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Sound Doctrine Well Set Forth

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The following extract from an address just isued by tho Domoeratio Executive Committea of Nw York State comniends itsolf co tho Domocracy of Michigan : ; A "There mast be hoaest money, and knowti to b( bonest, and of uuiform value all over the land - paper money Ihat is convertible, whon necessary, on deinand into coin ; money that will buy all necusBanes of life without expansión or inflation in ono directiou, or shaving or contraction in unother ; money that will buy bread or pay tnxos without loss to the holder; money basod on substanco rather thun on promises to pay, and ou labor perfortmul md lubor which may be produced rathei thau tliuory, idloness, expectation, imd tho capacity of a govi-i 11 1 1 1 or purty printiug machine. This is tho only kind of money the peojilü can or ought to accept ; and this, while it should be rqual to the bost money in tho world, should bo so rogulated as to assure absolute safety to the people, so that overy man, woman and child, whethertheytoil with thoir hands, work iu the milis or upoti the farm ; whether thoy build, make, buy or sell, shall feel a sense of entire security alike in tbeii labor and possessions. Iutiation can add nothing to the prosperity of the country ; and the recent examples of Turkey, Italy, Austria and Russia, and the oarlier examples of franco under the nostrums of Jobn Law and the rule of a vicious Frinee, and the universal and ruinons paper eurreucy in China uearly 1,000 years ago, to say nothing of the frightful losses and depreciations at home in tho war of the ritvolution and the recent war of the rebellion, arl'ord such strikiug warnings trom the past as to couipel all bui the blind and perverse to be governed by tbeni in the future. A State election has just been lost in ühio, as it was lost three years ago, by pandering in a State platform to an idea Wostile to the welfare of the people. The sniall plurality there, in an uuimportant State election, which is mauy thousands less than a majority, have siinply supported a party for a time, not because thoy had confidence in its integrity, but becauso it stood upon a ñnuncial record promising a stable currency, by adberence to the piomised rosumption of specie payments. "Nor can any remedy for past or existing evils be found in the pxistence of a third party. If the two partios are bad, the third body, coming from the two, and composed of the same material, can be no better. Parties are composed of citizens, and the best citizeu is the voter whuse principies are fidelity to the State and country, and who has the courage to maintain his convictions. The attempt to disorganize tho Democratie party by a third party originates either in the purpose to destroy it for the benefit of its oppoueuts or to injure the country by tho adoptiou of measures daugerous to its safety if not its life. ín these troublous times tho duty of every true nian in the State is to secure the greatest good of ihe greatest number, and in a Democratie Congress and State Legislature will be found a way of restoration of what is good in the past, and well-fuunded hopes of peace, prosperity and good will amoug the people in the future."


Old News
Michigan Argus