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HSIXESS DIRECTORY. iyAU) 3I.(;lkaN, M.I., Pbysician and i ) Surgeon. Office and rosidence, 71 Huron at reet, lan Aibor. Office hour trom 8 to 9 and froiii ■ ) 3 i', ni. 1fRS. SOPHIA VOIXAND, M. ï., Phyei31 dan and Surgeon. Ottee at reeidence, 44 Ann . ■ vt. WUl attend to all professional calis pronipt,,ilty or night. . tir H. JACKSON, DentiBt. Office corner of )Y Main and Washington etreets, over Bach & I ibel's store, Aun Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics admini required. ; YTÍ.CK SS SCBUUID, dealers in Dry Goode, jj. Groceries, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main licMt ___ TjACH & A1ÏKL, dealers iu Dry Goods, Gro. S ccrics, etc., No. 26 South Main street, Ann fbor, Blich. Ï7"M. "VV AGNEK, dealer in Keady-Made Clothyy ing, Gloths, Cassiinerea, VestingB, Trunks, ;:irpet fiága, etc., 21 South Main street. n SC : I A KBK KLÜTTeacherof the Piano-forte. jê PapilB attain the desired ekill in piano-playbg by a systeniatic course of instruction. For tennf, apply at residence, No. 12 W. Liberty atreet, Ann Arbor. Prompt attention paid to piano-tuning. AT ÍK J. ROGERS, Portrait Painter. Por traits painted to order eitherfrom üfe or phoKrapbs. Instructioua given in Dra win g and piiuting by the system used in Academies of DeiigD, Studio, No. 7T cor. División and Ann streeta. J. D. HARTLEY, M. D., AND MKS. SOPHIA HARTLEY, M. D., GERMÁN AND ENGLISH PHYSICIANS AND SU RC EO NS. Ui i1 and rcsidence, No. 18 Thompson, corner of mpson and Williani etrcet?, Ann Arbor, Mich. ■, l 'r. Hartley will lünit her practice to the treatnl óf diseases peculiar to Ladies and Children. MISS MANTIE M. MILNER, TEACHER OF THE PIANO. i.-i'ui-tion given at the residence of the pupil if desired. tot terms inquire at residence, No. 48 South State 1611 EUGENE K. FRUEAUFF, AT T O R N E Y AT LAW, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 'l iHiiuose promptly attended to. Ofiice No. 8 ashington strcct, Einsey & Seabolt's Hoek. NOAH W. CHEEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. üffico east sido of Oourt House Square, Ann Arbor, Mlcll. JOHN L. BURLEIGH, AHornev and Counselor at Law, "o. '24 Bank Block, secondfloor, VN'N AKBOB, - - MICHIGAN. HENRY R. HILL, TTORNEY AT LAW Anrt Dealer in Keal Estáte. Offlce, No. 3 Onera Houso B!ock, ANN AKBOB. EYERYBODY SAYS THAI REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Easl Huron Street, up-stairs. J. H. NIOKELS, Dealer in FilESII & SALT ME ATS, Ham, Sauxages, Lard, etc, BIArE STKEET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPOS. OMcrs iromptly fllled. Farmers having meats tose'J s'jould give l)tm a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Michigan. Capital paid in $ 50,000.00 Capital security 100,000.00 Transacts a general Banking BuBinesB ; buys and Klis Exchange on New Yotk, Detroit and Chicago ; ffUa Siglit Drafts on all the principal cities of Hiirope ; also, Bells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Steamtüps, whose rates are lower than most other flrstclape lines. Xhis Bank, already haviog a large business, iniite merchants and others to open accounts with Hum, with the aseurance of the moet liberal dealing cooBistetit with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest is paid at the rata of Jive per C' ui. per anpum, payable semi-anmially, on the firet days of January and July,on all sams that have remained on deposit three months previons to those days, thus affording the people of 'liis city and county a perfectly safe depository for thtir funds, together with a fair return in interest Ict tbc same. Money to .Loan on Approved Secoritles. Cirlctobh - ChrisHan Mack, W. W. Wices, W. D Hm riman, Daniel Hiscock, R. A. Beal, Wm. Deubel, and Wiilard B. Smith. OFFICEKS : (UR1STIAN MACK, V. W. WINKS, President. Vico President CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. A CARD. "'ho UDclcrsignecl respcctfully infornis his friende, - "1 the public of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that he 1 imrchaso.d the stock of Drug, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Dye Stvffs, fcc, Pormerty owned by the late George Grnville, and tiut he will eoutinue the drug business, in all its branches, at the old stand, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STUEET. By giviug Btrict attention to bueinees, and selling 8 ods at reasonable prices, he hopea to merit a ehare "f ihe public paironage. l'atticular atteution will be paid to the comtin lintj and filling of Physxiana' Prescriptions by mpetént assistants. EMANUEL MANN. ini Atbor, March 25, 1878. EBERBACH & SON, Driüsts ai Plarmcists, 12 South Main St., Keep3 on hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFF8 MTS' &WAXFLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Articlcg, Trusges, Etc. PURE WINES AND IIQUQRS ■al attention paid to the furnifhing of Phy fcians, GheraiBtB, Schools, etc, with Pliiloaophica lud Cbemical Apparatuf, Bohemian Chemica Glaseware, Porcolain Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. Ptiysicians' preRorirtinjiB carefally prepared U Jipurs 1546


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