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- The annual reunión of tho Eighteentli Michigan Infantry will bo held at Ilillsdalö, August 28. - .Mrs. Peter Hacket, of Ion ia, has brought suit tor libol againat Daniel B. Dixon, laying damages ut $10,000. - The iirst patiënt received at the new Pontiac insano asylum was Mra. S. V. Wardon, of Unadilla, Livingston county. - The Agricultural College reporta a yield of wheat froin field No. 10- number of acros not given - of .'50 bushela per acre. The State Treasury had $533,107 July lat; received during July, $210,888 ; paid out $184,918, and had ou hand August lst, $559,127. - The reunión of the Twenty-second Michigan lufantry will be hold at South Lyon, August 28, An oration will be given by Col. John Atkinsüii, of Detroit. - Burglara attempted to blow open the safe in Wiltcersoii's mili at Dundcte on the 2d, but only succeeded in breaking off a piece of the outer shell of the door. - Tbere were 808 convicta in the State Prison August 1, six less than the inonth previous, 25 being received during July and 30 discharged, one by death. - Prof. E. J. McBwen, of Kalamazoo, bas been teuderad the Presideuoy of Colby acaduiny, au important and well endowed institution located near Concord, N. H. - N. Slaght, a luiuberman of Montcalui county, as iaat as he cloars his land of pine, proceeds to prepare it lor agricultural purposes. The stuniping and grubbiug cost hini $11 per acre. - A galt well is to be sunk at Midland to test the queistion whethor salt can be obtained there. The citizens raise $1,500, and Larkin & Patiick furnish the balance neoded, probably $2,000. - Suit bs been ooinoienced ia tho Wayne Circuit Court, by AttorneyGeneral Kirchner, in behalf of the State, to recover about $1,000,000 arrears of specifio taxes alleged to be due i'roiu the Michigan Southern llailroad Company., - Mra Farrow, of Pipestone township, Berrien county, has boen teuiporarily insano, and wandered away trom her home Suuday morning, and was found Monday morning at 9 o'clock hanging by the neck to a tree, stone dead. - Mr. M. W. Ferris, of Jackson, has made arrangement with Mrs. KiceKnox to givu a serieB of eoncerts in Michigan soon. She will be assiatod by her sister, Mrs. Maria Rice Cook, Miss Cora E. Ferris, Prof. Louis F. Buos and Prof. J. S. Haua. - Mrs. Catharino Whipple, of Henrietta, a widow of 52, and of 2uO pounds weight, worked the entire day during the hot Wednesday, in loading and unloading wheat, after disposing of two loads of hay in the morning. -Mra. E C. Ward, of Bay City, died on the 2d after an illness of only a few minutes froin hum t disease, and in the evening her mother, aged 87, also died from the shock occasioned by the sudden death of her daughter. - Mrs. Ada Bennett, of Urrand Rapids, has a girl baby, just born, thai weighs only one pound, and seems well. The inothvr is a siuall wonmn, but the futher is a good-sized man. They have one other obild, a boy three years old, who weighed when born 9 14 pouuda. - The Flint Woolen Mills have just beeu awarded the contract tbr furniahing the Keform School at Lanaing with the eloth for the boy's clothing. The cloth is to be a 12 ounce cassiiuere, and thero are to be 1,200 to 1,500 yards, with the privilege ol more, provided the State noeds it. - An incendiary attempt was made during Sunday night last to burn the rosidence of Hon. J. H. McGowan, at Coldwater, and during Tuesday afternoon the farm houso of Hon. Jo'iu II. Jones, of Quincy, uear Coldwater, waa set on iiro. The iire was discovered and extinguishod beforu much damage was done. - Fattening fish for tnarket is a new industry, and Sturgeon pond ou the north side of Port Shermau is a cuiiosity. Several hundred sturgeon, some weigbing 100 and 150 pounds, can be seeu from tlie banksof the pond. Quito a trade in this line is being carried on by the fisheriuon at the Port. They catch them in Lake Michigan duriug the iishing aeasou, and take them to this pond and fatten them on the refuse of other fish. In the fall they are taken and salted down in barrels and shipped to easteru markets. Persons visiting the mouth ahould not fail to seo the bigiiah in this pond. - iluskegon Journal.


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