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Seto B. Colé, ü-ustee and attorney; Kzra B. Wo3ton, Vice President and trastee; and John H. Eell?, formerly bookkeepcr of the KocUlaud Savings Bank, of Njack, N. Y., have been arresicd for complicity iñ frauda by which the bank was ruined. The village of Closter, N. J., nineteoa miles from New York, has had a wild pa-nio over the death of a Memphis rcfugoe from yellow fever. A qlycerine magazine near Braaf ord, „ Pa., belonging to N. B. Pulver, and containing 70 ponuds of glycerino and 100 pounds of dynaniite, explcded a few days airo, and N. 15. Pulver, J. B. Burkliolder, Andrew P. Higins and Charlcy Page were blowu into frastnent. THE WESr.Pbesidbnt Hates and party, ai ter takino: a trip up the Northern Paeiüc railroad as far as Fargo, Dakota, and inspecting tho great wbcat-fielda of that región, returned to Minnoapolis aud looked in upon the Expoaitiou. Ho thence journeyed to Madieon. ard was present at t lic opening of the Wisconsin 8tate Fair. His Excellency next visited Milwaukee, whero he was tbo gnest of Hon. Alexandsr Mitchell A dispatch frcm Hat creek, Wyomiug, say both the up and down Deadwocd "coaches were robbed by iliroe highwayuien, between Lightniug cref k and Cheyenne river. The treasureboxes were relieved of their csntents, aud the passenger cempelled to yield up all their money, watcaes and jewelry. A special telegram from Bismarck to ] the St. Paul Pioneer-Presa of tho 12th inst. says: "Tho brother of Senator Dorgey, who rtturued from Keogh by tho Custc-r trail today, reports that he reaehed Koogh about the 5th ; that Gen. Miles and an excursión party were sui-roucded by Bannocks in the YellowBtone park and twenty-seven of the eioort killed. A lot of Cheyenne Indians and two companie8 of mounte-d infantry were sent from Keogh to his relief. Mrs. Miles, a daughter of (3en. Sanborn, of St. Paul, and othcr ladies are iü Miles' party. Two deaths from yellow feer occurred last week at Gallipolip, Ohio, a point on the Ohio river 200 miles abovo Cinoinnati. They are attribnted to the tow-boat John ter, which passed up the river three weeks ago, with feveral cases of fover on board, and was iinally abandoned near Gallipolis, where it had sincc remained, anchored in the river. Much indiguation was feit along the river that the authoritieB of Gallipolis should allow eueh a brceder of pestilenco to rercain alloat, and, to appease their wratb, the GalhpolUns marched down to the river and üouttled the John Porter. Mis. Thomas Nally, eáitorof the Cairo (111.) Bulletin, died of yellow fever last week. There wore one or two other deatha trom the dieoaee ín Cairo, and the panic-Btricken people iiiimediately began to pack up and leave the city. The Ilulleiin suspended pnblication, proprietors, editora and employee all lea ving tonn. Abont $60,000 has beca r&ised by the citizens of Chicago for the relief of the sufferers by tfco yellow fever There was no tnnh ïu the rerort, heretofore priuted in thtsa columns, that Geu. Miles and party had been turrounded and massacredbyBinn'ock Indians I in the National park. The "boot was on the other leg," as wiil be neen by the following diepatch from Monmouth spriugs, National park: " Dispatches received hei e from Gen. N. A. Miles say that his coraui&ud of tiventy-seveu soJdiers and thirty-fivo Crows struck a body of üfty Bannocks near Clark s fork of the Yellowstone, on tho Wyoniiogline, killed thirteen hostiles, and captured thiity-four men, women, and children, and 200 ' ponies. Capt. Bennett. Company B, Fifth Infanlry, was shot through the heart, one soldier wounded, and one Cro,v kilied. Three other baiiüsof boütilex, leported in the park, have Koneto the Wind and Snake river cjuntiiep " ' ....Silting Buil, with his entire band, splendidly atined and equipped, are reported to be again on this side cf the line. Gen. Miles has been heard from. His official account of the recent fight in the Ye'. owstone park is as follows : I have to report that, witli a detacbment of the ritth mfantry and a sniail band el Crow alliep ( i Biirpiyed a. stuall cimp of Lostilo Baunocks on Uark's ferk, weet of Hert niountaln, at daylight I day. As ncar as I can asceitoin, there ere eleven i 1 ad lans killed, thirty-cuo captured; alEo 200 boad oi Uorsep. mnles and ponie captured. Froni the pu.'oners I learn that a few lodges have cone to 'Uishakie's cimp of S!)oehones. Capt. Báníett of tüo Tifth iufantry, Crow interpreier Roque Bar-ume, and one Crow warrior, were kilisd. Private ! Mc Vto, company G, 1'jflU infautry. was wonnded i Ihc Binnccks endeavored to ( xcïte the Crows to hOElility, but I have turmd the latter aamat tüemNblson A. Milks. The regular weekly robbery of "the coach from Deadwood " occurred the other I night near Hat creek, Wyoming. aiie utual monotony was varied, however, by a fight ! tween the messengers and bandits. " While the robbers were engaged in going through the pockets of the two passenger and the mail eacks the two messengers, who were riding about 200 yards m the rear of the coach, carne up, dismounted, and crept r.p within lifteen yards of tho robbers wnen they were commanded to halt, and ñred iip:). The fire was returned, and one of the robbers feil dead. The otherd retreatf d to a gulch, keepir.g up a steady fire on the nieesenKCis, who returned it. but dare not leave their position. The coach meantima had driven on, Wld, after waitmg Home time, and seeing that tbey were not ftrong enough to dislodge the i-obbors, the messengers mountcd their horses and n jomed the coach, leaving the mail sacks lying m tho road near the bcdy of the dead rubber. Ihe messengers are confident that iwo of the robbers who got awav are badlv wouaded." J THE SOUTH. A Df.puty United States Marshal and poste attempted, tbe other day, to arrest two j young men of Baldwyn county, Ga., uamed Fntiis for illicit distilling. a desperate flKht tneued. One of the posse was mortally and oue of them severely wounded. The deaths f rom yellow f ever in New Orleans, on tho llth of September, numbered !IO; new cases, 253. Business was almost ' tirely suspended, and it was eetimated that I there ; over 50,000 unemploved people in llie city. At Memphis thero was o abatement n the plague. A dispatch frem that &n B-T " We have at thi da .1,500 sicfc to provide for and 10,000 weli peop'e lo fesa. The average increane of cases is 100 na the average deaths 100 per day. Thero a'c no sign of abatement of tbo fever though the weather has tnrned cold, and we have hopos that the back of tho epidemie has been broken. ' At Vicksburg there were 31 deaths, f shgnt dtcrease. There wan also a decrease in the mimber of new cases. In the other towns of the South where tho pestileaco had round a lodgment there was no improroment. The Dumber of deaths from yellow faver in New Orleans on tho 13th was 58 new cases, 228. At Memphis there were 203 new case and 03 deaths. The disease had assamed a mild form, and yielded more readily to treatmenf. Vicksbnr, roported 31 deaths the weatber was growing cool, and there wa hope ■)f an early abatement oí the plague. At Holly S[.nngs, Hickman, Brownsville, and oiher towns in the interior, thero was little or no ibatoment of the epidemie. There were 7:5 deaths from yellow fever in New Orleans on the lGth inst.; new case?, 108; total deaths in the city for the preceding feven days, 703, oí which C32 were niales, 71 females, 261 cb'ildreu uoder 10 vears of age: of the deaths, 501 were from yellow fever; 472 were white and 29 colored. At Memphis there was no decrease of the epidemie, the deaths numbering 111, and the new oases 136 tho disease was rapidly spreading m tho tuburbs and Burrounding country. In vickeburg there were oighty-five Dew cases and twenly-three deatho. Tho interior towns repo:ted no abatement of the pestilence. WASHINGrON Gen. James Loxgstreet hss been cciumissioned Ilevenue Agent, and atsigned to the District of Georgia and Florida, vice Bevenue Agent Spencer, transferrod to Louisville. A Washington dispatch of the 13th inst. says: " Secretary Bherman late thie afternoon ifsued an oidor postpouing execution of recent orders for exchango of silver dollars for the United States notes. The effect of this order is entirely to suspend tho order of Hept. 7, providing for the exchango of United States notos for silver dollars, and to modify the order of Sept. 8, under which silver dollars were issued toany persons throngh tho sub -treasuries in snma of i 10, 000 and ita multiple in exchange for legal tenders. The rtasou assigncd for thia change ■ )f Mie is that the exchange of these dollars for legal tenders in anticipation of Jan. 1 may not be justified by law. Secretary Shermañ has long maintained that the Kesu'mption act oould nqt be interpreted to authorizo Mm to redeem in coiu btfore Jan 1." A Washington dispatch of the 16th net. says: "Af ter the conference of Cabiaet ofneers on the nr.ancial quostion hero on last Friday, it appears that a dispatch was sent to President Hayes requesting nim to return imimdiately, in order that there might bo a full C&binet meeting upon the liuancial situation aad tho Haine election. Tho Prcsidout replied that he had uot and should not ohange oy of hia views or acts on tb? reeiunption quostion ; that he should haston to completo specie payments as speedily as poseible, and that he could not change his plans to return to Washington for the pnrpofe yaggestod." The Secrctary of the Treasury has íbsued the ncventy-lh'xt cali for the redemption of 5-201ondsof '65. Thoeall is for 5,000,000- $2,000,000 coupon and $3,000,000 resistored- principal and 'interest to be paid at the subireasury on the lüth of December and a f ter, and intorest to cease on that day. GKNEKAL. A Portland (Ore. ) dispateh says Gen. Howard has held a conference with Chiof Meses, at Priest's Kapids, at which assurauces of continned friendship were exebanged, and Moses announced a willingness for his tribo to ga on a reservation of their owii choice, but not on one remote from their country. NoBTHKiflf Ohio, Western Pennsyl vania, and the lowsr Kcctiou of Canada were viaited last week by a fieries of most destructivo rain stormt. Riu feil almost inceseantly for three or fonr days. It descended in f urioue torrents accompanied hy high winds. Railroad bridgee were washed awav, and in some instanceshouses were carned off by the ragiug torrents and their inmatos drowned. Kailroad travel waa senonaly impeded, and on many roads tewporarily sispeiided. Toronto, Canada, reporta that no such a visitation has been experiencctl in that viciujty since 1861. Iu Northern Obio the damage to crops and manufaeturing entablirhments is immense; the entilo loes in Ohio alone, it is estimated, will exceed $3,000,000. In Western Pennsylvauia tho damage vras equally eerions, and in tho vidnity of Meadville was a'tended by tad loss of life. A traiu on the Pittburgb. and Erie road rau into a floating culvert and went down, killing threa persone. Six people wtre drownid by tho tudden rising of the wters and the washing away of their housen, makicig the death-list urne in the vicinity of Moadville, whilo the property damage is placed at $100,000. The gale was also severo on the lakes, and a number of vessols were driveu ashore. The September returns to the Department of Agricultura at Washington givc the average condition of the corn erop at 92, against flö in Augnst. The September returns indícate an average of 7 in the condition of the wheat erop, against 92 in September, 1877. The reduction is mostly duo to disasters to the spriug-wheat erop in the Northwest. A preliminary examination of the returns oí tlie acreage indicUo that the breadth sown in 1878 nas about onc-sixth greater than in 1S77. This will more than compénsate the loss íroin decline in condition, and may probably bring up the yield to the popular estímate of 400,000,000 bnshels John Riley and a man unknown fought a duel with revolvers in the Catholic cemetery, at San Francisco. They began shooting at ten paces, and advanced, firing till they closed, when the unknown placed his pistol ngainst Riley's body, inflicting a dangorous wonnd. lïiley was taken to the city and received at the hoBpital for medical treatmeut. He refueed to divulge the name of his antagonist or seoonds in the affair. The fiftyfourth annnal communication of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellowaof the United States was held last week in Baltimore. The official reports show an inereasu in the nnmber of lcdges since the last meeting, but, for the ürst time in üvo vears, the niembersbip and revenues of the order show a decline. POlilTICAL. Tuk Massachusetts Prohibitioniste have nominated Rev. Dr. Miner for Governor. The State Convention of the Independent Greenback party of MaBSachusetts met at Boston on the 11' h inst., nearly a thousand delegates being present. Gen. Butler was nominated for Governor by a riBing vote Dr. E M. Wright, of Ohattauooga, has been nominated by the Republican State Committee of Tennessee as the Itepublican candidato for Governor. The New Hampshire Demócrata held their Stato Convention at Concord last week. The Hon. Frank A. McKeon was nominated for Governor bv aeclaraation. Hadley B. Fowler, David H. Young. and E, B. Peter son were nominated for Railroad Commission] ers, also by acclamation. The Louisiana Eepublioan Convention was called to meet in New Orleaus on the i 16th inst. A quorum f&iling to put in an apI pearance,-the aelegate3 adjourned subject to I cali. FOKEI6N The Emperor of Germany, in his speech at the opening of the newly-olected Reicbstag, argued strongly in favor of repressive ! legislation against the Socialista. " Such rneas ures," the speech urges, "should preserve the ! liberty of citizens in geu3ral, and only prevent the abuse of liberty, by which the pernicious Socialist agitation threatons the foundations of life, and ellculture A Conftantinople disj patch siys that Mehemet Al] Pasha's reti nua were not assassiuated ia the fighi I between the troops defendiog llehemet Ali and the insurgents. The men killed on both sides numbered 400 Over 600 bodies have been recovered of the porsoos drowned by the finking of the steaiiier Princess Al'ce, In the river Tharae3....NobeliDg, the woiddbe assasain of the Ge) min Emperor, has cheated the exeentioaer by lmffling off his mortal coil. He died of paralysis oí thelungs. A London dispatch of the llth inst. saya: "Eugland is now pasBiDg through an er of accidenta of the most dreadful nature. The esciteniont and auguish caused by the sinkiug of the excursión boat Princess Alico on the Thames bas not mbtidcd to any appreciable degree, when close upon it comes tho nows of a terrible colliery accident in Wales. The disaster occurred at Ebbervale Colliery, Abcrcarne, near Newport, in Monmoulhshire. The pit is etill on fire, and the bnrning gas occasionally bnrsts out from the month of the ventilating thaft. Search parties have been able to penétrate only a few yards iuto the main entrance to the mine, i where tbey enoounterod eighteen dead horses in the stables. Beyond this po nt the fallen timbers and the blazing woodwork and eoal gas effectually bar the way. This dieaster is the most terrible that has ever occurred in Wales." PEKSEorjTED Christians in Albania are fleeing by the thousand into Montenegro for j refuge Anothor turn in Russian politics is I reported, Gortschiltoff haviug recovered all i his old influence with the Czar. Schouvaloff, whose succ3Sful conduct of the negotiations which led to the Berl n congress put bim at " the top of the heap " for a time, has vuluntarily retired from office The Egyptian obelisk hae heen plaêïd upon its pedestal on the Thames mbankmont. News of tlie retrograde movement of the Austrian f orcos in Bosnia has prodiioed a stunning effect at Vienua. The succession of vtxatious reverses encountered by the splendid army which crosfed the frontier a few weeks ago is as surprising to the outside world as it i depressing to the Austriau pople. The whole peoplo of the revolted province does not exceed" 1,000,000, whilo the invading army is said to number more than 200 - 000 men. The Mussulmans of the surrounding country threaten to make a descent on Erzeronm and plunder the Christians when the Rnssian troops leave that city. The Armenian Archbishop of Erzeroum bas telcgraphed to the British and French Ambassadjrs at Constantinople, asking that steps be taken for the protection of tlio Christian population. ..There seems to be a hitch in the negotiations, initiated by Germany, for joint action of the powers to compel Turkcy's acquiescence in the stipulations of the treaty of Berlin concerning the rectili catión of the Greek frontior. England opposes tho moveiaont, it appears, while Italy hesitates about lending it her aid, and Bismarc'i is said to have desided to defer further actiou until a more urgent orisis is reached. Gkeece is said to be taking measures preparatory to the formation of an srmy of 100,000 men, for use in settling the frontier quostion which the Berlin congress so foolishly left unsettled A Berlin dispatch Kays that. Emperor William ia deeirous of reBiimiijg the reins of Governmt nt next montb.


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