, Gen. 1$. D. Pritchard for TreasRrer, W. I. Latimer for Auditor Genera!, Jamos W. Neacmith for Commissionor of the State Land Office, Otto Kirchner for Attorney General, H. H. Tarboll for Superintendent of Public Iüftruction, and George F. Edwards for member of tho Stato Board of Kdncation. Ex-Senatcr Chandler was roade Chairmanof the State Central Ccmmittee bv acclamation. The Potter Invesligating Committee called on Sccretsry EvnrtH for all tho corrcspondenco in his departinent relating to tho commifsion Font to Louihiana last year for the I urpese of ettling the d'sturbance between the Nicholls and Packard Governmeiitf. The Secretary of State replied )hat, af ter Consulting with the President, he is ini-tructed to Bay that, whilo he (.ho President) thnught. it quite compatiblo with the public interest that tho det-ired corr - poudtnee shonld be submiHed to Cotigross, ho 1 d nut believc the committee, under tne resoiuiion frcni which its authority is derived, had any business whatever with the Louuiaua Commission or tho pepers counocted with it. Consequen'ly the psp.'Ts will be sent to the HniiHe of Representatives, but not to the committee. The President has caused it to be known that his views npon the eubject of the aeses-ment of Government officials for political purpotes correspond with thoeo recently made public by Schurz. The President mamtains that no níReetmeot cm be rodo or collcoted, that all contrilmtions for political purxses will b entirely vohmtiry, and that thn tenuro of no eflioial will bo iu dcgreo weakened frora a failure to pay an asserament. FORKIGN. The Empcror of Gerrnany is rapiilly rocovcring. The assasein, Dr. Nobelhig, is also out of danger The dissolutiou of tbc (crinar var)is ment has been decreed by tho Federal Council, and, iu tbo eleotions to be held, the Government cxpects to secure a majority in wipport of the vigorous measiires resolved upon for the snppression of Socialisin thronghout the empire Mr. MaoGahan, the well-known correspondent of the London Daily iftcs, died recently in Constantiuople of apotted fever. Ho was a nativo of St. Louis, Mo. There was a heavy fall of scow in Scotland on tho llth of Juno AOonstantinoplo dispatch says : " Thero are 25,000 Rhksian troops tiek with typhoid fever and a similar disease iu this ueighborhood." A Berlín dispatch of the 13th inst. says : "'The first silting of the European eougress was held tuin afternoon in the Hadziwül Palace. Tlio etreot leading to the paleco were crowded wil h spectators auxioua to fee the diplomatixts as tlioy arriveAk' Four mountcd pólice agente kept the approaches to the great building cloar. Uiriiïiarck, who was chosen President, exprenses bis belief in the ftuccefl of tbo congress, and a particular dosire to see harmony established. The Austrian Ministers alto anticípate an early solution of the quoationti at issue. It seenin prc'bable that an attempt will be made to iinpruve u])ou the dec'aration of Paris with regard to the seizure of private properly alloat. It has been dscided that the Btrictest secrecy will be maintained in regard to the proceediugs of the Berlin congress, hut a snecinet account of the principal tranaactiou8 will be forwarded regularly by telegraph to tho variona Goveinments reprosonted. A Beriin. dispateh save it has been agmcl betweeu Eogland and Uussia tbat the boundariea of Bulgaria nhail not be extended wostward into district most of whoso inhabitants are Greeks. In Southern Bulgaria, knoivu as ltoumeliaunder the Turkish administration, pome vestigen of sovereignty will be left Ihe Sultan, hut only to be exercised under Huropean supervisión. The cable brings the information that the cotton operatives at Burnley, England, have resnmed work, and those of Blackburn have unanimously resolved to resume, at the rediction of 10 per cent. againt whinh they had Btruck. This indicates the end of the strikes throughont the entiro Lancashire district A cable dispatch f rom Sierra Leone an nouncee the arrival there of tho bark Azor, which sailed from Charleston, April 21, with 250 negro omigrants for Liber a. Thtre was much suffering on the voyage. The water having becomo short, the ship-feverbrokeout, and twenty-tbreo emigrants died.


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