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JljUSINESS DIRECTORY. flÜFUS FLKMIX{, Attorney at Law, office ÍK over Ames' News Dspot, Ann Arbor, Micb. aÓÑaLD 31AULEAN, Af. IK, Physician aud ) gnrgeon. Oftice and residence, 71 Huron strect, irI1 Arbor. Office hours from 8 to 9 and from jito 3 p. m rrRS. SOPHIA VOLtAND, M. I)., Physi) ,iaii and Sorgeon. Oftice at refidence, 44 Aun Kjet Will altend to all professional calis promptir.dayornight. ■t-tr H. JACKSON, Dentist. Office coruor of W , Main and Washington Btreets, over Bach k "a atore, Aun Arbor, Mich. Ancsthetics adminileredif required. IJTACK & SCHMXD, dealere in Dry doods, J_ Orocerlee, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main íiret't nACH & VIÏEL, dealers in Dry öoods, Gron cenes, etc., No. 2(i South Main strect, Ann Kbor.Mich. UTM. WAGN 10 K, diaier iu Iteady-Made ClothV "'L Cloths, Cassimerce, Vestings, Trunks, BiTpet Bugs, etc, 21 South Main street. 0" " se HA KBERUK, Teacher of the Plano-forte. , Papils Utain the deeired skill in piano-playBig by a systcinatic coursc of instruetion. ïor onfl, apply ut residence, No. 12 W. Liberty street, innArbur. Prompt attcntion paid to piano-tuuiug. KAT IK J. JÏOGERS, Portrait Paintcr. PortraitB paiuted tü order ei t lier from Ufe or )}o-Goftpbf' lustruclions giren ín Drawing aud raiutini; by the systcm usett in Academies of Deju. Studio, No. 7, cor. División and Ann streeta. jTd. hartley, m. d., AND MUS. SOPHIA HARTLE1Y, M. D., GEKMAN AND ENQLISH PHYSICIANS AND SURCEONS. Office and rosidence, No. 18 Thompson, corner of Thompson and William streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. jlrs. Dr. Hartley will limit her practice to the treataeatof difleases peculiar to Ladies aud Childrcu. MISS MANTIE M. MILNER, TEACHER OF THE PIANO. lu'truction givcn at the residence of the pupil if For terina inquire at residence, No. 48 South State rcet. 1614 EUGENE K. FRÜEAUFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AN'D JUSTICB OP THE PEACE. All business promptly attendert to. Oflice Ko. 8 UÁ Washingtoxi street, liinscy & Seabolt'a block. NOAH W. CHÈËVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. nffico cast eiie of Conrt House Sonare, Ann Irber, Hicli. JOHN L. BURLEIGH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, No. 24 Bank Block, second floor, ANN ASBOB, - - MICHIGAN. HENRY R. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Dealer in Keal Estáte. ■es, No. 3 Oaera Honse Block, ANN ARBOE. EVERYBODY SAYS THAT REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 East Hurón Street, up-stairs. J. H. NICKELS, Dealer in ffiESH & SALT MEATS, Hains, Sausaijrs, Iirtí, etc., ilirE STÜEET, OrPOSITE NORTHWEST COENEE OF UNIVEESITY CAMPUS. Order irnmiitly filled. Farmers having meats ■ !l Bhould giye him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN ARBOE SAVINGS BANK -nn Arbor, 3licliiga,n.. Capital paid in % 50,000.00 Upital secnrJty 100,000.00 Enpsacta a general Banking Bueiuees ; buys and - Rxchange on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; A siht Drafts on all the principal citics of hope; also, cll Passage Tickets to Liverpool, pftbm and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Steam■-:, vlnse rates are lower than moet other firBttUfH 1ÜJ08. ftta Bank, already having a Jarge busineee, in■ merch&ats and others to open accounts with kca, with the assurancc of tue most liberal dcaling Htteaf with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest is paid at the te of jive per cent. per aniuim, payable semi-any, on Uie first days of January aud July,on all anus that have remained on depoeit three months boa ui those days, thua aCfording the people of m etty and coimty a perfectly safe depository for eir funde, together "vith a fair return in inter uae. M-nny to Loan on Approvecl Securilies. ;'i' roBS- ChrJstian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. D mm ni, Daniel Hlsoook, R. A. Beal, Wm. üoubel, m ffülard B. ijniith. OFFIOEES : N MACK, V. W. WINES, Presiderit. Vice President CHAS. E. HldCOCK, Cashier. A CAKB. 1 ü os lerfogned respectfully informs lus friends, JJ ifee public of Ann Arbor aud vieinity, that he 8 porchased the stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articlcs, Dye Stuffs, &c. ■ ■ owned bythe late George Örenville, and continue the drug business, iu all its . :it the old stand, KO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STUKET. Bj gtvlng strict attention to bUHlness, aud aelling '- at reasonable prices,he hopes to merit a share lic patronage. ■" Particular attentíon wííl be paid to the comf!d filting of Physlcians' Prescriptiona by Dl Bssistants. EMANUEL MANN. jgn Arbor, March 25, 1878. EBERBACH & SON, hilisls and Pliarmacists, 12 South Main St., : i;!' ob band a largo and wcll selected stock oí öbugs, medicines, chemicals, dye stuffs ■ITISTS' & WAÏ FLOWER KATERIALS Toilet Articles, Trusges, KIe. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS v! ' ' ia] :iitention paid to the furnishing of Phv ibemiets, Schools, etc, with Pliilosophica i al Apparatus, Bohemian Chemica :'orlaiu Ware, Pure ReagentB, etc. is' nrescriptions csrefully urepared t vm


Old News
Michigan Argus