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The July Magazines

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The íollowing magazine exchanges have come to our table for July : Scribner's Monthly for July has in illustratec paperB : Bird Architecture, ii, by Thomas M. Brewer ; A Few Antiques, (irom the Loan Society of Decorativo Art) ; The Pólice of New York, by Ernest Iogersoll ; aud the Stiucture of Oxford, by Ausley Wilcox. There are five chapters- xl-xliv- -oï Edward Egglestou's serial Roxy, and Ilis Inherltance, by Adeline Trafton, is concluded. The lesaer storiea are : Pomona takea the Helm at Rudder Grauge, by Frank R. Stocktou, and Two Purse-Companions, by George Parsons Lathrop. Italy and the Pope, by Luigi Mouti, and Is ït Going to Rain 't by John Burroughs are both readable papera. In poetry we hare : The Price, by Mra. M. T. liutta ; Raindropa, a Love Song, by Mr8. H. D. White ; Weaving the Web, by Julia R. C. Don-, with several piocea in "Bric-a-Brac." In "Topics of the Times" Holland writes of Thin Living and Thick Dying, Too Much of it (that ia of the newspaper, the aermon, the play, and aocial life), and Culture aud Uhristianity. The other clepartmeuta are also well filled. Scribner A Co., New York. St. Nicholas is packed aa full of gooi thinga for boy and girl as its covers can hold : good tlnuga in picture, atory, verse, riddle, etc. We can ouly name a few of the papers : The Girl wlio Saved the General, by Charles H. Woodman, illu8trated by the f routispiece ; How the Weather ia Foretold, by Charles H. Flint . Too Many Birthdays, by Fanny M. Osborue ; The Yankee Boys that did not number Ten, by W. M. Bicknell, with silhouette illustratioiis, by L. Hopkina ; Birds and their Families, by Prof W. K. Brooks ; Sweeze Dodsou's First Indepoudence Day, by Mrs. M.H. W. Jaijuith ; aud A Boy's Experience with Tar Marbles, by C. S. N. Thore are two chapters (xvi and xvii) of MÍ88 Alcott's admirable story of Under the Lilaos, rivaling in intereat "Little Women," Miss Alcott'a first great success ; and chapters v-viii of Dab Kinzer, by Wm. O. Stoddard. Scribner A ArmítroDg, New York. The Nurtery has every page lilled witli tho choicest of pictures aud stories aud verse for the little folks. The priut is perfect and the child that has n't le&rued to read eau got the story froni the pictures. John L. Shorey Bottou. - AU the principal business men of Traverse City have signed an agreeuient not to handle, sell or dónate any kind of fireworks during the year. This is done to insure the greater safety of the town from Ure. - Mr. Hugh Belford, a prosperous armer living northeaBt frora Holly, was ;hrown froin his buggy in a runaway on the 17th and his skull fracturad 80 ;hat he died in four days after. - Hon. Henry Mason, of Bedford, Monroe county, died on the 13, aged 86. Ele was a veteran of the war of 1812, :iad been a resident of the town 44 years; lad füled various town offices, and once represented Monroe county in the Legslature. He left 27 grand ohildren aud I '.) great grand childreu. His faculties were remarkably preservad until within ;wo years of his death, during which ;ime he suffered froin softening of the Drain which finally ended his dayg. - Deer are reported plenty all over ;his section of the country, and the 'armera say they are destroying crops to sorue extent. They even come within a inile of the center of the city. - Alpena Arg-ws. - Lieut. Frank f. Avery, of Greenville, graduated at West Poiut Military Academy on the lOth, standing 25th in a class of 168 with which he started four years ago, 47 only of which coinpleted ,he course. The Oold water Light Guards have an excursión to Detroit July : by train to Vlonroe and steanier thence to their deswation. - Coldwater has a cigar box factory which employs an average of ld hands, and in the past six months manufactured 168,000 boxea. Spanish cedar is the material used. - The State is now furnishing conviot abor. from the Ionia Prison for the De;roit, Lansing and Northern Railroad Company at 30 cents per day. About 40 are working near Ionia on a gjade.


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