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- The public schools of this city open on Mondiiy next, August 26. - A lodge of the A. O. of U. VV. hs been nstituted at Manchester. H - Wheat still comes in freely and the mar" ket yesterday ruled at 9ca$l. - Thomas A. Booth, of Lodi, where he had resided over 40 years, died on Sunday last Hged 60 years. - The Uuiversity buildings are being renovüted and made rendy ïov the opeuing of the new college year. - Congresainan VVillitB was iu town on Tuesday: cousulting with the t'uithinl and toning up the wavering. - City Marshal Johnson has returued from his vacatioti visit to various points in the State of Xew York and isagaiu ou dutv. - The Florence Rice-Knox Concert Troupe ill give a concert in this city ou Weduesday evening, Sept. 11. Look out for a rare musical treat. - Miss Rose Lee, who graduated trom the Normal School the present year, will be preceptress of the Dexter Union School the coming year. - Qeorge Sutton, assiguee of the Ann Arbor Trading Association, has just made the ünal dividend, making a total of 26 cents on the dollar. - Eugeue B. Hall, oi this city, has flletl a voluntary pstitiou iu bankruptcy. Liabilitios nbout $15,000 ; assets nomina! : or so the court report puts it. - We are indebted tú the Register tor C. A. Chapin's biographical sketch of Judge Kingsley and tha memorial tributo of Gov. in type. - Mrs. Otia O. Johnson, nee Kate Crane, accountant in the University Laboratory, ha been quite sick at Goderich, Ont., but is reportad convalescing. - A large delegation of Odd Fellows irom thia city, accompauied by soine Dexter brothers and the Dexter Band, went to Dundee on Weduesday. An Odd Fellows picnic. - W. B. Joily, butcher, died at his residence in the Sixth ward, on Friday last, aged 62 years. Hia funeral was atteuded at the Kpiscopal Church on Sunday afternoon. - That upper gilt ball on the Court House iiag start' measures just 13 iuches in diameter. The lowev baíl has a diameter oí - inches. The upper buil is ltí-5 feet abovo grade line. - The leading business men of Ypsilanti have sigued an agreement to close their stores, etc., from August 12, 1878, to April 1, 1879, at 8 o'clock p. m., Haturday eveuings excepted. - The Manchester Enterprise reporta the Sharon Farmers' Festival, held on the farm of P. ö. Bose, largely attended nnd a great success. Just as any oue might have expected. - Miss J. Kose Colby, of this city, who graduated from the University at the last Juue Commencemept, takes a jiosition in the High School the coming year: succeeding Mr. Jenka. - 52 and 2-11 bushels per acre : that is the average claimed by Wm. A. Masón for 11 acres of wheat threshed by him on the farm of Mike and Phil Dufty, in Webster. WhT can beat it? - Uoltlieb F. Bisohefï was fouud dead iu lus bed Wwdnesduy morniug. Coroner Clark held au inquest, and the pose mortem examination diselo ed the tact that an abscess had broken iuternally. - This little item from the Manchester Enterprise is uot iuapplicable to this locaiity: "If our citizens would mow the grass in front of their residences and 'slick up' a uttle, bow mnch better the village would appear." - A large excursión party carne to this city on Friciay laat irom Milán and Dtmclce, under the auspices of the Methodist Sunday Schools of thos places. They visited the Universtty and spread themxelves over town promiscuously. - E. L. Boyden reporta threshmg 43 bushels per acre, but don't want anything said about it,- tor fear of his creditors. We suggested that he compromiso by turning over to those " pestifmous crittera " all over the usual average. - Rev. E. Baur has shown us a sample of Chinese Plums, grown at Casevüle, Huron Co., measuring 5 1-2 by 6 inches in circumference either way. He claims that the curculio is yot uiikiiown in that section, and he has planted out au orchard of 700 trees. - Israel Hall has purchased tour lots on Monrije street, west of the residence of A. J. Sawyer, and wili iuimediately build a $4,000 house on the same : or that is the figure "report" puts the cost at. It is a sightly location and the oocupant will always command a fine view. - At the animal meeting of the Relief Park Association held iaat Saturday evening, August 17, the following officers were elected for the eusuing year: President, C. Eberbach ; VicePrtsident, Tred. Sclimid ; Secretary, J. Wm. Hangsterfer ; Treasurer, J. Waltz ; Trustees, Henry Binder, E. Luick, C. AJesel. - The Company A excursión party to Putin-Bay, via the T. & A. A. R. and the ChiefJustice Waite, went off en Weduesday moruing about 300 strong. At Milán another excursión, also about 300, - for the beneht of the railroad and in aid of the depot at that point -was attached, and both parties had a good time. The Aun Arbor Band accompauied Company A. - The self-propelling steam engiue which Wbut through our sireeU last iSaturday foronoon attracted considerable attention. It waa dra ring a water tank, threshing machine, and a larg wagon loaded with boys. The engiue was of 12-horse power, manufactured by Coopor & Co., of Mt. Vernon, O., and cost about f 1,500. It was owned by J. G. Laubeugayer, of Lodi, having boen purchased through the agency of M. Eogora. - William Geer, of Superior, gives us the following wheut items from that towu : John Voorhee8, 35 acres and 1,041 bushels, or nearly 30 bushels to the acre; T. V. Quackenbush, 7 1-2 acres and 285 bushels, or 38 bushels to the acre ; Wiliam Buah, ij acres and 1,500 bushels, or 33 1-3 hushelB to the acre. Superior farmers have been selling at Plymouth, getting $1 a bushei for new wheat. Mr. Geer roports the quality generally good. - The picnic arranged for by the lodges of Odd Fellows along the line of the T. & A. A. It. was held at Dundee on Wednesday. There was a large attendance of membais of the order. 8ome Ï5 or 20 lodges bemg representad, and many of them were accompanied by their wives. There was a processiou, picnic duiner, speaking in the grove, and a general making of acquaintances among those present. Short addresses were made by Rev. ilr. Tompkms of Dundee, Rev. Mr. Magoflin ot Dexter, D. Cniraer and C. Krapf of this city, and others. Music was furnished by the Dexter Band, for which the band was highly complimented and ï'öceived a hearty vote ot thauks from the audience. Au Odd Fellow excursión to Put ïnBny was projected, to take place the latter part of September, and a coininittee was nppointed to make the necessary arrangemouts.


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