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THE EAST. A frightfül railroad accident is reportcd from Boston. The disaster oceurrcd at Wallaston Hcighta, a station on the Old Colony railroad. fivo miles from tho city. A train of twonty-two cara, oxowded with exöursioniate returping from a boat race, while proceeding at a twenty-niilo rato over an ombankment, flew tho track and the wholo train tumbled in rndiscriminate confusión to tho bottom of the ditch. ïïvc or six of tlie ooaohea were badlr wrecked. Over a dozen peoplo wore killed outright, several others received fatal injuries, and about 100 were seriously woundod. ■ A frightfül accident occurred in onc of the minos of tho Lehigh Yalley coal mine, near Wilkosbarre, Pa. , last week. Fout minors wero at work in a distant shaft, whon n smid explosión of lire-damp took place. The four men wero inatantly killed, theii' bodies being f rightfully mutila t_'d. Tho accident was causea by the carrying of an open lamp into tho ehamber. The financial cónsequences of the frightful raihvay accident near Boston are rather sovero to the railroad on which it occurred. The business of adjusting claims of the injured is now on hand, and thero will be claims for heavy damages from the hsirs of the dead. One estímate puts tho coat to the company at half a million dollars. A fire at Kdinbturg, Pa., almost corupletely Tiped the town out of existenco, 225 houses being destroyed. Loss ?;í50,000 to $400,000 The most severe storm for fifteon yeais prevaüed along the East Atlantic coast on Oct. 13. Tho damage to shipping was immense and thero was ome loss of file. George J. Hathaway, the defaulting treasurer of tho Bordor City Mills, of Fall Bivcr, iTass. , has been sentencjd to ten years in the jifiiitcutiarv. Chace, the President of tho company, had previonly reccived i ten years' sentenco Jesse R. Ouder, the defaulting of the lleichants.' Exchange National Bank of Xnv York. who fled to Europe in 1870, hut ivho returned reoeatly tnd pleaded guilty, bas been sentenced to live yeara at hard labor in the Albany penitentiary. THE WEST. A Washington dispatch says that reports from tho Spotted Tail Indians are such as to warrant grave apprehonsions of a serious ludían war in the Northwest, 80 mnoh so that Gen. Sheridan has asked for an additional force. The inaugural meeting of tho new Chicago racing park, locatod in the western portioh of the city, was a grand success. Many of the most noted trotters of the country were interod for tlic races, and tho sport was the linest that has been witnessed at any raemg track in the West for many years. The attondancc was immense, not" " less than 35,(XX) people outoring the gatos on the.closing day. The special attraction on that day waa a content between tho world-famoua ttotters, Hopoful (in harneas), liarus (to wagon), and Great Easteru (under tho saddle). Hopeful wou in threo straight heats; time, 8:J7W, '.2:17, 2:1(5. Karus wan a alose second in all thrco heats. A special correspondent of the Chicago Times gives an iuteresting account of the advonturea of CoL Thornburgh's command which started frotn Sidney, Neb., in DUTSUitof the fugitivr ('heyenufs. ' 'Through tht' incaSacity of guides and scouts, and a singnlai egree of ignoranco conoeniing the topography of the country on tho part of tho oflicere, the commaud aeems to havo len lost ;unun; the tand-hills between the railroad and the Black Hills. The men and animáis were wimout water or looii so long that thoy l)ecanie nearly helpless, and in this condition they weré in danger of porisliing among the Saharalite sand drifts. Fortunately thev strm-k tlio traü of Carlton's command, nbtaiucd assistanco, and got through to a point noar the old Red Cloud agency. Tlio Cheyennee Beem to havo known the country botter," and. aftel leading tbo troops into tho'sand-hills, disappeared utterly. The town of Mount Vernon, Posey county, Intl., haa been thrown iuto a wild state of excitement by a series of tho most disgusting crimes and tragic revengea whidh ever startled the people of a civilized conimunity. Eight negroes went to a house of illfame uear tlio outskirts of tho town and perpetrated tho most beastly outragoH npon three woincn imnates, winding up by robblng them of wbat littlo money they possessed. Warrants were Hworn out for the arrest of the negroos, and Deputy Sheriff Thomas, with a posse, iu attompting to effect tlio arrest of Dan Harris, oue of the partieipators, was shot dead Ijv Harris' f ather, an old negro of 60. Harris and three other negroes were linally captured and lodged in jaiL The news of the kiljing spread like wüdfiro through the community, and by nightfall a mob of 200 armed men had been organized. A raid was made on tho jail, the tour negroes forcibly taken therefrom and hsnged to the limb of a tree in the jail yard. A lifth was stabbed to death and his body onrved in small pieees by the infuriated lynchers. The mob then quietly dispersed. Donnelly, the lion-tamer connected with Pullman & Hamilton's circus, was nearly killed by one of his pets at McArtlmr, Ohio, the other day. It was with great difticuHy that he was rescued from the cage alive. A Deadwood (Dakota) dispatch says that a fight took place near that city, between tho Sheriff and posse and two road-agente, in which one of tho latter. Torn Prioe, was four time wounded, twice fatally, and is nqw in the hands of tho authorities. His eompanion escaped .... lïice's Surprise Party, a new burlesque corabinatiou of undouljted ment, are giving the people of Cliicago two extravaganzas üiis week - "Horrors, or the Jlarajnh of Zogabad," and ;Hiawatha." This troupe includes some popular búrleseme comedians, notablv Wfllie Edouin, Mestayer, Lcwíh Harrixon and Miss Alice Harrion. Theyappear at Havei-ly's Theater, which was refitted during tin; Hiininicr viication. THE SOUTH. The Collector of Internal Eevenue at Little Rock has diseoveredfourillieitdistillcrics in that Stato, but so well fortifled that He is unable to scizo them. They aro surrounded with rifle-pits, and the employés armed with doathdealing rifles. He has tèlcgraphed to Washington for reinforcements. Theee ■■ere 43 deaths from yellow fever in Jlomphis on the ilth inst. ; in New Orleans the deaths numbered 42 and the new cases 143; at Vicksburg thero were 5 deaths. with very few new oases; Chattanooga, :', dcaths and a largo number of new cases. There was little or no improvcment in the situation at tho interior pointe whero tho fever lms gained a foothold, and jio hopos of an abatcmont of tho plague until the appeiirance of frost. Special Agent Chapman, of the Intcrnal Revenuc Bureau, writes to Washington from North Carolina that ho is having more troublc in induringthcdiHtillcrsof illieit whisky in the mountains of that State to stop their vinlations of tho Internal licvenuo laws and lead honestlives than in fxiulh Carolina, "Wili-iam P. Langley, h noted Texas desperado, was recently hangcd atGiddings, in that State. He is known to have killed eight men, besides shooting many others who survivei Theke were 50 deaths from yellow fever in New Orleans on the 18fh inst., and 128 new cases reportcd; total cases to that date, 11,987; total deaths, 890. At Memphis the deatha rinmbered l(i; at Vicksburg, 1; at Chattanooga, 0, with 205 sick. The fever had braken out in a large numlxT of towus along the lint; of tho Memphis and Charleston rauroad, lwtween Chattanooga and Memphis, and a panic existed all along the road. There was little abatement of the (evei in the interior towns Of Louisiana and Mississippi, and no hopos of its dying out beforo the appeanmeo ol frost.... A correspondent of the Chicago Tribune at Memphis telegraphs as follows under date of Oct. lö : "Have just retorced from al.TO miles run out on tho Momphis and Charleston railway. Along tho on tire routo the sight was eiekening. The towns and villages are doeorted, and present a dilapidated appearanco. Tho citizons bar their doors against vieitors from Memphis, whilo all arouiid them tlicir noighbors are sick and dying. It is for the relief of this class of pooplo that tho Howards havo orgauizod medicino and relief trainu on both tho Louisville and Charleston railways, and they havo found plenty to do. In tho 300 "miles run ono or two barrels of moal were all that could be got on tho routo for love or money. Every station and wood-pilo on the line of these roads has a number of cases, most all proving fatal. " A Vicksburg dispatch of Oet. 14 roports that " there was a political meeting going on at Waterproof, La., and ex-Chief Justicc John T. Ludeling had boon addressing them. A disturbance aroso, and ai-ms wero freely uscd. During tho fight Capt. Pock and four negroos were killed. Among tho negroes killed was one named Fairfax, a nomineo for Congross in Tensas parish. Ho could not lie found, and secms to havo been gottcn away frora the scène of action. There was groat cxcitement. The negroe were threatening to sack iG town, and the whites had dispatched to the adjoining parishes for reinforcements." GENKKAL. Fok a long timo thoro has existed a roign of terror in Lincoln county, New Mexico, tho community boing practically under the rulO of a mob, which set tho local civil authorities at defianco and did pretty much as they pleased. The matter having been placed beforo the thorities at Washington, tho President ha.s just issued a proelamation oommanding "the insurgente to disperse and retiro peaceablv to their respective bodes." If thix proolanmtion is not j obeyed broopa will bo B6Qi to the Territory, mul . a Iflore foimble remedy, in the shape of bullets and bayonetw, will bo applied. Cronin, of Oregon - lie of electoral notorioty - is among the dead of the week. POUTICAL, Electioxs were held in Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and West Virginia on the Sth inst. , and the result may be figured out ahout as follows: Tho Republicana clect thoir State ticket in Ohio by about (5,000 majority, luit lose in Congressine'ii, the dclegation standing 11 Demócrata to fl Iïcpublicans. ïho follpwing aro tho Republican CoDgrOBSZüen rcturued: Butterworth, First; Yonng, Socondj Kiefer, FuurUi; Neal, Twelfth; McKinley, Sixteenth; Monroe, Scvontoemh ; Updegrafl," Elghteenth; Garfield, Ninetecnth ; and Townsond, in the Twcntioth districts. Tlio Domo cralio OongressmoB eleotod are as follows: GodoOB, Filteentli; Atlicrton, l'oiu'teenth ; Wariior, Thirteentli : Dickey. EUdventh Éwing, Teuth; Convèrée, Ninth ; FirdeyEighth; Huicl, Sivenüi; Hill, Kixth; Lefevro, Fifth, and McIlahon in the Third district. In Indiana tho Democratie Stato ticket is elected by about 12,000 majority. The Oongresfiional delegaron will stand as follows: First district, William Ileihnan, Republican; Second, Thos. li. Cobb, Democrat; Third, George A. Bicknell, Democrat; Fourth, Jephtha D. New, Democrat; Fifth, Tnoa M. Browne, Iïopublican ; Sixth, WiUiam 1!. Meyers, Democrat; Seventh, Gilbert De La Matyr, Demoarat aud National ; Kighth, A. J. Hostetter, Demoorat: Ninth. Godlove S. Orth, Republican; Tenth, William II. Calkins, Boptiblican; Eloventh, Calvin Cowgill, Kepublican ; Twelfth, Walpolo Coleriek, Demoerat; Tliirteenth, John Baker, Iïepublican - miiking kí Bepublioans and 8even Democrats. Tne Demi havo a majority of six on joint ballot in the Legislatura over both Eepublioans and Naüonals. In Iowa tho Kepnblicans elect their Stato ticket by ÏO.IHH) ma joritv, though they loso fcwo niembers of CQngrcss; (iillette, in the Des Moines district, andWaaver, in the Sixth district, both nomioated by the Democrats and Greenbaokers, are electod by small majorities. In West Virginia the Democrats elected the ent re delegatiou ia Congrcss. The Republicans of Missouri met in State convention at St Louis last week, adopted a hard-money platfomi and nominated the followiug ticket : Judgo of tbo Supremo Court, Alex. F. Denny; Superintendent nt' Pnblio Instnietion, lïoderick B&ldwÏD; Begistor of l.aiuls. William T. Nordel; lïailroad Conimissioner, John B. Traey. A resolntion nominating Grant for President in L890W&8 rocoivod witli tn iiiendous applause, but it waa tliought inexpedient to adopt it. At Troy, N. Y., William A. Wood has been nominated to Congress by the Democrats, to run against his brother, Waltor A. Wood. the reaping-macliinc man, who was nominated by the Kepublicans. A Cincinxati dispateli says tbat "official returns of the late eleetiim have been received from all tho countics in Ohio bot foorteen. Unoflicial reporta havo also been roceived from these, so that very eloso estimatos can now be made upon tlie result The total vote cast will fall snort of that of last year. Tho Republican majority for Seeretary of State will be 4,HÖ. The National rote will reach somowhere between 30,(100 and 05,000, a small inei'easo upon last y e ar." WASHINGTOïi. Secbetary Schuhz is quite confident that the Indians are not going to give any serious trouble. At a Cabinet meeting, tho other day, it was decided that troops cannot be used in assisting intenial-revenue ofticers to break up tiic manufacture of crookeil whisky. The Ooilector at Iiittle Koek, Ark., who aslied for such aid, liaa been instrueted to cali on the United States Marshal and to employ as large a posso as may be necessary fqr me purpose. Snonld it bo nliown tliat the eivil authontieB arepowerless to exeeute the laws the President will issue his proclamaron comnumding the offendera to oease their violations of the law, and if not oboyed the military will be employee! to break up such iUicit stilis. FOREIGN. St. Peteesbttiïg advices indícate that a Kussian corps of observation, 30,000 men, will probably bo stationed on the northern frontier of Afghanistan. A Vienka correspondent states that, accordiug to the reporta current in Constiintinople, a party in the palace is endeavoring to induce the Sultan to break off relations witli Austria, and concéntrate a lartce army to bar any further Austrian advance. It does not seèm to be apprehendcd at Vienna these efforts will Bucoéed . . . . Adviecs from Australasia report that in New Zealand fivo Wesleyan missionaries were murdered and eftten by lmsh nativos near tbc Malicola eoast Eighty of the tribe were killed by the traders and èoast nativos in retíiliation. ïhe news is tclcgraplied from India that the Khyber pass is in the hands of the British, who are advancing without serious oppositiou into Afghanistan . . . .Eneouraged by the resistance which the Austrian Qovernment i meeting at home to a further advance in lïosnia, the Porte has issucd a circular suleinnly warning Austria against the oceupation of Novi-Bazar a "certain to lead to terrible disasters," and asserting tho Sult&n's sovereiguty over the occupied provinces .... A dispatch from Yienna tatos that liussia hafl informed the powers of the Ktoppage of tho retreat of the liussian troops, and lias invited tliem to join in energetic representatious, which Prince Lobanolï is instruoted to make, in order to induce the Porto to take prompt meamiivs to stop the outrages upon GhnstiflJlfi. . . .The Huhsian anny in lïonmelia and Bulsaria still amounte, contrary to treaty, to 15í,U00 men. . . . .Yarkand, an important city of Turkcstan, has beon seizcd and occupied by the EtussianB. Rlazan, a liussian town of aboiit 1Ü,()(X) iuhabitante, has been visited by a disasti-ous conflagration, involving the deetraotion of $1,500,lAKj worth of property. During a performance at the Coliseum Tlieater, Liverpool, a ery of fire was raised, when a terrible panic ensued, peoplo rushing for the doors and sliding down the pilláis of the gallery on the heads of the occupants of the pit A post impeded exit Thirty-live men and lada and two women were suffocsited. Many pei-sons were severely injured The firm of Heugh, Balfour & Co. , one of the oldost Eastern t'iiipping bousea in Manchester, Eugland, has failed for upward of L,000,000. Düpanloup, Bishojï of Orleans, and a member of tho Frenen Sonate, is dead . . . .The KussiaiiH claim that the territory between Constantinople and Adrianoplo is 'not affected by tho treaty of Berlín ; therefore, ander tho preliminary treaty of San Ktcfano, tliey have a right to occupv it ontilthe deflnite treaty shall bo eonoludèd Mr. Noyea, American Ministor to France, has receiTed 60,000 francs collected in Paria for tho relief of yellow-fever sufferers in the United States. The revolutiomiry feeling so widely prcvalent in Russia has been manifestad lately in i way exceedingly unpleasant to the anthor ities at St Petersburg. Seditions placaras are posted and incendiary pani])hletrt distributed in spiteofall the vigilance of the pólice, assisted by a military patrol. Government oflicials receive threaiening letters, and fhe ertdencesof dangerous agitation are constantly visillr. The Mexican Border. A recent telegram from Han Antonio, Texas, says: "The transfer of 12,00(1 Mexican troops to the Kio Grande border is eertain. Gen. ürd thinks the move one of policy on the part of Diazto strengthen hrmaelf inthe estimation of the Mexican people, as Trevino, the chief commander of the Mexicttn forces on the Iiio Grande border, aspires to the Prcsidency. Ornella, the Mexican Consul hore, says the object is to settle Indian afí'aii's in Northern Mexico. He states tliat internal matters are being quieted, an,d that fchere is no otlier office for the troops. All accounts, however, show general turbulence tlirongliout the country, which ' duces tlie belief that Gen. Ord Is reet, and that Ornellas only talks to lead conclusions as to the object of sending these forces to their presen! destination, as the Mexican troops af present along the Rio Grande are not properly fed, anl have to bc guarded to prevent their desertion. People hero and the military think some consequctices will ensue when the largor I force arrivés, and anticípate great trouble. The few hundred Mexican Boldiers at Saragossa, Newton, andother j places, are funiished beef lialf from Texas, and it is also thought this greatlyinercased force will depend upon the same source for its meat."


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