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Tbc Orange Society (lifters from nearly all other secret associations in this, that it has no literatura which can be. distiuctively called its own. lts history Las vet to be written. The state papers in England and in Canada contain much valuabic information concerning the order, and the part it has played since its organization. Theannualreports of the various grond and subordínate lodgcs aro filled with statistical intelligence that, in the hands of a judicious compiler, could be used to advantage in giving to the world the history of a body who8e shibboleth is an event which happened nearly 190 years ago - the battle of the Boyne. William III. arrived at Torbay, Devoushire, England, Nov. 5, 1688. His flagship bore the arms of NasBau quartered with those of England, and on the banner was inscribed, "The Protestant religión and the liberties of England I will maintain. " His arri al was received with great joy by those who professed the Episcopal faith, and even the dissenters were not averse to his coming. An Exeter, on the 21st of the same month, was formed the first Orange organization. The declaration of principies vas drawn up by Bishop Burnei, whose histories of the reformation and " His Own Time" are to be found in almost every private and public library. The siguers pledged themselves to defend and support William, Prince of Orange, in upholding the Protestant religión. Tl is combination was called "The Orango Confederation. " After the Battle of the Boyne, which was fought July 12, 1690, and tne snbf,cquciit surrender of Limeriik - Jarnes II. having in the meantime fled to j France - the Irish Protestants in the North formed societies to perpetúate the remembrance of the Prince of Orange, who had done so much for them. In Dublin was organized a society, known as the "Aldermenof Skinner's Alley," purely a local affair, being conñned to the Protestant freemen and freeholders of the city. Londonderry followed next with the " 'Prentice Boys," and shortly afterwards Enniskillen turned up with the "Boyne Society." The last mentioned had auxiliary branohes. It was extended throughout the country as a nieans of self-protection against an alleged guerrilla party, known as " The Rapparees," who were charged with midnight assassinations, burning of buildings, and destruction of property. The "Rapparees" were the unconquered few who would not acknowledge English supremaey. Dnring the years intervening between 1740 and 1750 a vast number of associationa similiar to the "Boyne" were formed in various parts of England. Nine years later there were frequent uprisings in Ireland, partieulaily in the southern counties. The insurgents were dressed in white sheets - whence the name ""White Boys" - and armed with guns, pikes, and pistols, and they made it very warm for Euglish settlers and those who sympathized with them. In Tipperary the natives were organized against the Sassenachs, as the Saxons and foreigners were termed, and bore the ñames of "Levelers," "White Boys," and "Rapparees." The "Hearts of Oak" appeared in Ulster in 1763. They were put down temporarily by the auHiorities, and reappoared as "Hearts of Steel." In Munster another guerrilla party was known as the " Right Eoys," and in the North another body bore the name of " Defenders." In 1701 was organized the society of "United Irishmi'D," with headquarters in Dublin. By the Protestants it was pronounced a treasonable institution, and an intecded muster and parade on Dec. 9, 1791, was frustrated only by royal proclamation. But to go back for a moment. The "Defender" and the '"Peep of Day" ovganizations got fairly under way in 1784. The former were exclusively Romanists, and the latter Presbyterians of decidedly republican proclivities, who were anxious to sever all connection with England and establish a democratie form of government. All these native Irish movements of course gave an Ímpetus to the Boyne Society that it would not otherwise have achieved. Noblemen nd proprietors of landed estates lent their influence to, and openly encouraged its extensión. George II. openly supported it, and pronounced it the great mainstay of the church and Enghsh connection in Ireland. Commencing in 1776, the Protestants in the South of Ireland began the formation of' the Boyne societies, and shortly afterwards thej were arrued and paid by the Government. The counties of Cork, Clare, Galway, Kerry, Limerick, and Waterford were overrun with "White Boys" and "Peep of Day-ers," and so mimerous were the depredations that the people wero afraid to sleep. The Boyne societios wero called by different uames - "Truc Blues," "Blazers," "Williamites," "Britons," and "Invincibies." In the fall of 1795, an incursión was made against the Protestants settled in Teutaraghan, County Arniagh. and they were obliged to flee to the hills, where a c'esultory warfare was kept np for three or four days. At its conclusión a deputation of priests called upon the local magistrates and gave assurances of their desire to restore quiet and tranquillity. The magistrates had sent for military aid, but, relying on the representalions made by the priests, withdrew the request for help. After some further consultation it was agrecd to bury thehatchet, each party entering into bonds to keep the peace. This agreement, like pie-erast, was designed to be. broken. Three days later, Sept. 21, 1795, an atiack was made on an English Protestant settlement, known as the "Diamond," a small villago near the line betwi en the eonnties of Armagh and Tyrono. The "White Boys " suffered an inglorious defeat. Erom the evcning of the Battle of the Diamond, as it is eilled, dates the existence of the lirst Orange lodge, and its metnbership was restricted to communicauts of the Church of EDgland. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1820 the British Parliament passed an act probibiting the existence of any political organization. This was a scrious blow to Orangeism. The Duke of York liad been eleoted Grand Master of the Grand Lodgo, of England, and tho unfriendly proKH made good use of their opportunity. A I'arliamentary investigation was ordered, which established he faot that a royal relation had refused to join the order unlil it hai purged itb "If of some oatliK iiud oblifrations which woro regard cd as an inl'raetion of tfce law. The Duke of York resigned in 1821, and there was a vaeaucy in the office of Grand Master until 1827, when the Duke of Cumberland wns electcd. Then bogan a revival in tho order. For nearly half a oentnry Orangeism has been one of the institutions of Canada. The Oraugo Society is increasing in strength every day. There are now 1,660 lodges, of whioh about 1,250 are in Ontario or Upper Canada, in activo operntion, with a united membership of nearly 200,000. As the popuktion of the Dominion in notoTer 1,000,000, thero is one for about each tweuWinhabitants, includiug women and childreu.


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