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DRUGS H. A. Tremaine & Go. (Succaisors to B. W. ELLIS & CO.) AM AltBOll, MICH. A FIRST CLASS Drug Store. DRUGS AND DYE STÜFFS, Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTiGLES PrescriptioriH Coinpourxcled ut -A.11 Hours. Cor. Main and Huronc.s isea A Lot rf Ghromns for S'ale Jor Whai Thty WiU Bring ! WINSLOW & ' McMILLAN, Piclnres, Frames, BracRets, Etc., Etc., VIOLIJiS, (JUITARS & STBIXiS. ty Scroll Savinft, Turning nd G9ncral K?pairiDj done on short noüce. 30 East Huron St., Ann Arbor. lWótf _ B0BBI1' STARCH POLiSH! ■' _ (HÖWDA SHÜÍ ] A OREAT BZ SCOVERY, ]ïy the ufc of wbich evory íamilj" may j-; ï Lioen that'polieh peculiar to line lamulry -worV. earing time and labor in ironing more than its f-niire coöt. Sold by grocers, or will be Keilt, poatatif vaid on receipt of 25 cents. DOBBIN S, ERO. ÓL CO., 13 N. Fonrth St., Fhiladelphta. This 13 the finesl Liniment in te worti, tnd will posilivdy cure ín almost cvenj cast. Frico $1.00 par bottle. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAT & CO, a rvciA t, a o exts, llm is próbahly ihe strongtA puresi and test prcparalion of '" known. One trial loili comineel'ricc, SI. 00 per bottle. JÓÉNSTÖN, H0LL0WAY & 00, Special AkoíUs, PMladelphia. DYSPEPSIA Permauently cured iu Overy instance EA&LE DYSPEPSIA TROCHES, They will immediatcly correct n sor ] f-tomach, check vomitin and heartbum: cure sickness or pain in the Btomawi costiveness, liver cornpltünt. headacnei etc. Being pleasant, safe aiul hannli ■ are asure cure for Infants suffering ftOO weak stomach. Price, Thirty-Fïve Cents per Box. EARLY BIRD WORM PO1ATDEB. At all times safe, reliablc. strictly '■l'?':" table and tastclcss. used by old and young with perfect safoiy.ovmwlu'n ornis are not present. Kequires but Ana uoïc '.o effect a cure. Price, IS Cents per Paclwge. Sold by all Drupgists, or sent by Ma"1. on rcceipt of Price. ÑEBEKER CO., Frop'Itüai aiswcrth Sis., PUladelpU, Pk '' TRICE, 35 CENTS. Jolinsion, Ilolloway & Co., Spootal Agent,


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