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Representative District Convention

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The feecoud Kepresentahve District Democratie Convention was held, punuant to cal], at Firemen's Hall in this city, on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 2 o'clock p. m. Edward Clancy, of the District Committee, called the conveution to order, aud Edward Clark was chosen Chairman, and Eugene Gibney, Secretary. Messrs. Edward Clancy, John N. Gott and Joseph D. Irish were appointed a Committee on Credentials, who reported the list of delegates entitled to seats. Keport accepted aud adopted. A ballot was ordered, and the same gentlemen who constituted the Committee on Crudentials were appointed u-Hors. Messrs George Sutton, of Northh'eld; H. M. Mowry, of Ann Arbor Town ; and Fred. Schmid, Jr., of Anu Arbor City, were placed in nomination. Two ballots resulted : lst. 2d. For George Suttou, (j 2 " Hethcott M. Mowry, - - 4 6 " Fred. Schmid, Jr., ( 10 On motion, Mr. Schmid was declarad unanimou8ly nominated. Messrs. E. Duffy, E. Clancy, and H. Laraway were appointed a District Committee, and the couvention adjourued sine die. St. Thomas Temperance Benevolent Society. At a special meeting of the above named society, the tollowiug resolutious were adopt ed : Whebeas, lt has pleased Almighty God to cali Irom our midst our beloved friend and fallow worker in the cause ot temperauee, JOHJf H. Quinlian, Resolved, That by his death this society has lost un efficiƫnt aud trusty member, the com-munity an houest and worthy citizen, and the church one of her faithful childreu. Resolved, That we deeply deplore the loss which our society haB sustained, and we tender to his father and relations our protound sympathy, and pray God to euable them to bear with Chnstiau resignatiou their irreparable loss. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the tather of the deceased, that they be euteied on the records of the Society, and that they be publiahed iu the city papera. John M. O' Beien, Sec.


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