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DRUGS. H. A. Tremaine I k (Succr.iKors to lï. W. ELLIS & CO.J ANN AliBOll, MICH. A FIKST CLASS Drug Store, OBÏÏG8 AND DYE STUFFS, Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTÍCLE8 Prcscriptiona CozniiounClcU at A.11 Houis. Cor, Main and Huron0 1561 A Lot cf Chromos for Sale for H7( Thty Will ! WINSLOW & McMïLUH, Pictnres, Frames, Bratt, Etc., Etc., VIOLINS, GUITARS & ST1UXÍÍS. S3yScroll Saving, Taroingand General Itepaitioi douö on thort notioc. 'M) East Huron St., Aim Arbor. lfi8Mf __ DOBBfflSlTARCH ToLiSÏ! ;?ï: (HÖWDASpÈj A QREAT 3)1 SCOVEB.Y, By tlie ure of wbich evory faniily uiay gire iluir Linen that poltah peculiar to fine Iannrir wori iujf time and labor in ironing more thas lts i cost. Sold by grocers, or will bc sent, poBtagí a:d on receipt of 25 ceiite. DOSBIWS, BRO. ÓL CO., 13 N. Fourth St , FhUadelphli, Tftís ís the finest Liniment in the wor'J, tnd will po&itivcly cure in almost evcry cuk, Price $1.00 per lottle, JOHNSON, HOLLOWAT & CO, SJ'JiClAT, AGEXTS, .'i ■' ■ ítilade!lpMSí 2%i ía probabh the stroiwiai, purest and bcst prqparation of Iron known. One trial ivill convince-. 'Príce, $1.00 2cr bottle. JOHNSTON, flOLLÓ.WAT & CO. Bpeclal Agcnis, PMladclphia. DISPEPSIA Pcrmanently cured ík every instonce by tho EA&LE DYSPEPSIA TROCHES. They will immcdiately correct ft sour , síomach, check vomitinp and heartbum: cure sickness or pain m the stoniat1"costiveness, liver cotnplaint, lieaüadu'. etc. Being pleasant, safe and harmlea, are asure cure íor IufanU suflering irom weak stomach. Pricc, Tltirty-Five Cents per Box. EARLY BIRD WORM POlffDER. At all times safe, relinble, strictly vogotnhleand tutelas, used byoldand young with perfect safety, even whenwornisnre not present. Requires but üne dose 10 eflect a cure. Price, 15 Cents per PacJiage. Sold by all Drngglsto, or sent by Mail, on receipt of I"rice. NKBEKKli S CO., Pj-o)'.-'. Uth ind mnrertt S'.s., Phi'.adolpiia, P. ' FRICE, 38 CENTS. Jolinston, Holloway & o, Spooial Agenti, FhUad'A.


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