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KANDUM NOTES. - A material deficiency has just been discovered in the strongth of the long joist supporting the floors of the muiu oflices and the floors of the court room and the supervisors' room and other large office on the same floor. The spring of these joists is said by the contraotors and experts to be sufficient to cause the plasteriug on the under side- that is the ceilings of the main offices and of the basement rooms - to crack and fall off. Transverso beams lot into the walls aiul supporting the .joists in the center (with resulting paneled ceilings) are said to be abaolutely necesaary, at an additional cost of from $1,000 to $1,500. The same defect was discovered at Washington, Indiana, the Court House being by the eame architect and substantially from the same plans. An architect ought to better know and botter calcúlate the strength of material: or so it seems to us. If he must choapen lus plans to meet the moneys at the command of his patrons he should rui'uso to do it at such essential points. - The sixth annuat Inter-State Industria! Exposition at Chicago opened on the 4th inat., and will continue until October 19. The managers claim that the exhibition this year, will be, as a whole, M very inuch superior to any of its predecessors, in possessing more important objects of general interest, as well as in presenting a more elabórate, tastof til and expres8ive instailation of individual exhibits.' The Art Department, Department of Natural Science, and the Mechanical Department, are said to be specially full and rich, as is also the display of textile fabrics, household goods, and personal ornamenta. - The published history of a divorco case, in which Partner Dawson, the National-Greenback candidate for Congress in the Third District, is Baid to have figured very discreditably, is likely to drive that eminent financial reformer into private life,- hia withdrawal being insisted upon by the leading men of the party throughout the district. If iufelicitous, indisci'eet, or eveu not altogether creditable matrimonial relations, are to be scored against candidates for political honors, Dawson is not the only ambitioua aspirant- either in this or other States - who has need to stand l'roin under. - Bounced : Bishop McCoakry. At a seasion of the House of Bishopa of the Protestant Episcopal Church, held in New York on the 3d inst , Biahop Smith, of Ky., preaiding, a resolutton waa uuanimously adopted, deposing Samuel A. McCoskry, Bishop of the Diocese of Michigan, " from the sacred ministry, and from all the offises thereof." The sentence was prouounced by the presiding biahop, all the bishopa standing. To the credit of the House of Bishops and the great church that body represonta, no whitewashiug, by resignation, was permitted. - Samuel Doty, father of George W. Doty, of Manchester, and grandfather of William G. Doty, of this city (Probate Register), died at Tecumseh on Monday last, aged 83 years. Mr. Doty settled in Ann Arbor, in 1833, and for awhile waa connected with the woolen factory in the Ftfth ward. Iu 1837 he was eelected to the lower brtinch of the Legislatura, beatina ülney Hawkius, the Whig candidato. Mr. Doty romoved to Manchester m 1839, and from thence to Tecumseh. - Waahtenaw County Bhould eend largo delogations - both of exhibitora and visitors- to the State Fair which opens in Detroit on Monday, Sept. lü. The officials report the most encouraginnr signs, and the space already taken in the sevoral departments gives assurance that it will be the most successful State Fair held in many years. - The " Reform Club " department of tlie Dexter Leader makes Hou. C. Joslin, ji Ypsilanti, teil the business nien of that place, and that "plainly, that thoy had not done their duty, and also that if fifteen of them would join hands and work they could drive temperance from Dexter." We guess that Chauncey didu't say exaetly that. - The Evening News says " Dr. Herdman, of the Uiiiversíty, has returned from Europe ": which will certainly be newa to Dr. Herdman. It is Ohio he has returned from. The September number of the American Agriculturisi is a capital one. There are 1Ó0 articles or items and over 60 engravings. Among the tiinely aud instructiva papers are : Hints for September work,- iu the orchard, uursery, fjuit garden, kitcheu and market garden, flower gurdon aud lawu, greenhouse and window planta; Agrïcultural Notes from the ChanDel Islunds, Large and Complete Barn, Using Waste Lauds, Among the Farmers, Talk on Farm Crops - corn-fodder anü iarm help, Norfolk and Jersey Cows- illustrated, Cattle Sheds, Best Fertilizers, Keeping Celery in Winter, etc. tl. 50 a year in ad vanee. Orange Judd Company, New York. In tuk Third Representativa District the National-Greenbackers have nominated Horato Burch, Supervisor of Manchester, heretofore one of the leading Democrats in that part of the county.


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