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ANX ARBOR MARKETS. The following pricea werc puid yewturdtiy by ■ ir.tliTH in tlii city : Apples, dried, per Ib, ( ;. IlfiuiH, por bu., $l.2Ma,tï.5O. Butter, por lb , 9i10o. Obet'se, per lb., 10c. KkK8. per doz., 10@i2c. f I.iy , per ton, $8. ( H. 00. Lard, per lb., 7(&8c. lNmltry, ctiickens, 10c turkeys, 12c. Beef, per lb. 4&c Pork, per cwt., LI,9O@4.00. Clover seed, per bu., $4.55 OorD, ahellra, per bu.t 50c., ear, 30c Unís, pur bu., 242c. Potatoü, per bu., 5075c. Wheat, ber bu., 90A98 Wood, per cord, #4.00icfi.00. Flour ri'tfiilH at $2.75 per cwt. NEW ADVgTISËMENTS TOE ALE. The Ooorgc Grenvillc boine.stead, conaUtlu of ïoune, ba rn, and two lots, ou coruer of Washington and Plfth atreets. lTOSml N. W. CHKEVEB, COALI TheCoal Asuciatin hving advnncnl urices 2f tonta un t lie lt iust., iirilcrs nuw left ut llunt'8 or Ebcrbaeh's hardware stores will bc fillol at Í6.Ü5 ier ton. Ann Arbor, Hcpt. 3, 1S78. EUGENE B. HALL, Agent, WASHTKNAW COUNTY PROHIBITION CONVENTION. Thare wlll be i Msa Couoty Prohlbitiun Cunventiou tol Washtenaw County, at (jood Templara' lliill, iu the city of Ypsilunti, at 1 o'cluck ., MONUA.Y, SKI'TESIBER a, fur the purpone uf 'flfeotlngs uurmancnt organization, also to nomin;it.' :i nndidate for the Seuate and Represeutativca lor the sevcral district in the cuunty. All citlzena ut Washtenaw County who indorae the lilatform of the Prohibition Refurin party, and inicnd giving il their support, re invited to be present and particípate in the worlt of the conven.ion. OF YPSILANTI. Bunne Ulble, O. W. Havens, Charles Wheeler, Williaiu McAndrew, Charles Shier, H. C. Dole, Alvah Worden, Watson Snyder, William Kinj!, J. 8. Boyden, Caliti T. l'itkin, E. 11, Jaekson, 11. C. llaiulin, Austin Norlou. 1'. .1. Korayth, OF CIIKLSKA. Janu-s P. Wood, Johu C. Taylor, Mllo Htintcr, 1. R. Hhier, Iiavkl B Taylor, T. Loud. $20 Heward. At a meeting of the ïïoard of trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Cliurcb of Aun Arbor, held at said church on the 19lli day of August, 1878, it wa; Resolved, That a reward of TWENTY D0LI.AKS in-, ;iinl the same is hereby oifered for the arrest and convictioii or for sucli information as witl lcad to the arrt'st mul convictiun ot eaeh and every persou guilty of bruaking any of the windows of suid church. P. B. ROSE, Sccretary. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, bs. In the matter of the ustato of Christopher Herzer, deceased. Notice ia hereby given, that in pursuance of an ordei granted to the unik-rniiïiied, tidminiütrntor of the estáte of sad deceaseü, by the tl on. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the third day of September, A. X. 1878, tbere will b sold at public vendue, to the higheat bidder, at the late resideoce of eaid deceased, m the township of Sylvan, in the County t Woshtenaw, in sni'l State, on Tunan a y, tuk TWKNTY-SKCOND DAY OF OCTOKKH, A. D. 1878, at ten o'clock in the ibrenoon of thai day (subject tu all encumbrancea by mortgage or otherwise exitïitj? mi the time of the death of said deceased) the iollowing doiwribed real estáte, to wit: Sixty acre of land ott the sou tb end of the west half of the aouthweat (jtiarter of MCtlOD eight, in town two {'2) itouth, range three 3) cast, in Washtenaw county, in Michigan, [Sylvinn ; Also the northeast quarter uftfthe nortlieast qtiarte of section Beven, towu tWO (2) south, range three (3j east, in Washtenaw county. in Michigan. :Svlv:ui .. CHRIÖTOl'HEK KAISER, 1703 Administrator of said Estáte. Dated, September S, 1878. Estáte of John Kettner. CÍTATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Waahlenaw, O na. At a sesslon of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in tho City of Ann Arbor, on Ttiesday, the lliird day of Septeiuber, in the year onu thouHLinil eilit Imndred and Heventy-eiKbt. Pretwat, WiUmm I). Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ot John Kettuer, dooc- orti l-in)(tril (iruiMT, ndministrntor of aaid estáte, comes into courl and representa thut he is itow prepared to render his flnal account as such admïniutrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Suturday, the tveuty-eïghth day of Seutember next.atteno'clock in the foriinion, be ttssigued for examining and allowing buch account, and that the heirs ut law ot said deceaned, and all utlier pcraon intereuled in stiid estáte, are required to uppear at a aesHion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probute Ofllce in the City of Ann Arbor ia said couuty, und show cause, if any there be, Why the atud account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, tlmt tiaid administrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendencf of uaid account and tin hearing thereof, by caufling a copy of this order to be publUhed in the Jlíi'cAíyo Argiu, a oewtipaper jrinted and circulating in aaid county, threv mie:easive weeks previous to said day of hearing. W1LLIAM I. HARRIMAN, (A true copy). Judgtí of Probate. Vm. G. Dotï, Prob&te Register. 1703 Estáte of Nancy Wheeler. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wahtenuw, ss. At a nession of the Probate Court for the ounty of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office n the city ot Ann Arbor, on Friduy, the thirticth day of Auirust, in the year one thousand eight handredand seveiity-eight. Present, Wtlliain ï). Harrimiin, Jmlge of Probate. In the matter of the en tutu ot Naucy Wheelcr, leceased. On rcading and filfiiff thepetltion, duly veriftwl, of Challe O. Wheeler, praying that a curUún nstrumeut nuwon tllein this court, purporting to e the laat will nnd testament of said deeeaud, ma; admitted to probate, and that he may be upiiiinu-d administrator with the witl annexed of uid estnte. Thereupon il iHordtïred.thttfMondny.thfthirtieth [ay of SepUiuber next, at ten o'eloek in the orenoon, be assigued f(r the hearing ai aaid tttition, and thut the devisee, legatees, and hcirs .t law ol said deceiuied, and all other peron ïnterested in aaid estáte, ure required o appeur ut a sutittion of uttid Court, then o b holden at the Probate OlKce in the ity of Ann Arbor, and show sause, if any here be, why tlie prayer of the ptïtitioner hould not bgranted: And it is further ordered hat said petitioner gire nolice to the persona interested in Hld estáte, of the pendency of smd vtitiini, and the hearing thoreof, by causing a opy of this order to be published in the Mich - gan Argus, a newapaper pnulel and ctrculated in nul county, three successive weeks previous to eaid ay of hearing. WILL1AM D.HAKRIMAN, (A true copy J Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Dotyp Probate Register. 17D3td "WPERA HOUSE, ANN ARKOIt. WEDJVESDAY. SEPT. 11. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Hice-Enox Concert H. W. iiititis, i a.i;h MUS. FLORENCE RICE-KNOX, Prima Donna, Contralto. MRS. MARIA EICE-COOK, BopiUDO MISS CORA E. FERRIS, Mezzo Soprano. PROF. LOUIS F. BOOS, Champion Coruetisi and Pianist. PROF. J. S. HANA, Solo Violinist and Pianist, ADIflISSlON FIFTY CENTS. Iifserved Seat Tickets on sale at Moore's Ilookstore, two days before the Concert, without extra charg-e. Marble Works I -OF - ANTOIM Ë1SELE, Corner Detroit & Callmrine Sts. - DKAl.KRS IS - Moiiiimeiits & O ra ves tonos Munufactured of Forcign and Ainorioan GRANITE and MARBLE. OUT BUILDING AJVD ARTIFICIAL STO1VE Mttnufactured on short nntice. Prices low aud work warntnted tojfive tmtiufaction. Iü89yl TAKEN UP. i ('ame into t)ie inclosure of the suhsciibor on the ►th day oí" July, a durk BAY MAHK, nuout eight rearsóld and wi-iuliinj? f rom 800 to 900 lbs. Hii.ll fallcd on back by aaddle. The owutr ís reiuested o chtim Hiud ammnl and pay charges. Ann Arbor Town, Aug. 5, 1878. 16iKw6 MICHAEL COWAN. T T OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Iociited in a definible part of the oity, and in I" ■uo.l repair. Aleo ti house to rent on favorable erms. liuiuirc at the Altuu? otiicü, et ti THOMSON STREET. Ann Arbor, Marcli 14, 1878. 1678tf. Ücan mnke money faster at work for utf than at , anythin else ('apitul not rcijuired ■ we will start you. $12 per day at lionm made by the induMtrtoua. Men, womon, boyn and jiirla wantod everywhere to work for u. Now is hc time. CoBtly outfit and termn free. Addres & Co , Augusta, Maiue. 50,000 Letter and Headx Just celved at the AKGIJS Office. Nw U the . line to hand in yuur rd;rs. FOR SALE. ( "he VflBt half of the northwest quarter ofwCtiOD "20 il the tciwlibliip of Aun A i-bor- ürtVá rn-res. 8(J 1 cros ufult-r iinproveinont, with gmiu buildings, ■M. -f-s. veil and datero. For terms apiily m (ba ininlMS! J A mi Arbor, Aug. 29, 1878. lTOlml ELI, F.N ('. CONNELLY. b RAILROADS. NÏCH1UAS CENTRAL RAILROAD MAY 12, 18T8. ilNÖ WEfiT. TATIOKS. 5j ... L ; _L i_Ël!?l Ëlia ,, . . , a.m i-.m. ,.. M. p.h. rr; Detroit, leave, 7 uu 8 35 4 45 2 60 ' ■'■! ,, ■', 0. I'. Junetion, Til 10 00 8 00 S OS BSslioïi WayneJunctiun Í 41; 10 26 .. 82 :, 80 ! 10 ïpyilanti, , 10 10 44 0 (KI s 61 T W 11 t AnnArbor, s :tn 11 1) 1, M 1 u-, 8 luTTT, belhi, ! 8 44 6 18 21 Dexter, 8 56 1 ü SS 4 22 8 81 i Chelnea, 9 IS 7 (8j 4 40 8 4i _ GrasuLake, 9 47i 7 S 5 üñj 9 07 ! JuckBon, ld -ju i_ -, s 00 6 00 a iu i$í' Albion, 11 04 12 48 r, 47 1033 1" Í, Marshall, U 50 130JS 7 IS II 03 2 V. K. 3 I Jl1 BattleCreek, 12 m 1 :,5 T 7 45'n 3 ., ,„ Oalenburjj, 12 5 8 08 12 M .L_ A.M. A W Kalamazoo, 1 IS -2 as I :i 3 211 12 'í 9 Lawton, 1 44 :i OS r o: 1 og Decutur, 2 1 1 i 20 1 ■; Downginc, I 2 36 1 5 45 1 i; Niles, 8 OS! 4 07 0 :l 2 38 TTTT Kurliannn, S 19' ■ 2 M ThreeOak 9 49! 7 13 ;;■;, New liuilaio, 4 03; 4 57 7 28 3 45 _ Michigan Cily, 4 80 6 20 7 65: 4 J ,. Lukt-, 5 13 fl 02 (1 4 1 5 04 i Kcnnington, 6 OS 6 50 9 10 1 s 5{ -' f Ghieago.arriYe, 6 56 7 40 10 3n 6 45 J 'j; QOINO EAST. d 11 „ tí 1 H .fJÜMP i IA.M. A. M. 1'. M. J..Ü TT Chicago, loave, 1 7 00 9 00 4 (10 5 [ J: KensingUin, 7 50 !) 5(1 4 SO i 6 05 I =!, Lake, 8 411 lo 80 5 45 i, w 10 :! Michigan City, j 2.i 11 lo (i :;.', ; m ,, ',': New lluffalo, 'J 47 11 27 6 67 - 1! -Í Throe Oaks, 10 02 7 12 Buchauan, 10 32 T 13 -' Niles, 10 45 12 li S 12 g 1111 M Dowagiac, H15 s 4" Ji Decalur, 11 3j : 9 05j I 1 ■ Lawton, 11 57 9 28 .-.. m. . Kalaraaioo, 12 83 ! 1 40 10 00 6 60 10 26 2 I) Ualesburg, 12 62 . 7 09 - - 37 Battle Creek, 1 27 2 13 m 7 40 II 08 3 u Marahall, 2 25 3 00 L 8 lo il 37 7 Albion, i 2 52 3 21 a. m. 8 35 12 05 4 g Jackson, 3 45 4 04 6 40 :i Si IJ áo 4 n Graas Lake, 4 OM 6 ('7 !l 80 Chele.i, 4 40 0 31 10 07 Dexter, 5 00 (i 47 10 is Delhi, 6 10 8 55 Aun Arbor, 5 20 G lu 7 10 10 S:t -2 m 6 Geildufl, . Ypnilimti. 6 :tn B 24 7 27 10 ir, 2 20 6 13 WayneJunc, lidï 6 45 7 62 11 05 2 44 7 09 G. T. June, 6 33 6 S '25 11 80 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I li 48 6 30! 8 40, 11 45! 3 35 8 W Grand llnpida and Knlaraozoo Exprese armen at Grand Rápida 2:tl p. m.t and leaves lirand Rauida B:1S n. ai. Sundaya excepted. lSaturday anti Sutiilay excepted. fJÜaily. H. B. LEKYAKD, Ucn'l Manager, Detroit H. 0. W'fntworth, O, P. & T. Ast., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Takinj; nffei t Monday, July 29, 1878, GOINO NOKÏ1I. GOINO S0CTI1. Mixed. Mail. Mail. Mixed. A. SI. V. M. A. M. t, ï C50 4 00 Toledo 111 00 :IK, G55 4 03 North Toledo 957 7 14 4 10 Dutrolt Junctloa 9 45 6; 7 31 4 27 Rawtborn a :n tlt 7 4 4 :'.7 Sainaría }24 C04 8 01 I 17 Stola l 14 5 4S 8 11 4 54 Lulu 90! s.u 8 21 5 01 Monroe Junetion 9(iO 5j 8 49 5 12 Dundee S4'j 502 9 02 6 ia Macon 842 44 9 20 5 29 Azitlia 13 9 51 5 44 Milau 816 10 10 ."54 Wora 8 06 10 35 n o" Urania 7 58 3H 1054 G 17 YpsHantl Junctlon 7 43 256 1120 0 30 Aun Arbor 7 30 J. S. MOERf8, Cien'l Superintendent J. Sf. Asill.MY, ,1b., Abst. Sdpt. DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND SOUTHWKSTERN KAI1.ROAU. To take effect Ag. 19, 1878. UOING WEST. OOIM1 KART. STATIONS. Mail. Exp. HTATIONS. Kxp. RU YpHilnntl.... 10 lo' 7:10 A. M. p. M. Saline 11:15 8:10 Banken 6:15 8:30 Bridgewater..ll:i 8:'-'S Hillsdale .. 0 30 2:40 Manchester. 11:53 8:48 Manchester.. 8:25 4:19 v. m. Bridgewater S:4S 4:3? Hillsdale 1:34 10:80 Saline 'J:l 4:J3 Bankers 1:15 10:40 Ypuíliiuti.... W5 5:20 Tram run by ('hieaifo time. W. F. PAKKEU, Sur't, Vpailanti. CANADA SOUTHERN It'V LINES. Only Am.jii-an ILh:i(.ií Tbrough CftDlda, Tniina leave M. C. K. EL Depot, Detroit, oity Umi . is follows: AtlaDtlc Express, dally, 4 íkii. ni., Wagoer car tb Bostoo. Fast Day Bxpresg, dally, vi I'1 nooii, VV&guer car in N v YotV and Bodton; Lli;litnlDg Express, dally excepi Suuday, 11 ld p. tn., Wagner 'ar to Baffalo :nt'l BSochi sti . Toledo trui iis hu 7 80 :i. ui. excepl Sundiy; S 10 1. 111. diiiiy : tl all p. 111. S l.i , For Fayette íí :0 p. m. tïxrt-pt Suutlay. For ioforniatioii and tickets applj !"■■ W, iharptess, agent M.C li. H., Ann Arbor. W. K. Mili:. Geo'l Manager, St. Thoma, Onl. M. O. ROACH, l':iss. Agent. Detroit. FKANK E. 8N0W, Gen. Pass. nud Tlckei I Detroit. A DOLLAR SAVLD IS A DOLLAU ËARNËD ! o NEW GOODS ! And prices LOVVKK TIÏAN KVfiR. I have purcbiised in New Ytirk, for chsIi &ü& ra now daily receivin? otw of the lar( aoat elect stocks ot' Qrooeriea in Wnsbttwtw 'ouuty, oonnitttiriK' of u full mul well selecte! LINE OF TEAS, All of tbc uew crup - inclnding uiipoudcrN, Imperial) Voung iv'O11S, II) WU31S, JlLpllllH, OOtOBS] l'OT' iionïin, iuiiiic 11 n, Stm i'' 'I' w uli Kit) s, Together witli n full line of COPFEK8, ac of the followinif brauda: JtOCfl I k5vtjava,mabacaibo,laguaybe 'OönndULÜ, both roaatéd and grnunü ; n f uu nd well selected xiock of 5UGARS, SYRUP5 AND MOLASSES, 'ogether with everythinir in the line ef í'ure pices.CauDed fruita, and Vegetables. W hTO UI aud complet" line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAP, GLOVES nd Hoeiery. Altw, a choice asBOrtment of ÏA&& idGeiitlemen's U&derwe&x Cali uüd exflin oods and Piiceti and we will inauic BütiWaot011. EDWAKD DUÏTÏ. " Maynard'8 Ulock,-' cor. Jliiin and AH 5lrla Ann Arbor, Mi aHighest cah price pafd tor all i" roduce.idi "Jet 3sr a. NSDKANCB COMPAffi apital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 187l, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Yeara, $44,760,391.71. ïrplus over all Liubilitie3, inch: 1 Ke-Insurance Keserve, $4,735,092.86t Surplus ovor Liabilities, including Re-lnsuranee and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.36. C. MACK, AgMit. AnnArfc, I O 0 11 week in mr own town. $5 ""íídnetl 1 1 1 1 1 At whioli petsona of elther -on wn ' U Ucn-at DU all Ihe time tli.y llü[ ,',i Jlf1rticul.r.,t.!ll.ll.v....KM:C...,l'""' ebodnen yon can ms?," ' $!L& per day mado by imy worke ot o sux, rlghtinthelrownlooautt ,Ife. ticularsanJ amplea worta ..r ., iprov your pre time at this biuiues. USBON ü )o., i'orlland, llaiue.


Old News
Michigan Argus