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RAILROADS. M1CHMM3 (ENTRAI. BAILROAD. MAY 12, 1878. OIO WKHT. L_ _f2_J_ P A. M.A.M r.W. m P.M. fm letroit,leive, 7 1X1 9 :ió 4 45 ■ 50 6 20 9 -'o O.T. Junction, 7 15 10 00 5 00 3 OS 6 35 10 10 nayne JuucLiun ; 4t le J6 S 2 3 :jo 7 10 10 4' ï"psilanti, 8 10 10 45! 6 00 3 51 1 7 38; 11 04 üeddes, -. . I Ann Arbor, 8 80 11 00 n 80 4 06 10 11 91 belhi, x 11 6 S : Dexter, 8 5i 68 1 ■ K 31 '_- Chelee, 9 15 _ 7 08 4 40 8 45 Gras Lakt-, ! 17 7 3 fl 05 9 07 , Jackwm, 10 20 12 15 S 00 A 00: 9 40 la'45 Albion, 11 04 12 48 g 1; 47 10 38 1 2S Marshall, 11 50 1 30 - ' 7 l.ï 11 ui 45 V. K. 8 Battle Creek, 12 19 155"1) 7 451136 á 10 Galeaburg. i 52 $ a8 12 07 . .. A.M. A.M. KlBinaiii, 1 13 2 38 4 30 8 20 12 25 2 5S: Lawton. 1 64 :i 08 5 05 1 08 JJecatur, -2 ,1 5 20 1 27 IJowagiac, 2 36 5 46 1 57 .. Nlle, :: 03 4 07 6 30 2 38 4 24 Buchanan, 3 19 li 4:! 2 54! ThrceOak 3 49 7 13 i 3 28 . N'ew Buffalo, 4 (P3 4 57 7 28 3 45 Michifrall City, 4 30 6 20 7 1,5 4 16 6 41 Lake, 5 13 6 02 fc 40 5 04 6 28; Kensingtuii, 6 05 6 50 9 10 5 55 7 10. Chicago, arrive, 6 56 7 40,10 80 1 ! 6 4S 8 OO OOINOEA8T. M : , ï T 'S "3 ce. - W ; 1 g_Lj_ Hkip 5 A.M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P W Ohlcago, leave, 7 00 9 00 4 00 5 15 00 Kentiiugton, 7 50 9 50 4 50 6 05 9 o Lake, . 8 40 10 30 5 45 6 50 10 8! Michigan City, ! M 11 10 6 35 7 40' 11 15 New Buffttlo, 47 11 27 6 &7 - 11 35' Three üake, 10 02 , 7 12 ! A, Hfc Buchanan, 10 82 7 43 Niles, 10 45 12 15 8 12 ■ 9 00 12 SS Dowagiac, 1115 8 40 I 103 Decatur, 11 39 , 6 05 j 1 tí Lawton, 11 57, 9 23 a. m. , Knlnnmr..i, 12 33 1 40 10 0U C BO 10 26 2 1! Galeaburg, 12 52 . 7 09' ! 37 Battle Oiffk, 1 27 2 13 ji M 7 40 n 08 3 u x , Marshall, 2 25 3 0 f 8 10 il 37 3 4 AUiion, 2 52 3 21A.M. 8 35 12 05 4 10 Jackson. 3 45 4 05 5 40 9 3 12 50 4 5s Orase Lak, 4 08 6 (■" 9 50 Chelae, 4 4 ' 6 81 10 07 Uexter, 6 00 6 47 10 18 Delhi, 5 10 - - 6 55 Ann Arbor, 5 }ti 5 10 7 10 10 XI ! OS I í Qedde 5 28 Vpsilanti, 5 38 5 24 7 27 10 45 2 20 6 45 Wuyne June, 6 02, 6 45 7 62 11 05 2 44 7 OS G.T. June, 6 33 6 16 8 25 1 1 30 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., : 6 4: 6 30 8 40 11 45 3 35 8 00 Grand ltapida and Kalamnzoo Kxpress arrivés at Graud HapicU 2.20 p. m., and leave (rand Kapidi 8:liS a. m. Snndtiyg excepted. Saturday and Hunday exoepted. füaily. H. B. LBDYAHD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit H. C. Wentwobtb, G. P. T. Afft., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Monday, July 29, 1878. ooi-vr: sonTH. ooino south. Mixed. Mail. Mail. Mixed. P-'m. A.M. P.M. 6 50 4 00 Toledo 10 00 7 00 6 55 4 08 Nortb Toledo 9 57 (i DI TH t 6 IK-Iruit Junctiou 9 43 r, 3; 7 31 4 27 liawthoni M 34 619 7 46 4 37 Samaría 9 '-'4. 6 04 8 01 4 47 Seola 9 14 6 49 8 11 4.X Lulu 907 53S 8 21 5 01 Monroe Junction 9 00 5 29 8 49 5 12 Duodee 8 49 5 02 9 02 6 19 Macou 8 42 4 48 9 20 5 29 Azolia 8 32 4 29 9 51 5 44 Hilan 8 16 3 58 10 10 o 54 Nora 8 06 3 33 10 35 6 07 Urania 7 53 3 14 10 54 íi 17 Ypsilanti Jnnction 7 43 2 55 11 20 0 30 Anu Arbür 7 30 2 30. J. S. MORRIS, (ien'l Superintendent. J. M. Ashlev, Jb., Aast. Supt DETROIT, HÏLLsLaLE AN OUTHWESTJEKN KAILROAD. To tuke effect Aug. 19, 1878. ooiNtt west. aomo easiu STATIONS. MaL. Exp. 8TATION8. Exp. j S A. V. P. M. i'psilauti.... 10:45 7:40 " Saline 11:10 8:1U Bnnker 6:li 8:3 Bridgewater „11:33 8:28 : Hilladale .. 6:30 2: Manchester. 11:53 8:48 Manchester.. 8:25 4:19 P. M. Bridgewater 8:48 4:37 SillwJale 1:35 10:30 Saline 9:1 4:M Banken. 1:45 10:40 Ypsilanti 9:45 5:2 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKEK, Bur't, Ypsilanti. CANADA SOUTHERN U'V 1,1 NES. The Ouly American Koute Through Cuoad Traína leave M.C. R. K. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows : Atlantic Kxprfss. daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car toHoston . Faal Day ExpreM, daily, 32 10 noout Wagner car to New Yurk and Bostou. Lightning Express, daily exccpt Sunday, 11 10 p, ni., Wagner ar to RulValo and Rocbester. Toledo train loave 7 50 a. m. exeept Sunday ;i Ift p. in. dnily ; 6 50 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. extrept Sunday. S For iut'ormation and tickets apply to G. W. Sharfriess, agont M.C'. U. R., Aon Arbur. W.K. MUIR, Gen'l Manager, St. Thomas, Out. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agont. Detroit. FRAfl K E. 8N0.W, Gen. Paas. and Tleket Agt. Detroit. A DOLLAR SAVED 18 A DOLLAR EARNKD ! o NEW GOODS! And prici"8 LOVfER TIIAN BVEK. I have purchaaed in New York, for ensh, nd I am oow daily receivinc oue of the largest and most select stocks of Grocerics iu Washtenaw County, consistintf of a fu'1 and well selected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop - iucluding Guupowdera, Imperials, Yomiff Honw, II sous, Japans, Oolongs, iornionati, unuuiis, .ii. Iiiil:s. ur.d I Uíilil.a j s, Together wilh a full line ofCOFFËES, consiitïng of Ihe following brande: MOCHA. OLD OOV'Ï JAVA.MAKACAIUO, LAGUAYKE,8ANTO8 and ÜIO, both roaated and ground ; a full and well selected Rtock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure Spices, Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and complet" line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice assortment of Ladiea' and (ientlemenV I-nderwear. Cali and examine Goode and Priftea and we will insureantisfaction. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard'e Block.' cor.ïlain and Ann slreet Ann Arbor, Mich. K7Highest c&sh price paid for all farm produce. iS Je t jsr a. IN8DRANCB CÜMPAN1. Capital, - - $:i,00(),0(M). Asseta Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid iu 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includ'"' Ke-Insuranoe lteserve, $ 4, 735, 092. 86. Not Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Innurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Asrnt, Ann Arbor. l'nlversity Letter ml Note Head, wlth and without Cuts, In Hodder'g Patent Blottlng Pal Cover- 1OO and 120 sheets In book- for sale at the ARGl'S Office. fí) f f a week in your own town. $5 outfit f re. M t No Reader, if you want a busine Iñ I ! I I llt which peraon of either aex can mak U V Ugreat pay all the time they work, write fat partioularatoH.HiLLETT kCo., Portland, M.


Old News
Michigan Argus