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- Pattison, of the ïpsilanti Vommerciat, i a thoroughly consistent protectionist, Oppo sing au additional appropriation for the een tral school building he says : " If, however an appropriation of several thousand dollars i thought by the tax-payers wise and judicious make it a condition that the job ehall be so let as to coinpel the employment of Ypsilant laborers. Let our workingmen, artisans anc mechanics reap tho advantage." Just how he can make a careful contractor bind himself to employ home mechanics, etc, is more than we eau see, - unless such mechanics and laborers will be willing to stipulate their wagea in advance, and as the basis, of bids. - The Lansing Reptiblican : " People in somo parts of the State are complaining that eounterfeit bilis are in circulation on the Firat National Bank oi Philadelphia." An honest mouey man might consisteutly ünd fault, but an ivredeeniabie inñationist, a believer in " fíat money," iñude of tho cheapest material, ought to think God and pray for more. üld Stephen Burroughs claimed the counterteiter as a public benefactor, and E. P. Allis, Greenback candidate tor Govoruor of Wisconsiu in 187(, muintained substantially the same doctrine. - Eight years ago Charles M. Clark, a saloon keeper at White Pigeon, was tried, convicted, and sentenced to priBOn for 14 years, on a charge of assault with inteut to kill his wite. Now his pardon is being petitioned for, and one of the couditions sought to be imposed is teat he " leave and keep out of the State." If Clark has not so reformed as to make him fit and worthy to reside in Michigan why should GoV. Croswell inflict him upon a neighboriug State ? That's the conundrum we are moved to propouud. - Farm labor has been in great demand since haying commenced, and harvest hands have been commanding trom $2.00 to f3.00 a day. Yet the tramps go trampiug on, begging aml stealiug, sleeping in fence corners and barns, but refusing to work. Our Bympatlnos go out fieely to the mechanic out of work and trilling to take it at even the lowest price, and to the honest and willing day-laborer wlio fails to get steady employment, but to the chronic tramp uever. - Sundi'y Democrats in different sections of the State - editors, would-be editora, prospect.ive candidatea, etc. - who commenced to codille the rag baby in auticipation that the Democratie State Couventiou would turn the party into a wet nurse are disgusted at the result, aud are sweating their brains in an attempt to forget their foolish wauderings. Better that thau to have succeeded iu setting up a Democratic-greeuback side-show. - Tiie Manchester Enterprise says : "When we look over the statement ol' the People's Bank of Manchester, and find that the deposits are now largor than at any period since the organization of the bank. we are not led to believe that mouey is scarce." All through the country the bank statements teil the same story, but what do the greeubackers care for such facts ? Theory ís their " best holt." Tlie lonia Standard having reported Judge Cooley as saying of the Democratie ticket, " It is the cleanest and best ticket in the field," the Lausing Reptiblican makes haste to brand the statement as " Democratie Lie No. 1," and frantically calis upon the Republican presa of the State to aid in " nailing" it. Why such fear and trembling ? - Hon. Edwin Wilüts was in our city on ilouilay : aud uow the disappointed aspirants for the postoftice probably know what moved him to turn several cold shoulders in their direction and to reeommeud the reappoiutment of Mr. Clark. - According to the prediction of Prof. Tice Tuesday, July 16, was (to be) the hottest day of the century, but Wednesday's heat beat the " hottest day " by several degrees - " It is Heury Ward Beecher hit": that is the measure one of the writers on the St. Louis Globe-Democrat applies to the weather. Expressive, very !


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