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Marble Works ! - OFANTON E1SELË, Corner Detroit & Calharine Sta. - DEAI.EKS IX - Moiiuments AGrayestones Manufacturad of Foreigu and American ORANITE and MARIiLE. CUT BUILDING AND ARTIFICIAL ST0NE Manufacturad ou short notice. Priees low nad work warranted togive satisfaction. 1680yl MK. 31. GOLDMAN, Wishes to state that ht: is now loeated at No. 170 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, where can al vaya bfl fouad a fu 11 and cúmplete stock of HUMAN HAIR GOODS, of all cleacriptions, to wliich the atteution of the ladies is eapcci;Uly invited. 43F Combtnga rooted and worked up in evöry style, by a new and superior procss, for 50 cents ]nïr imnce. Ladies' and gentB wigs made to order on liort notice. Orders by muil Bollctted mul wMI reccivo prompi attention. Ladies' and gents' c$st oflf gavnicntü and wearing apparel taken in exebange. My Motto: SfttlsfiloUon in prtco and quality or no pay, M. GOLDMAN, 170 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. N. B. - Mr. Goldman has had unlimitod oxporienee in the human hair buaiuess for over lfi years. GIVE TIBÍ A TRIAL. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAK KA RN E D ! NEW GOOD3! And pnces LOWEli TIIAN KVER. I llave purchnaed in New York, for c:ish, und I am dow dnily receivinL ono of the lavgest and DUHt aelect stocks ot' GrocericB in Washteüuw County, conaisting of a full iind well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop- iucluding (iiiupauilurs, Iinperinls, Vuuiig IINons, II) suüs, Jajiuns, Ooloiig;, t'urmotai) Coaiuiüt, Som lionas, Tivniikii} h, Togctherwifh a ruil line of 0OF-PBK8, coasielng of the followiag brand: MOCHA, OLÍ) QOVT JAVA.MAUACAIBO, LAGUAYRE.SANTOB and ULO, buth roasted jmd tjround ; a íull and vrell selected stock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSËS, Together witb everytbinir in the line cf Pute Spices, Canned btiits. and Vegetables. Wo li;ne a full and fumjil-'l" line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, G LO YES And üosiory. .ainu, u ohoioe aasoHmeat of Lidia-' i nd Gentlemen'B Uudcrwenr :ill and examine Qoods und Prima auil we wiil Inxure latiafaotion. ! EDWARD DXTFFT, " Muynurd'e lilocic, oor. Halo nnd Aun streeta ' Arm Arbor, Micb. Í ■arHiL'heRt eufth prioe pnid for all farm produce, ÖI I


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