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DRUGS. E A. Tremame & Co. (SucccjBors to R. W. ELLIS & CO.) ANN ARBOR, MICII. A FIEST CLASS Drug Store. DRUGS AND DYB STUFFB, Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTICLES JPitjscriptions CoitxunUed ;it AAI Hours. Cor. Main and Huroo 1661 A Lot cf Chromos for &'ale for What Thty Wiil Bring ! WINSLOW & McMILLAN, Pites, Fries, Brtts, KIe., Etc, VIOLIXS, GUITAKS & STBINtiS. pyScroll Siwirp, Tm'ning and General RpairÍDg dono on thort notico. 30 East Hurón St.5 Ann Arbon 168jtf D0BBÍÍ"STÁECÍ70LiSfi"! ij A GREAT 3)1 SCOVBKY, By the ufe öf wbtch cvery famllymaj 'ïfi Üwfr Linón Ihat polJáb ptculiar to fine 1 aun dry wort, i-avius time and labor in ironing more tban its cntire coet. Sold ly grocera, or will be eout, postsge paid on receipt of 25 cents. aoBBiitfs, sao. & co., 13 N. Fourth St , Phlladelpbte ' ' ' 1 V ' ■ VS 77tí5 ?s rte ƒ Mfsi Lir.iment in the worll, tnd toill positivchj cure in almosl every case. Trice $1.00 par lottlc, JOHNSON, EOLLOWAY & CO, srEciA e a f: K.vrs, ThiladeljpJiio 27iü is probabh the itronged, purcst and brut preparate n : f Iron One trial Viill convincePricc, SI. 00 per bottle. JOÏÏHRTON, H0LL0WAY & CO. Special Agenta, Fhilai'.clphia. I DYSPÊPSÏA Permanently cured 'm. every inslauce by tlie EAGLE DISPEPSIA TROCHES, Thcy will immediately correct a sonr . siomach, check vomitinp and heartburn; oure sickness or pain in the stomach, costiveness, liver complaint, hcadaohe. etc. Being pleasant, safe and harmless, are a sure cure for Infants suffering from weak stoniach. Price, Thirty-Five Cents per Box. EARLY BIRD WORM POWDEB. At all times safe, relinljle. ftrictly vegetable and tastelem, used by old and young willi perfect safety.cven when worms are not present. Requircs but one dose w effect a cure. Trice, ÍS Cents per Paeiage. Sold by all Draggists, or sent by Maft on rceeipt of tiee. yjSBEKEIi éb CO., Prop'12 ai EUsworth Sta., Phüadelphia, Pa. ■' pniCE, 35 CE?rrs. Joünston, Llolloway ft Oo-t Special Agent, f hiJsct':


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