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Democratic State Ticket

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For (Jovernor - OULANDO M. AUNES, of Ingham. For Lieutcnant-CoviTiior - ALFRK1) P. fSWlNKFOHl), of Marquette. For Secretary of State- QEOBOE H. MUEDOCH, of Berrien. For 8tate Troasurer- ALEXANDER MoFARLAK, of Uenrso. For Auditor-Genend - VM. X. B. 8CHERMERHORN, of Lena wee. For AUoriiey-üenoral - ALLEN B. MORSE, of lonla. For ('ominbïsioner of tbc state Land Offico - QEOBOE H, T.OKD, oí By. For Superintendent of Pabilo Intruetion - ZELOTES TRUESDEL. of Oakltnd. Por Memoer of the State Board of Educatlon- EDWIN 1'. l"lll„ of Kent. TlIE Masou County Kepublioau Congressional delegates (Niuth district) havo been instructed to vota for D. L. Filer, " first laat and all the timo :" which looks us though the Mason Republicans think three terrns enough for Hobbell. At tub Republican Congressional Conention held at Adrián on Thursday lust, Hon. Edwin Willits, of Monroe, present ineuiber, was unanimously nominated tor u socond term. Aud now ttiis district will be flooded with tbat speech on the rebel claims. Tbat will be his " trutup card." The Iiepublican SUte Central Comuiittee bas nominated Cornelius A. üower, now Superintondeut of the Saginaw City Schools, for Superintendent of Public Instruction, rice II. S. Tarbell, withdrawn. Mr. Gower gradiiated from the Univorsity in 1867, and bas since won the reputation of being both a good teacher and school superintendent. Democratic Congressional Conventions are called to be held in tliis State as follows : First district, at Dearborn, August 17 ; Secoud district, at Adriun, to-day ; Fourth district, at Nilos, Aug. 6 ; Sixth district, at üwosso, August 20; Ninth district, at Sault Ste Marie, September 4. The Third district convention was held at Eaton Rupids yesterday. Fifth and Seventh not yet called. The Nhtional-Greenback-Labor party of New York having promulgated a platform which " (iemands tho adoption of land liruitation laws," wouldn't it be weü for those farmers in tuis county and State, owners of broad acres, monopolizers of tho soil, who have attaohed theruselves to the National-Grcenback party, to institute an inquiry, with a view to learning to just what number of acres their farms are to be scaled. Julius CjUsar Burrows, of the "big village," the "Columbian orator" of the West, has succeeded in pushing Judge Keightley from the track and getting himsolf noininated for Congross. liurrows has been elected once, beaten once, (by Potter), and yet is n't satisliod. Keightley's friends don't relish his defeat, holding that party precedent entitled him to a renoinination. Perbaps they will pocket the insult and perhaps they won't. ■ i i i -t t m If A GOVERNMENT Can makn something out of uothing, can convert ft promise to pay a dollar into tho dollar itself, by a mere declaration of law, why have any more poor houses, why have any more taxation, why havo auy more blistered hands and aching limlis? Let every c.itizen be given his bundie of greenbacks on regularly returning days, or as often as his necessities may require, and let toil and distress and poverty to the dogs or soine other place. The ouly wonder is that the panacea has not been discovered before this last quarter of tlie nineteenth century. A lot of slow coaches and ignorant finanoiers our forefathers have been. At tbe Damocratic convention (Second Representative District) held in this city on Tuesday, Messrs. George Sutton C. D, Colman, James Boyd, and John" L. Burleigh were appointed delegates to the Congressional Convontion to be held at Adrián to-day. The convention was sliinly attended, three townBhips being entirely unropresented. - At the Third district convention held at Chelsea, also on Tuesday, the followiug delegates were elected : C. H. Gregory, J. D. Corey, Andrcw Greening, Timothy McKune. - At the Firat district convention held at Ypsilanti on the same day, tho delegates elected were C. R. Whitman, S. H. Dodge, A. K. Clark, and M. Webb. Will the Register indulgo us with the sourco of the information on which it charges that tbe Democratic caudidate for "State Superintendent of Schools" meaning, we presume, Superintendent of Public Instruction - is a " real estáte and collection agent "'r1 We had supposed that we had a personal acquaiutance with Mr. Trucsdel, and from such personal acquaiutance, covering a poriod of more than tweuty years, we should have said that during all that time he had been a practical teacher : not only a practical olie, but an unusually popular one. At present he is Superintendent of the Pontiac public schools, and will certainly bo surprisöd to learn that he is a " real estáte and collaction agent." In 1870 the Democracy of Michigan incorpoiated this plank in its platform : I.i:ivin;r (lfitiiils to legislators, wo ronssert tlmt coin s tlie ouly moiicy rccouized by the Democratic party aa wanunted unJer the coustitution. And the Dumocracy of Uib nation, couvened at St. IjOuís, made this bold and manly declaration : We denounce the fjtilure for nll those eleven yeurs oï peace, to uiake ííooiJ the promise of the leal tender nutfís, which aru it u changiní! standard of valué iií the hands of the people, and a non-puyinont of which is a disï.itnt of the plihted faith of the nation. Aud this year comes again thu Michigan Democracy and reiterates tho same sentiment : We declare that gold and silver coin is the monoy of the ConHtitution, aud all papar curruncy HhmiM he convertible into such coin at the will ot tlie holder. There can be no mistaking the consistent, oontinued, honest sentiment of the Domocracy of Michigan. It has been and now is opposed to a paper curreucy that is not convertiblo into coin at the pleasure of the holder. WHEN TUE GBEBNBAOK diseaso has fairly captured a man, reason and coinmon seuse seem to take their departuro. As an exaruple we have the scholarly editor of tho Battle Creek Juuriuil (üeorgo Willard) luaintaining that a "convertible currency" is undesirable ; that a doublé standard - gold and silver coin of unequal value - is to bo preferred to a single standard of value ; and that a paper eurrency ueed not necessarily be ot' the sama valuó as gold or silver, or convertiblo into eithor. He saya : "ïhoso who advocate tho uso of a paper currency at all times convertible into coin, should bcar in min. i that they siuiply support a doctrine which practically gives the creditor his option of the kind of money which he shall dcniand in tho dischargo of a debt." Again : "By having a doublé standard established, by which either tho gold dollar of 25.8 grains, or tho silver dollar of 412.5 grains, is equally recognizod as the unit of value, the debtor retains tbe option which would otherwise go to the creditor." Once more : "Just so in the uso of tho triple standard of paper, silver, and gold, - these three kinds of money need not be convertible." And finally : "Convertibility is the creditor's option ; ineonvuttibility is the debtor's option ; if there must be fluctuations in tho relativo value of money standards it is easy to see which is properly entitlod to the choice of the standard in which obligations shall be discharged. The doublé coin standard gives it to the debtor as far as coin is concerned, and there is no good reason why government should not require the papor money circulation to come under the same general policy." Will the Journal please to toll us how the debtor is to conimand his choice of three kinds ot unequal and inconvertible money ? If he is to manufacture it he can coin or print the cheapest and poorest article ; but if he is to procure it by selling grain or goods, lands or houses, horses or cattle, shoop or wool, or any product of the farm or workshop, or his bone and muscle in tho shape of a day'si or week's, or month's, or year's labor, the option will not be his: he will be compelled to take the coin or currency which is the cheapest. A debtor is not and never will be master of the situation, and he can only stand on an equality with the creditor when gold and silver and paper ar absolutely of tho same valuó, and the ono convertible into the other at par. If the debtor making a sale of products to raise money to pay a raortgage on his farm, or take up a note, could require the purchaser to pay him in the best of three kinds of money, then sell that at a premium and pfty his creditor in the poorest, then " the debtor's option ' Bro. Willard talks about would be worth something. If the luechnnic or day laborer could demand his week's wages in gold -that at the time being tho highest pricod money - and tuin round and purchase silver or paper, whichever was tho chcapest, with which ;o pay his debts, then this new found privilege, " the debtor's option," would open a new way to turn an hone.t penny. 13ut firo. Willard knowa that the laborer, the inechanic, the farmer, the trader- whether debtor, creditor, or ust square with tho world - hasno suoh option. The poorest "legal tender" in existence will bo the money of all ordinary transactions. Coin at a premium - or paper if paper be better than coin - will be witbdrawn from circulation, cannot be deinanded by "tho dubtor" seeking money with which to pay his debts, and will not be voluntarily paid to him. An inconvertible curreucy is robbery of thepoor: that and nothing elso. The advocates of an irredecmable greenback currency or " tiat " money are frequently heard to say that it is the stamp of the Government which gives value to the gold or ulver coin, and that paper hearing the same stamp is intrinsically as valuable as the coin. One favorito illustration is this : Taiing a new legal-tender silver dollar and a trade dollar, the enthusiastic advocate of "stamp" values says, " now tiere is a 412.5 grain dollar and a 420 rain dollar, - the fitst 8 a legal tender and thereforo one hundred cents, the second, with 7.5 more grains of silver is worth but 90 cents beoause tho Government stamp doesn't make it a legal tender." Let tho believer in this doctrine take fifty or a hundred of tho lojal-tonder dollars and the same number of the trade dollars, cross the ferry from Datroit to Windsor, and soe which ho will find worth the most when he buys a Canada pony or any other artiole. Over there that " stamp " will givo the coin no fletitious value and he will gut the worth of the metal and no more. Or let him take tho samo lot of dollars - so called - and go into a home jeweler's to get silver spoons or ware uianufactured and he will find that that stamp is a cheat and a delusion. Congress, by the exercise, or stretch, of sovereign powor, defrauda the peoplo and compels them to take the dollar of tho least valuo at par, while the other, being a commodity, sells for ita rottl market value. It may do the same by greenbacks, but as they deprecíate in value, goods, waros, merchandise, and products of all kinds will correspondingly inereaso in price. Congress may stamp a piece of paper a dollar, but it cannot fix the prico of anything to be bought with that piece of paper, or with ita stamped silver which does not come up in valuo to the stamp impressed upon it. Frunce tried that experiment once and made a terriblo failure of it. If THE Ahqus basa single reader who is inclined to the "fiat" or "absolute money " herosy, we invite him to carefully road the history of the French Assignat, as told by President White, of Cornell, formerly Professor of History in tho Univorsity of Michigan, re-publication of which is couimeuced on the fourth page of this issue. Sensible men ought to know that more paper money would not even give us a tíctitious appearance of prosperity. Peaee greunbacks would not stimulate business - they would paralyzw it. - Cincinati Ccrmmercvil.


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