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- The Wyandotto silver sruolting works shipped f45,000 worth of bullion to New York lust week. - The Michigan Central B. li. Co. will give $1,000 to get its clutches on the man who put a rail aeross the track at Yan Hora a few nights - Footpads atteinpted to rob 11. P. Seldon, noar Stanton a few nights ago. He is a railroad contractor, and was supposed to have plenty of money about him. He drove over the robbers and was tired at several times. - S. F. Turner, formerly of Paw Paw, but who went to California in 1852, was recently killed by the caving iu of a California mine. - The St. Jo8eph couuty pioneerg meet at Centervillo on tho 21st, at 10.30 A. M. Dr. Wm. Mottram, of Kalamazoo, delivers tho address. - Richard Farmer, aged 1G, of Pipestoue Berrien County, was kickcd by a horae, on tho 7th, and so bad) y injured tbat he died the next day. - The Rev. C. Simpson, of -Davis, Macotub county, was kicked in oue eye a horse last woek, and will probably lose its sight. - Mrs. Bishop E. Andrews, of Three Rivera, was adruitted to the bar by the St. Joseph Circuit last week, aftcr due exainination. - The new insaue asyluui at Pontiac already has 223 patiënte, of whoin 112 males and 103 feuiales were transt'erred from Kalamazoo. - Frank Tornar, of Spriugville, Leuawee oounty, aged 19, was drownod on tho llth, whila bathing in Clark's Lako, about five miles west of Brooklyn. - Miss Ida A. Freemau, of Otsego, who has successfully filled au important position in the Grand Haven schools for four years, has beeu appointod to give lessons in practical teaching at the Michigan Stato Normal, at a salary of $ótiO. - A uiau uauicd Wui Vjiughu was found dead in his ohaic iu Mason last week. He had beeu recently arrested for threateuing to kill his wift', and had beeu released. His wife took her two youugest children and weut to her former home in Jackson county, U'aviug the oldest child, a boy of six, with his father. Heart disease is believed to be the cause of Vaughn"s death. - It is rumoied that tbe In.iiiua Railroad Company inteuds layiug a track from Shelbyville, a point ou its liue 10 miles north of Plainwell, to that beautiful sheet of water lyiiig five miles east, Gun Lake. This body of water is tbe largest in Michigan, has beautiful shoroti and abouuds in iish and fowl, among the former beiug 30-pound muskalouge. The lako for years has been a place of great attraction, and uow each summer thousands of jieople visit lts ehores, notwithstanding that the trip necessitatets au uucoinfovtable ride by wagou over poor roads. - AtAllegan on Sunday night last John Cook told his boy to keep watch iu the inorniug for a tarae fox tbat Was killing the ohickens. tëo the boy went out with his gun, and afterwards the father went out witüout the boy's knowledge. Hearing his father in the husbes near the coop, and supposing it to bo the fox, the boy fired. Niuety-two shot penetrated tho father's bowels and he died within an hour. - Hrs, Esther A. Chapín, living mile out of Ludington, shot a man iiamed Willim Hartnett about '2 o'clock on Monday morning last, while endt-avoring to open a window of her house. Her invalid husband was asleep up stairs and she hearing a noise went down without disturbing him, and shot through the window. Hartnett rau some steps and dropped dead. A coroner's jury said justiü&ble homicide. - At Manistee on Monday afternoon last a well caved iu on Frank Dmlier so that he was covered to the chin. Ho was 80 feet f rom the surfaoe and, as there wa imminent danger of the vvhole uirtss ubove falling, the wildtst exeitement prevailed. At last thny got to work and, after wokiug all uight, he was resoued at 11:30 noxt day, alivo and not hurt much, - This is what Judge Turner has given a batch of Shiawasseo oonviots : Charles Covil, of Ohio ; Mike Mahr of New York, and Orrin Horton, New York, to tour years at Ionia prison, and John Wilaon to state prison for five yeats They are the burglar tramps who robbod Weedon's store at Yernou. Napoleon Berard, the tramp who ruped a little girl near Owosso a few days ago, got 10 years. - A little way trom the mouth of Oequeve Kiver, in Presque Isle county, is a lake with water bütwecn 40 and 50 feet deep in the center, and abounding in the ilnest pike, while the ueighborhood of the shore is covered with the largeBt clams. Hundreds ot bushels could be easily collected, while in some places npon the bank the shells are piled up severaloet high. -The late John F. Gilkey, of ltichland, Kalauinzoo county, whose death bas been already announoed, was one of the earliest sottlers ot tho county, coming there iu 18!J0. He was public spirited aud took a leading part in all town iiuprovemeuts, iuoluding the building of Kiehland Seminary in 18Ö5. His outerprise soon made him the greatest farmer of all his región. At one time his cattle and horses were counted by the hundreds, aud, together with his brotber younger, he owued 1,400 acres in Eichlaud and noarly as much more in Barry and Allegan countios. - The Barry Circuit Court opened August 12, Judge Hooker presiding. The calendar shows eleven criminal cases, one murder, one adultery, two larceny from dwelling, one false preteuse, two forgery, two violatiou of liquor law, ouo assault and battery, one fraudulont sale of mortgaged property, twelve issues of fact, seven of law, and twpnty chancery oases, of whioh seven are for divorce.


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