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A vehy fine numismatic collectioa has lately been sold in Paris, namely, that of tiie late M. Jarry, oL Orleans, who had colleoted dutiug a long lifo one of the most complete series of Roman coins to be found anywhere. Some of the pricos obtainod were very large - p. g. , a medal of Julia, danghter of Titns, fetched 800; a modal of Laeliamia, witli aii emblematical figure of Spain, 8700. The first four days'sale amounted to!5'25,073. DRUGS. H. A. Tremaine & k (8ucCRí3ora to B. W. ELL1S & CO.) AM ARBOR, MICH. A FIEST CLASS Drug Store, DKA1DYESTB, Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTICLE8 PrtïScriptions Compoundeii at A.11 Hours. Cor, Main and Huron 1561 A Lot of Chromos for Sale ar What Thty Wül Bring! WIIISLOW 4 McMIlLA, Picture, Frames, Biatt, Etc., Etc., YIOLISS, GUITARS & STBINGS. o ltScroll Sawiufr, Tuniinx nud General Repalrtfg done on short noticc. :J0 East Hurón St., Aun Albur 168Mf ''A' MM STARCH POLiSH! ; jlOWDASHiNE : ■ -- r 'V". ■.■■■■' -'■7'' '■'') ! ; A GREAT DI SCOVERY, By the hfe of wbicli evcry famüy may givs lltir Iincu tliat polish peculiar to Uno laittdrywork,fWing timo and labor in ironing more .'lia is "? cost. SoW by grocers, or will bc sent, p,itage fv'a on receipt of 25 cents. DOBBZCTS, BEO. ót CO., 13 S. Fourth St , Philadelphia. This is thefinett Liniment in the wM tnd will posilivdy cure in almost cvcry cc Price $1.00 psrhottle, JOMSON, HOLLOWAY & CO, SfUCIAT, AOSSTS, This is probabh) the sfr(ff' purest and best priparalion oj IJ knoivn. One trial will convine Pricc, $1.00 per bottle. JOHNSTON, flOLLÖWAY & CO. Special Agcnts, 'j?hiladlphia_ TïïpepsïT Permanently curcd iii Ovcry instance by the EA&LE DYSPEPSIA TROCHES. They will immcdiately correct ftr stomach, check vomitinpr Ril hertt)n'cure sickness or pain in the stomw' eostiveness, livcr complaint. headaw. etc. Being pleasant, safe anrt n"S2 are asure cure for Infauts suflenng "■ weak stomach. Price, Tkirty-FSve Cents per Box. EARLY BIRD WORM POWDEB. At all times safe, reliftWe. ptrictl}' veg table and tasteloss, used by oíd "d ' '5 with perfect safety.even when 0O"! not present. Eequires but onc a0-1 efl'ect a cure. Price, IS Cents per Package. Sold by all Drupgists. or sent by Mali on receipt of Price. NEBEKER & CO., Prop ■ 12Ö ui Elswira Sta., Phüilelpü. ra-J_. 5 asta v i KíctWÍsIi& in ÍV Js B m aM IVyi II ff f ft,Jl PHICE, 35 CE5TTS. Joiinston, Rolloway & Co" Bpocial Agents, Fbil'1


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