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For Sheriff- JOSIAH S. CASE, of Manchester. For County Clerk- I'ETER TUITE, of Dextcr. Kor Register of Deedn- CHARLICS II. MANI.Y, of Ann Arbor. For County Treasurer - MATTHEW GENSLKY, of Freedom. Tor ProsecutioR Attorney - CHARLES R. WHITMAN, of Ypnilanti. For Circuit Court Oommissioners - HOWAKD STEPH BNSON, of YpsibinüPATRICK M KERNAX, ol' Ann Arbur. For County Surveyor - UEOKüE T. CLARKE, of Auu Arbor. For Coroners - MARTIN CLARK, of Ann Arbor. FRANK JOSLIN, of Ypsilauli. Emil Zijíckie is the name of the Republican candidate for Representatie in the Third District of this county. We confesa to an inability to write his, biography. Don't forget to go and hear Hon. Ira B. Card neit Wednosday evening, Mr. Card will be sure to convince you that it is your patriotic duty not to vote for either Willits or Thomas for Congress. If YOU have inoved into the city, or become of age, or been naturalized, or removed froin one ward to another niñee the last election, be sure and register uext Tuesday in the ward in whïch you now reside. For places of meeting see advertisement in another column. Gent. J. B. Steadman, of Toledo, sn accentric and unstable politician, addressed the Greenbackers in Hangsterfer's Hall on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday evening next Hon. George Willard, of Battle Creek, will speak in the same place. The Detroit Post and Tribune has at last discovered what has been sought after for ages : that is in what the uupardonable sin consists. It is the importing of Hon. J. C. 8. Blackburn from Kentucky, and pormitting him to make two speeches in Wayne County. Os thï fourth page of this issue of the Arotjs will be found the letter of Gov. Tildbn denying all knowledge of and all responsibility for those cipher dispatches, or of any attempts to bribe or corrupt any member of any canvassing board. Mr. Tilden also trenchantly discusses the frauds which gave Mr. Hayes the vote of Florida and the Presidency t which be was not elected. John Atkinsox, who smelled corruption in the Wayne County Democratie Convention and opened his batten es on the ticket nominated, has again signalized his devotion to principie by coming out against Gen. Williams and declaring for John Heffron. The reasons he gives for this latter movement savor of anything but candor and sincerity. John must have a very tore head indeed. The Lansing Journal claims to bavn never heard of George H.rendleton, Allen G. Thurman, etc., "getting their principies from the Republican party." If our frieud of the Journal will read Peudleton's speech made on the legal tender bill in 1862 he will soon discover that his opinion8 are not now what they were then, - unless he now holda legal tender greenbacks uuconstitutional and favors perpetuating and increaeing and unconstitutional currency. And in Thurman'8 speeches he may easily find the same doctrines distinctly avowed. It is uufortunate for these and other Democratie leaders without buckbone that now stand on Republican doctrine they condomned for years. Gerrymander :" that is tbo word on which the Republicans now riug the changes until they are hoarse. Of course it is the Democratie Legislature of Ohio which comes in for their deuunciations. Never a word do théy say in rebuke of the Republican legislators of Now York who have for three years refused to redistrict that State in compliance with the plainest constitutional requirements and their official oaths ; nor in ooudemnation of the manner in which Indiana was gerrymandered under the direction of the late Senator Morton, so that. as he declared a Democratie majority of 15,000 would be necessary before the Democrats could secure the Legislature. " No rogue e'er feit the halter draw with good opinión of the law." It IIAS leaked out that eftbrts are being made to secure the vote of Irish and Germán Democrats who are Catholics, against Ira B. Card, Democratie candidate for Congress, because he is a Methodist and a looal preacher in that denomination. We can hardly believe that a single Catholic Democrat will allow himself to be drawn into any such trap. Mr. Card is not running for Congress as a Methodist, but as a Democrat, as a Democrat of known qualifioations, a Democrat every way competent for the position : the most competent, withont doubt or question, of the four candidates for Congress in this district. And the fact that he is a Methodist should no more lose him the vota of an Irish Democrat, than the fact that another candidate on the ticket with Mr. Card is a Catholic should lose him the votes of Protestants. The religious test sbould not be made, and cannot be with safety. Remember thi when you are asked to vote for Thomas or "Willits beoause Catd il a Methodist. Senator McDonald, tho ablest, most consistent, and most courageous of the Indiana Demooraoy (the most consistent bocause ke does not change bis creod with the inoou, and the most courageous because he refuses to sacrifice bis cherisbed couvictions at tho bebest of the policy platform makers of his State), says : " This greenback sentiment was " an outgrowth of the hard times, and " as times improve, as in all probability " they will, the popular miad will settle " down upon the oíd idea of a sound " metallio system of money, with a con" vertible paper curreucy as auxiliary." Tho exact financial or uioncy plank of the Lansing platform, the plank so obuoxious to certain Domocrats who have the Indiana platform on the brain. The Senator further says : " Thore is no " practical difficulty iu the way of the " llosumption act goiug iuto effect, aid" ed as it is by the reuionetization of the " silver dollar. The difterenco at this " time between coin and paper is merely " nominal, and with silver ooin to aid in " the redemption of sucb paper as may " be presented tbere cannot be any run " upon the Govornnient." And once more : " I bold that coin is money and " paper is credit, and that paper to be " the equivalent of coin in money value " must bo convertible into it at the will " of the holder." The silver or gold dollar " is valuable as metal even if it " were not stamped as a dollar by the " Government," but " the paper credit " for a dollar is not a dollar if the au" thority that issued it is without credit ; " it is only a piece of paper." And no " authority" or Government which issues " fiat money" or irredeemable greenbacks will long havo any credit either at home or abroad. Senator AlcDonald is the kind of an Indiana Deinocrat for us. TnosE indignant Republicana who cannot find words in which to express their horror over the alleged attempts of Tilden's agenta to buy up a member of the Florida State Board of Uanvassers should possess their soui's in patieuce. As they did n't succeed, and as the highe8t court in Florida has decided that there was nothing for thein to purchaee : that is that the voto of the State had been cast for Tilden at the polls, it would be well for our Iiepublican friends to pour out their curses iu the right direction. If a Florida canvasser had sold hituself and his certifícate to Marble or Woolley, it would have been nothing more or less than demanding and accepting pay fov discbarging his sworn duty. And if fö(),000 or #100,000 was damanded for complying with the law - making a correct and truthful canvass - what did that purchasable canvasser or canvassers receive for counting in the Hayes Electors who were not elected ? That il the real question for virtuous Republicanö to wrestle with. The Lansing Journal - the soft-nioney editor of which has been out of humor for a year because he could n't lead the Democracy of the State into the Xatioual-Greenbuck party - asks us : "And now will our friend teil us how loug a man must train in the Democratie mnks to acquire a right to foim his own opinión about questions on whieh the I party is dividefl without incurring Í solont abase froiu the oíd, original : Jacob Towusends of the party 'i " Yef, until he can cease to sneer at Demócrata - statesmen, leaders, or in the ranks - who stand by the old laudmarks, or to charge that such Democrats as Bayard, Seymour, Eaton, McDonald, Felch, Webber, Lothrop, and thousands of others whose names are honored throughout this and other States, are "tools of the money power" because they don't believe that by aot of Congress something can be created out of nothing, or that a Government promise uot payable in coin at the will of tho holder is in any sonso of the word money. Does our friend see the point 'i The Flint Democrat has gone mad on the "greenback question. Kepudiating the financial platform of the party and bestowing a kick upon the Free Prez its editor says: "As for us we will neither follow nor advocato your hard money principies, because we conscientiously believe they are wrong." Since when has that been his belief!' Up to a few uionths ago, certainly until the day of the Lansing Conveution, tho Democrat editor professnd himself no greenbacker and avowed hiuiself, personally, a hard money man, but politically favorud baiting tho party hook with a few siiiiill rag-babies, witli a view to catching the greenbackers or bolding the softmoney Democrats. Just when and how has "policy" given way to "conscientious belief ?" That's the question. We understand that the Democrat runs up both the Democratie and NationalGreonback State tickets, and hourly sings in doleful strains, "O, I oould be happy with eithsr With t'othur dear charmer away." Frederick Sciimio, Jr., haviug positively declined to accept the nomination for Representativo in the State Legislature from this district, a new convention was held on Wednesday, and William Murray, of Salem, nominated. Mr. Murray is au able, intelligent farmer, said by men of all parties to be one of Salem's best men. The only objection brought against him is his greenback views, and the fact that he is the National- Greenback caneidate for the same office. Personally, we should havo preferred a candidate with other financial views, but as the Legislatura doesu't have to deal iu any inanner with the financial question, we advise all Democrats to give him their votes. On all other issues he is a Democrat. Hon. O. M. Barnes, Democratie candidate for Governor, is making a very effective canvass. Whila reviewing at length the financial condition of the country, and disapproving certain Republican logislation, he stands firm for honest money, for the redemption of any and all paper currency in coin. That is the doctrine to win in the long run. The Democrats of the Second District of Jacknon County have nomiuated ex-Gov. Blair for Representative in the State Legislatura. We hope that they will eleot him. A few such men are just now needed in tho Legislatura.


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