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A Disappointed Brother

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He was a class-leader from the coun;ry, a stranger in the midst of multi;udes. He felt lonesome and forlorn, md longed for the &oothing companionhip of tñose of kind red ways and ;hought. Whenever he neared a group n the rotunda or side-rooms of the lotel, profane expressiocs and ribald ests pained his ear and held hirn aloof. Ee wandered about aimlessly, sad and ilent, till at length he approaohed three four sanctimonious-looking men talkng earnestly. He felt sure they were h-opping manna for the hungry soul, md edged up to get a taste of the spirtual food. " I tell yon, friends, it was good to be ;here. I went away refreehed in spirit, md full of hope that all would turn out ivell with U5 this season," said a man mth side whiskers and a look of woe, as ie threw out a heavy sigh and rolled his iyes. The brother from the country strengthmed the sigh with a little one of his )wn, looked solemn and felt top. "It was the same with me," said anrther, with an undertaker's plaoidity of iountenance. "1 was full of doubt at ïrst - for you know the men are conitantly under temptation - but, when I aw now earnestly they entered into the iork, I felt easy, and didn't let a chance ílip to make it an occasion of profit." The rural man looked his gloomiest md felt warm around the heart. ' ' I never saw better work in the ïeld," said a feeble-voiced man with areak eyes. "Nor I," said the side-whiskered one. 'I didn't like that kick at the decisión, ;hough; I thought the judgment was ïorrect." The bucolic brother put a hand over jne ear and hitched up closer. He alfaya took a deep interest in doctrinal points. "That's what I told Thompson. I ;ould see plain, and I knew the umpire aras right," said another of the trio. The man in the background began to 'eel uneasy. "Of courae; anybody could see it with ïalf an eye. It wouldn't have made any lifference, though. Our boys had 'em :oul before that inning. Did you ever jee better batting ornicer running? By the way - how much did you salt lown on the game ?" The cat waB out of the bag - all the time these sober-looking men had been liscussing nothiDg bigher than a game 3f base-ball. The badly-deceived brother moved hastily away, and sat down in a jorner by himself to brood and shake tiis head and wonder what the world was joming to. - Cincinnati Breakfast Table.


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