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ANN ARUUK MARKETS. The followmg prioes were paid yefitorday !y dealers in thia 'ify : Applea, dried, per lb, 6L67c. Keiiim, por bu., $1.26@tl.A0. Butter, perlb, Siw.luc. Oheeso, perlb., löo. Hgtï, per doz., t':„. u,-. Hay, per ton, 8.X@10.00. Lard, per lb., 7&8c. Poultry, chickons, IOc turkyn, Mc. Beef, por Ib., iíc Pork, per cwt., t3,9(Xóf4,0O. Clover aeed, per bu., $4.55 Curii, perbu., Wc. Ottts, per bu., 22Cv2.'ic. PotKtoes, per bu., 607."c. Wheat, ber bu., 9r(a'1.0o. Wood, per cord, $4.00(36.00. I'lour retails at $2.75 per cwt. NOT ADYERTISEMENTS NOTICE. I.iiuÍH Weil is not our authorized agent nnd we do uut hold ourselves responiïible as a tinu or individually for ny contracta he muy uiake. Ann Arbor, August 19, 1878. 1-Olwl J. WFIL 4 BKO'S. NOTICE. At a meeting of the School Board of District Nu. One of the City of Ann Arbor, held July , 1878, the following Uulij waa adopted : Skc. 14. "Pupils of the High School will not be perntttted to organlze or malutain secret societies, and no ntudent wiU ba graduated who reuiaíns a meinber of any gecret society after haviug beeü notjfied by Board to withdraw froni the saaie." Dated, Ann Arbor, August IS, 1878. 1701 JAMERB. QOTT, Secretar?. Animal School Meeting. Nutlre is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of School District No. One of the city of Anu Arbor, will Iwbeld at KIKEMEN'S HALL, in said city, on Mouüay, September 2, 1S78, for the election of three Trustees in place of James B. (fott, Leonard Oruner, aud Lcwis C Itisdon, and for the trarmetion of Hiich other business as may legally conie before said meeting. The polls for tbc election of officera will open al 10 o'clock a. m. and close at 2 o'clock p. m. The busineM uietiug will commeuce at 2 o'clock p. M. By order of the Bor.rd of Truatcc, JAMKS B. GOTT, Secrciarv. Ann Arbor, Aug. JJ, 1878. 1701wJ COAL. Añt-r üinf delay and much cflórt, I Uavo succeeded in chonpeuing expuuacti uo that best screeuort coal vau he dolivwrüd aïxjut thls city at 86 a tou. Asöglvus ii') margin for losëes, prompt payraent trom all, aud advanee from unknowu partirs will be 'x''i:t;d. Orders lor oue ton or uiorfi addressod lo EUGENE B. HALL, Agent, will ha fijlod at 36 until tho coal conaolidntion cUanR' price for alt the country. Ann Arbor, August 22, 178. ISRAEL HALL. P. 8.- To correct the errooemis iinpre.ssion, that my sou'h I'aihire is the result of our uujirotitable stook bu.siueus, I will stat; tbat four years ao I gavt; him S3,0(K) to join a man whoee bÓoksshowed he had just paid $6,000 toward stock to open a ncw business iu Toledo. Roquiriny more capital, compaüy Dotes were given for outstanding claiuiö. In tbroc weeks the entire aasetti were found to be lesa tban tho Habilities aasuuied. Ad assigniuent was made, aud, oneyonr aftor, the asslgnee reported a coiuprouilse in full. Fow, tho compromiso is proQouticed illegal, and tbat my eon is Hable for Bovoral tbousand dollars, which, haring do moral forcé, I am unwilliug to awist in paylng All other claims against my son or Uall Brothcra will be p romp tl y paid by me on prcscntatlon. 1701 ISRAEL UALL. Kvery pemon iudebted lo the AR(;l Officu either for ubscrl ptlon adver tisiii, or job pi intinfr, i invitud to inakc itnmedifite pityment. Every dollar due ui i gresLtly neeedod. LI 0USE AND LOT FOR SALE. Loc.ited in a desirable part of the city, and is yood repair. Alao a house to rent on favorable teruis. Inquire tit the Auorf otüce, er 22 THOMbON STREET. Ann Arbor, March 11, 1H78. 1678tf. Public Schools. The Public tichooU of thia city will open for the ensuing year on MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1878. Kxaminationti for admiasion will be held iu the Central Building on Saturdny, the 24th inst., bgiiininp at 9 o'clock a. m. The Superintendent will be mi nis oin'ce atso on Friday, the 2Sd innt. for conctultation with pupiU concerning their schuul work. Aun Albor, Aug. 14, 1873. W. S. PERRY.Supt. The CR0WNI2ÏG GL0RY Ia the only Cooking Stove in the world with the flitkiuK Oven Kitendlnif Kearward, and over the rear extensión a Portable V lan i sh ed Coppkr Kbseutoir. It ifl manufacturad only by SHERMAN 8. JEWBTT & CO., Buffalo and Detroit. None bat the genuino artieles have the name "Cruwning Glory." for sale by one enterprUiug dealer in every plaoe. It is the only Stove ín the world with a Warming Oven undor the Firebox, and front doors opening over a detachable lielf in front. Buy the only Cooking Stove ever madj cxactly suititble for the Farmors ui-. 1637m6 BSTRACT8 OF TITLES. All parties who are desiroas of aacertaining the condition of the title to their lands, or parties who wiah lo loan money on real estáte will do well to cali at the Regiater's office and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Said books are so far advanced that the Register can f urnish on short notico a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any parcel of land in Washtenaw County aa shown by the original records. C. H. MANLY, Register. FÜÏNITÜRE! J. KECK & CO., &LANÜFACTURKRS OF FÜRMTUIIE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Ar noiv Offering (jreat Inducriiieiits lo rurcliiiMTs. BUYKS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BTJYING THEIK FUIINITURE Direct of the Hanufaclurers. Manufactory, corner of Williani and West Fourth Streets. Salesrooms, 52 South Main and 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. iS65 Ucan roake money faster at work for ua than at niything else Capital not required ; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the nduatnous. Men, womun, boys and girla wantcd everywhere to work for ua. Now in the timo. v'OBtly outfit and terma freo. Addresa I li-k - Co , Augusta, Mtiiue. 50.000 Letter and Note Ileadn Just receivod at the AKGUS Office. Kow U the tl to haud in your orderH. Cream I.I1 Letter and Packet Jiote Ueailsaud Liaen Fibre Note Ueads ifacket aud Cougrons; jut reoeived. Givo u your orders. Marble Works ! - OF - AIMTON EISELE, Corner Datroit fc Calbarine Sts. - DE&LKBS IS - Monuments & Graves tonos Manufacturen! of Fortuin and American GRANITE and MARBLE. CUT BUILDING AND AITIFICIAL STOXE Manufactured on short noticc. Prieea low and work warranted to give satisfactiou. 168i)y l MR. M. GOLDMAX' Wishes to state that he ia now looated at Xo. 170 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, whero cao alway.i bfl fouud a full aüd coiupletu stock of HUMAN HAIR (JOODS, of all descrlptlons, to which the attention uf the Ittdtw is especially invittíd. Aï" rorabinífs roofed and workcd ap in every style, by a ncw and sujierior procuc?, for 50 centa per ouuce. Ladies' aud gents' wiga uiade to order on short ! notice. Orders by mail sol ted aud wlll rocelve prompt at ten non. Ladies' nud fïents' cant o tl ,'armouts and woariug apparel takuD iu csebangt. Mv Motto : Satisfaction in price aud quality or no puy. M. GOLDMAN, 170 Michigan Avenue, Dutroit. N. B.- Mr. Goldman bas had unlfinlted ■ BUCtí íq tho huuiua hair businoáB for over 18 yi.-urs. I GIVE HIM A TRIAL. I A DOLLAR SAVEO IS A DOLLAR KARNK1) ! NEW GOODS1 And príow LOWER THAN KVER. I Imve purchased Ín New Yurk, for casli, aod lannow daiiy receivinc one of the l&rgest and laost teUict Htocks of Growriee in Waalitenitw i County, conaiatiDíf of a iuil and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of thc uew crop - iacludiug Uuuiwwdvri, I inpeí inls, Vuuir n ) - ' sons, ii lunv liipn iis. Oaloug:, Formo, Couffou! Saucliongr, and ' Tivunkai, Togptlnr with a full line ofCOFFEES, consistini; of lili? following branda: MOCHA, O1..D i (ic IV' T JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAOUAYIIE.SANI TOS and KIO, both roastod and ground ; full uiid well .-. i' rt'Mi Htock of SUOARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together wiih everythinp in the line cf Pure . Spices, Cnnned fruits. and Vegetable. We have a - full and complet" line of BOOTS & SHOES,' IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES Aüd Hosiery. Mao, a choice aasoitment of Lndiea' ! i and (iei'iletiten's l'uderwear Cali aud examine ] ' üood and i'iifiea and we will insure satiafaclion. KDWAKD DUFFY. 1 i4 Maynard's Block, cur.Mam and Ann treets Ann Axbor. Mich. B3THigbeBt cash piice puid for all farm i i produoc.QSB L RAILROADS. MICUltíAS CENTRAL RAILROAXÜ MAT 12, 1ST8. ÍOIKO V1BT, K C 's - i; . M S . S? . ,0 ATIONS. S -gS 'jW f LLilltlí .. , '■" A.M Í'-M. P. M. P.M. ,., Uetroit.leave, 7 (Hi SI 36 4 45 2 SO Sil 9 O. T. Junction, 7 15 10 00 5 00 ; 05 USíloit Wnyne Juuction 7 40 10 26 5 3! :; w 1 lu loe Ypsilitnti, 8 10 10 45 00 3 ,51 7 :j; 11 ' Qeddea, Aun Arbor, i :;n 111 ti 30 4 (ti 8 ld u 11 , Lelilí, S 44 6 43 . Dexter, S óli 6 ,13 4 ''S s ::I _ Chelsen, :i lí 7(8 4 4o 8 45 (irna Lake, ;i 17 7 3 .- 05 9 u; v. h A]í Jackson, ín üti 12 H 8 M 6 '1 a 40 m Albion, 1104 12 18 47 1033 1} Marshall, 11 50 1 90 -' T 15 11 (S 1 P. M. .; I BHttleCreek. 12 lu 1 55 ! 7 15 11 35 it (ialeaburg. 12 82 ' 8 08 12 0! -L_ A.M. A.M. KnluiiKiii'i. I 13 2 t't8, 4 30 8 20 12 25JJJ Lawton, 1 54 ; OS 5 05 1 08 Decutur, 2 11:- - - i 20 121 Dowagiac, 1 38 5 46 15; Niles, 3 OS 4 07 (1 Su 2 5S 4 ' Buchunan, 3 1!) 6 4:; 2 54 -1 Three Oak : 4!l 7 13 .; j. New Butfiilo, 4 03 4 67 7 28 ' i) Micliigrun ('y, 4 :0 S 20 7 55 4 15 ifí Lake, 5 13 6 02: b 4U 5 M I - Kensington, 6 05 6 50 ! U 10 5 ; i Chicago, ftrriVf, ú 55 i 4 lu 3.. i s i.j OOINOKXBT. M . i 7 ï j _?_. liiiiLl A.M. A.M. P.M. l.ii. t. ü. Chicago, leve, 7 U0 9 00 4 00 i 15 81 Kensington, 7 50 y 50 4 50 6 05 9 aO Lke, 8 40 10 30 5 45 6 50 10 32 Michigan City, 9 25 11 10 6 89 7 II . New Bulfulo, 9 47 11 27 tí 67 1135 Three Oaka, 10 02 7 12 - A. Ï. Buchauun, 10 32 7 43 Xiles, 10 4.i 12 16 S 13 9 00 1ÍSÍ Dowaginc, 1 1 li S 40 1 03 Decutur, 11 89 9 C5 I!' Lawton, 1 1 57 9 %; a. m. Kulnmazixj, 12 .33 1 40 1(1 00 i 6U 10 26 S 1! Oalesburír, 12 52 -- . 7 09 ■ H Battle Creck, 1 27 i 13 t 7 4U li "8 3 15 e tí MnrBhall, 2 35 3 00 J p 1. ,UT 1 4; A.. Albion, i 52 3 21 a.m. 8 35 1Ï Jackson. 3 45 4 05 5 40 9 Si U 50 4 Si Graes Lake, 4 08 tí 1 7 a .W (:i;i :■,..-., J 40 6 31 10 07 DextPr, 5 00 , 6 47 10 18 Delhi, 5 10 6 55 Aun Arbor, 5 JO 5 lu 7 10 10 88 2 C6 6 Sí Guildes, 5 28 Ypsilanti. 5 38 5 24 7 27 10 45 2 20 I ' VVKyne June, 'i 0i 5 46 1 62 11 "' S -II fB G. T. June., 6 38 i! IB s ÍS 11 SO 3 20 í (5 Detroit, Ar., i 6 48 6 30 8 40 11 4" 3 33 Grand Rupids and Kalamitzoo Expreaê arrlntll Grand Hapiua 2:20 p. nx., und leaves Oraml Kajndi 6:15 a. 111. 8undy8 excepted. rtuturday and Kunday ioepted. tUaily. H. B. LKDYAED, Gcn'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. WssTwoRTH, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effwt Mondoy, July 29, 1ST8. 'íoin'í Nonm. aoura bosh. Mixed. Mail. Mili. JUni A. M. p. M. A. M. f. ■ 0 ."Jl 4 00 T.ilodü 10 00 IH 6.; 4u:; Korth Toledo 7 14 4 1C IV(roi( .IuucIííiD 94.', S 7 31 4 27 lUwthoru U 7 4; 4 37 Samsrla 9W w 8 01 447 Scola -'11 s 8 11 4 :m Lulu 90! ss 8 21 í 01 i1"" 'L8 49 .'.12 Dundee í 5lC 9 02 5 19 Maro 11 S I9 20 S29 Azalia 8 ? 9 51 5 44 Milán 616 10 10 i r,t Nora - M 10 35 0 07 L'rauin "58 ! I" ".! C 17 Ypsilanti Junrtion 7 4:1 1130 0 30 Ann Arlmi "1 s" .1. B. MOERI8, Gcn'l Superiniondíni. J. M. AsDLF.y, Ja., Asst. Su])t DETROIT, HILLSDALE ANP SOUTHWESTERN RAILKOAD. To take effect Aug. 19, 1878. OOIMO WK8T. OOIKO ÍAfl STATIONS. Maü. Exp. STATIONS. EiP " A. M. P. M. u p K, YpBilantl.... lo:ir 7:10 ' Haline 11:1.", 8:10 Bunker 6:15 BridgewatiT..U:3ri 8:28 Hillsdale ... 61 2 Manulitattr. 11:33 8:48 Mancheater.. 8:25 t ï. M. BriJgcwutor v ' JJ Hillndale 1:88 10:30 Bulinf 9:lí 'Ji Bankers 1:15 10:40 Ypsilanti.... W" " Truins run by Chioago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypeil" PANADA SOUTHERN K'Y M'' V The ünly American Eoute ThrouRh Can"Traína lcavc M. C. R. R. Depot, Potroii, city ia follows : Atlantic Expres, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagncr car Boston. Kksi Day Kxpres, daily, 12 10 110011, Waso L-' tu New York aud líostou. . Llgfatiring Express, daily ezcept Sumlay, 11 1 r ni.. Wagnér car to Buiralo aiul Rochester. . . Toledo trains lcTe 7 SO .1. 111. xcept BuBaWl 1 jp. m. (iaily ; 50 p. ín. except Sunday, Fot Fayvtte 6 ;0 p. ni. except Sunday. S Kor informntion :uicl tickets pplj BharpleBs, agent M.C. R. lï., Ann AroÓTt W.K. MUIR, c.i'U'l Mimager, St.TlimiiM.0"1' M. C. ROAC1I, l'usa. Aitciil. Dutroit. . FRANK E. SNOW, G'.-n. l'a-í. and TteM " Detroit. INSUÍUNci lÁ&i Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assots Jau 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. LoüBes Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, incluili11? Ko-IiiHurancu Resorve, $4,735,092.86Set Surplus over Liabilities, includ'11? Ke-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Attent, Amijkrbor h P P a week in your own tovu. 5 outC i' ÍJ; A I I M ut which persons of either sex can " f i) U Uftreat pyj 11 the time they work. ae, or paiöoulars to H. Hallett t Co.Po'riTlfi ÍTIhunine s you can enaafte in. g Wj K H V'l'per dav mndo by any orkM o íl Tu 1 I sex, rhtinthfir.iwuloc!itie?; LJJJU 1 ticulars and samples worih P mprove your up iré timu at this business, aíiinbos Co., Portland, Maine.


Old News
Michigan Argus