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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1 W. O'TOOI.E, BI. D. Office at liis resl denre, No. 17 West Ingftlls St. Al] calis, nluht r day, will rcueive prompt attautlOD. lïOSini Court House Furniture. Seftled propusüls will be reei-ived until the .'iuih day of September inst., al n o'clock for furnisbing the furniture for the Wa&htenaw Court House. Ihe plans and specifieatiuns can heseen at the t'ltM-k's office Of sald cuunty. The riht lo reject any and all buis is reserved. E LAWREXOE, 1705w2 Chairinan of Building i-oinmittee. Estáte of Mary Aan Cropsey. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of WaBhtonaw O sa. At h session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the twtlfth day of September, in the vear one thousaud eight huudred and seventy-eight. Present, Willinra D. Il irrirnun , Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Mary Aun ( ropey, deceased. On readingandfllingthe petition, duly veriflud.of CelinaC. Bchuh,prayfng that admiuiHtration on the eattite of unid deceased muy be granted tu herself or aome other auitable pernon. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Monday, the four teeuth day of October sext, at teu o'cloek Ín the forenoon, beaHignedfortheheftringul aaid petition and that the boira at luw of said deceased aud all other persona iuterested in said eBtate, are required tu appear at a seaaiou of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it in further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persona interested in said estáte, of tlie pendency of said petüioü and the hearing thereof, by causing a cpy of thia order to be publiuhed in the Michigan Aryus, & newapaper priuted and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to aaid day of hearing. WILLIAMD. HARRIMAN, (A true copy). Jmlge ot Probate. Wm. 0. Üoty, Probrtto Résister. 17O5td TyOTICE! The annual meeting of tbe Stocklioldors of the Toledo and Aun Arbor Kailroad Company wiil be held at the office of the Company, over the Savlngl Bank, in the city pf Ann Arbor, Blichlmn, at lo opdook a. bc., Wbdnbsday, Octobkr, a. D. 1878. The polla ill be kep1 upen fcwo hours. The stock transfer books will be closed on the twenty-firat day ol' September preceding. Also for the trannction of such other business as may properly come before iiiat ineeting. Dated, August 29, 187S. JAMES M. ASHLKY, Alkxander W. IIamilton, President. 1703 Secretary. fl íflbuaineps you can engage in. .■' to $20 L# LJ VI per day made by any worker of rit hn I l I aox, rightin theirown localitiea. Par1JJU X ticulars and samples worth $5 free. lmirove your spare time at this business. Addrcss ítinhon & Oo., Portland, Maiue. GET YOUR PROPERTY INSURED BY C. H. KILLEN Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN AHI1OR, - MICH, The oldent ageucy in the city. K-itubiished a quarter of a century ugo. Kepreneuting the following ti rat class couipuaitts : Hume Insu ranee Co. of N. V., Assets over 86,000,000 Cantineóte] Ins. Co. of N. Y., Asaets over $3,000,000 ! Niágara Kre In. Co., N. Y., am-i $1,442,400 QlnuxLol Pa., Asuel.s over $1,000,000 Odent of Hartford, Axsei.s $700,000 Untes luw. Leawa liberally ndjusted and proinptly p;iil. 7oo C. H. MILLEN. Marble Works! -OFAIMTON EISELE, Corner Detroit & Ciitliarine Sta. - 1 1 . : m: i:s IN - Moimments & Gravestones Maiiut'actured of Foreijiii and Amorican URANITE and MARBLE. OUT BUILDIJKG AND A8TIFICIAL STOWB Manuftictured on short notice. Pricet low nad work warrantcd to give satisfaction. 1689y 1 Ücan make niuney fwt;r at work tor uh tban at tmything elbe Capital Dot quired : we will start mi. $12 per day ut home niadu ly the induntrioUE). Men, womi'n, boy 8 und girlu WHUtud everywhere to work for ua. Now is tbo time. Coatly outfit aod tf mis lit-e. Address FltUE r Co., Auuuta, Maine. FURNITURE JOHN KECK, InANUFACTURER OF FURiMTURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Are non Offering Grcat iuducementfl lo Piirrliasers. BUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THEIR FÜRNITÜRE Direct di die Maiinfiutiirors. Manufactory, corner of William and West Fourtli Streets. Salesrooms, 52 South Main and 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arbor, Micli. I6M A NOTHER REDUCT1OIV irV LIIVIE ! Oh o Mme will ba hiTcaflcrsold at n linie irorb it i„r :m .in ,1 lml„.. .,n,l M „■ !,,.„■ it 28 ct-ut. Alao Briok, Waterïlmé, CalclDed laster, Cement, Plutering Hilrand Woud lur aale Ann Arbor, Spt. lu, 1S78. l'Mmi JACÖB Vol. I, aI) RAILROADS. M1CHMMN ÜEÑTRAL itAILKOAÏÜ .MAY 12, 1SÏ8. ■ 1OINO WEfcT. 'MIS ■ ' o a a. c = í ?i _ S f e - ..■_ r. , . A.M F.M. ,.. M. p.m. . Detroit, leave, 7110 ;, .-, 41:, 50 M , O-T.Junotion, , 15 10 Ofl 5 00 3 05 G : WayneJumllon 7 4ó 10 . ïpsilunti, 8 10 10 45 C 00 : 51 ; 3 -- Qeddea, ■ ADiiArbor, 8 30 II 00 (i 30 4 06 8 10 7T Delhi, 8 44 1; 48 " Deïttr, 8 56 Ú 58 .( 22 8 31 Chelsea, 9 15 7 ■ 4 40 g 45 " UriuM Lake, ;i 17 7 Ü3 5 t)ö 9 H7 IZZ Jaokaon, 10 20 12 10 S 00 f, ik' 9 40 l r' AlbiüU 1104 12 48 g 6 47)0 33 f Uuaball, 11 .10 1 80 -'S 7 IS 11 08 '; Battla Creek, 1219 1 55 7 i.i 1 1 35 . ,,, (TiiIestAirg, 12 52 8 (IX 12 07 _!_. A.M. AM Kalamazoo, 1 13 ■ :w 4 :IO s 20 12 Lawton, 1 64 :: 08 ■" OS 1 08 " Decatur, 2 1 1 ( J0 1 2; UowHgiue, 2 :; 5 45 1 si , Nilee, 8 06 1 0J 6 80 i ;n , ,, I '" :..;: 1:1 !i, 3 111 6 1 : ■ -, ThreeOaka 3 4!i 7 18 8 28 -_Z New liufiulo, 4 1)3 4 6J 7 Í8 3 45 Michigan ciiy, 4 :;o 5 20 7 Ú 4 i-, T Lake, S l.i o tr s 4') 5 w Knnxington, 6 05 6 SO i) 1U Chicago, arrive, I 6 55 1 7 40 10 8. f, 8 J aOIHQEABT. 1 f Jéi A.M. A. M. F. M. I'.M, p j. ('hicago, leave, ; 7 HO !1 00 4 IKJ 5 J J KensiugUu, 7 .50 9 50 4 50 6 05 9 a Lake, S 40 10 30 5 ÍS (. 50 lo Michigan City, i) 25 11 10 a :!5 7 40 m ',; New Butfi.lo, 9 47 11 27 ü U Tbrte Oakn, 10 02 7 ia __. Buehanan, 10 32 7 43 Ílü Niles, 10 45 12 15 K 1-2 9 00 12 Si Dowagiac, 11 16 S 4H 3 Decatur, 11 39 9 Oü . Lawton, 1157 II 28 a. m. K:il;iTHazoo, 12 88 1 40 10 00 0 uu III 26 2 ]' Galesburg, 12 52 . 7 011 221 Uattle Creek, 1 27 2 13 M H 7 40 11 (18 o Ú Marshall, 2 25 :i oo = s 10 il 37 j"í a.m. Albion, 2 .ï2 8 21 a.m. 8 35 IS JackHon, 8 li 4 5 5 40 !t :i," 12 50 4 si Öruos 1iikc, 1 08 6 ('7 9 50 Chelsea, 4 -10 - - o :;l 10 07 Dexter, ' 6 00 6 47 10 1 Delhi, 0 Ui 6 M Aun Arbor, 5 20 5 1 ; 10 10 88 2 05 6 Si Oeddes, 5 28 Ypsilanti. 5 88 B 'J4 7 27 10 4.Ï 2 ai 6 (5 Wnyne.Junc., B 02 6 46 ; 62 II OS ! ; tí. T. June, : ( 33 6 K 8 25 11 30 :: Detroit, Ar., . 0 4ft C 30 S 10 11 4.Ï 3 :5 8 OU Granrï lïapidu and Kalamnzoo Kxpreag arrivés at 'mud Knpids 2:ju p. ui., and leaveg Grand Et 6:15 a. m. Sundaya excepted. ISaturday and tiunday ex. oepted. tJJaily. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Manager, H. C. Wentwokth, O. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Monday, .Tuly 29, 1878, soera kobth. ootm soms, Mixed. Mail. Mail. Mixed. A. M. P. M. A. M. p. ü (i 50 4 00 Toledo Hl (i 6 66 4 03 North Toledo 9 51 7 14 4 lii Detroit Junctlorr i)4."i 7 :í1 i -j7 Hawthorn 9 84 7 46 4 3Ï Bamarta :i lm 8 oi 4 17 Senla 9 14 S! 811 4 ;"4 Llllll ■;. n: 'JI S01 Monroe Junctinn 900 8 ' r, 2 Diindee 9 02 ■:. in ilaoon 842 ut 20 529 Azaliu 9 81 S II Milán S ir, 10 10 .",.-,4 Nora 10 35 6.0.7 Irania 7S8 ln'vl i; 17 Ypsilami Jiiuciion 7 4:: n 20 6.10 Ann Arbor : 80 51) J.S. MORBIS, Gen'l Superintendent .1. M. Asui.icy, .Ik., Assl. Stipt. DETROIT, HILL8DALE AND HOUTHWKSTERN RAILRÜAD. To take efft Aug. 19, 18J8. UU1NK WEST. UOINO EABT, stations. Mai:. Exp. stations. Kxf. .t ail M. ! K. v „ „ YpRilantl.... 10:lö 7:40 a. . r. , duline 11:15 H:10 Bankers 6:14 Bridgewotor „11:38 8:28 Hillndiile ... 6:50 Manchester. 11:38 8:48 Manchester.. S:2T 4:H p. M. Bridgc-water 8: h 4: ..: Hilladale 1:35 10:30 Sidiiie 9:10 : Bankers l:4i 10:40 Ypnilanti.... !':4" S:i( 'l'raius run by Chicago timp. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. CANADA SfllITlIKKN Il'Y LINES. The Ouly American Boute Througb Canadi. Traína leave M. C. :. K. Depot, Detroit, city tin, as followa : Atlantic Express, daily, I 00 A. in., Wagnerearto Boston . Fat Day ËxpresB, daily, 12 m dood, Wagner w to New York and Boston. l-iuhinini Express, daify excepi SÚDday, 11 10 p. m., Wagnercax i Búllalo :tnl ttocheeter. Toledo leave 7 60 el m. excepl Smi'!: [. m. diiiK ; i ïo p. mi. except Ëtandav, Fur Fayette o 30 p. in. exeept Sunday. 49 For informatton and tickets apply toG.V. Hharpless,.agen1 11:0. Et. i:., Ann Arbor. W. K. MUIR, Gen'l Manager, St. Thomas, Out. M.C. BOAl H, !':- A ■■nt. Detroit. FHANK eTbNOW, Oen. Pass. and Ti Detroit. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR ËAENED ! o NEW GOODS! And prime LOWKK THAN kvk.h. r lutvt purehased in New York, far wsh, wd I ara now d:iily receivini? one Of the most select stocks of Q-roueriea ín M County, eousisting of u full umi wtfli B LINE OF TEAS, All of the New clvp - includiif (■liupDwcltrs, lnivi iuls, ïoune )■)■ SOI1N, II) SOUS. JltpHIIKi. OOIOUK) t'Ot' lllosus, Coupons. None lionas. al.'! Tivankii) s, Together witli a fiill line of COPFEE ut of ihe fo!lowiu' brnnOa: OCHA, 0LB OOV'T JAVA, MARACA mu. LAO1 kYBRSANros .ml uio. both rousfed and grouad W uud well selected stot'k of SUCARS, SYftUPS AND MOLASSES, Tojother with everythtag ia the Hut ff Pure SpiccB.Canned fruiis, md Vegetables. WehiW full :iLd t'Olllpltrt'1 Ülir ui BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Aleo, a choice aseortment of Lftai' ;u ui (ienilenjeu'ti l'nderwear. Cali and exan)ii? Goods and 1 linea aud wt wiU inBUio aatisfaotioB. EDWARD DÜFFÏ. " Maynard'e iilotrk,-" cor. Main and Aun BtW1 Ann Arbor, Midi■Hiffhest cash priee paid for all ft produce. íSá iETNA. IfflRANDIÍ COMPANT. Capital, - - $3.000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $ 44, 760, 391. 71. Jurplus over all Liabilitiea, inclu'?''1 Re-Insurance Keserve, $ 4, 735, 092. 36. iet Surplus over Liabilitios, inclmling Re-Insurauce and Capital Stock, $ 1, 735, 092. 36. C. MACK, Aseiit, Ann Arbor. CV)B SALET7 The Geonje CrtMiville hoineslMul, con juse, barn, and iwu luis, ou corner of WaatWi" iu and Fifth Btreets. N. W. CHEEVKB. )POn wee k iu your uwn tüvn. i.r outlit tt& O n Nü 1edcr. if '' ' bu"";" 1 { l I I at wil lch persons of fitlier 8fX en" BIWJ I J J gtvat pny all the linie they wurk, WB r particular tnU. Hali.kt t Co,, l'.n Üuiid , ' la


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Michigan Argus