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- Election next Tuesday. - The Commoii ('ouncil will meet uext Mouday evening. - Schuh will 9how whnt sewuig m.kuhmos oin do next week. - Tlie polls will be open at 8 o'clock a. m. and close at ó o'clock p. m. - The Court House clock commenced "telling off the hours" on Tuesduy last. - Immense amouut of amusement coming. 'lit ltooney" at the Opera House. - Architect Buuting añil Contractor Sweeney arrived iu the city on Tuesday. - The Reform Club will keep open doors aud dispense refreshments on election day. - James M. Ashley, Jr., has been promoted, and is now Swpennteudent of the T. fc A. A. B. - Wtlliam I. Hewett, of Manchester, has been appoiuted book-keeper ot the First Nasional Bank. - To-moirow is registration day in the seTeral townships. The place is the office of the Townahip Clerk. - In the contested will of the late Dr. Ely Cook, of Saline, Judge Har riman refused to admit the same to probate. - That military court of inquiry into the affiiira aud trausactions of Müj. N. I) Badger atañes adjourned to Nov. 19. - The Eev. Herman Belser, ot the Zion Church (Lutherun), lost a four year old daughter 011 Monday. Scarlet fever. - Suits have already been comnienced in the United States Court against 28 farmeis for using, without purchasing the riht, the Lee farm gate. - Messrs. McCormick & Sweney have boen awardüd the coutrtict for building a new Court House at Clarksville, Tenn. Mr. Buutiug is the architect. - There were a few scatteriug suowfiakes on Saturday last, but Sunday inay be n'xed upon as the date of the first snow storm of the season. - Uharlie Kitson aud Lfiwrence Hoban are back from Eugland. Kitson says thatDr.Haven came over with him and forwurded his regards to his Ann Arbor friemls. - Mayor hmiíli has issued his proclamatiou as the luw directa, and all saloons must stop business on Tueaday next. Voting will be the business of the day. - Tho ofiïcers of the Xew Englaud Society have held a preliminary meeting and decided to hold the coming nnniversary festival on Friday evening, December 20. - (íeorge B. Uhandler, Esq., a former resident of this city, on División street, but who moved a few months ajo to St. Joseph, Mieh., died on Monday, of paralysis. - Manchester Enterprise : "James Wade, of Sharon, informs U3 that in 6.5 days this fall, lie thieshed 41,313 bushela of wheat, oats, and barley. A pretty good threshing." - The house of John Butler, 92 East Ann street, was entircly destroyed by hre at about 3 1-2 o'clock yesterday morniug. Loss about 11,000: iúaured in the Continental for íb'00. - The regular meeting of the Ann Arbor Snientific Association will be held ou Saturday evening in the Narth College. Prof. l'ettee will read a paper on "The Couliguration of the Sea-Bottom." - E. A. Muttison, of Ann Arbor town, a nephew of P. B. Ingalis, of this city, while engaged in tlirashing tor James Treadwell on Friday last, feil from a straw stack and broke his collar boue. - Bobert G-. Wideumann, of Lincoln, New Mexico, son of Augustus Wideumann, has been spending a íew days in this city. He is looking so well that it is evident that he was not killed by cattle thieves as reported aome months ago. - In view of the approaching election the ladies of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will hold a special praver meeting at their room ou Monday afteruoon next, from 2 to 4 o'clock. Tliis meeting will take the place of the usual Tuesday meeting. - Next Monday there wilt be a new time table on the T. & A. A. II. R. Passenger trains will leave at 7.20 a m. and 12 58 p, m., and arrive at 12.2-j and G.15 p. m. Au accommodation and freight train will leave at 2.30 p.m. and arrive at 10 30 a. in. - The storo of Kearney & Cropsey was burglanzed and robbed during Weduesday night. Missing : fivo boxes of eigars and 50 cents in change. A crocfc of butter was removed to but left in the alley. Erttrance was eft'ected through a rear window. - Meetings have been held at Salem Station, Novi, Wixom, South Lyon, in the interest of the proposed extensión oí the T. & A. A. K. R. to Pontiac, and we are informed by Mr. Waldrou tliat the people are wide awake and promise liberal material aid. - There will be an entertainment at the residence oí Judgo Cooley on Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock, tor the benefit of the Ladies' Library, to of recftations by Miss Chitteuden, interspersed with music. AH are cordially invited. Adinission 10 cents. - The Manchester Enterprise propouudt this conundrum : "If the proposed extensión of the Grand Truuk gies to Anu Arbor, and that place is made the eastern terminus of the D. H. & S. W., won't it be likely to make a towu of it ?" Just as íf it isn't a town now. Come over and look at the new Court House and time yourself by the tower clock. - William H. Besimer, of the firm of Besimer Brothers, who has lived in this city 42 years, died on Monday Morning last, of heart diseaae and rheumatism. Mr. Besimer was bom in Caroline, Tompkina Co., N. Y., and was 5ó years oltl. Some years ago he ras a member of the Common Council, and both an intelligent and efficiënt member. His funerl was largely attended on Tuesday afternooii. - Howard O. Williams, reported as a student, was found dead in his room at Mrs. Dr. Sager's onWednesday morning.An inquest was held by Coroner Clark and resulted in a verdict that "the deceasei came to his death from pulmonary congestión, caused by an overdose of morphia administered by himself. Stories are rife of lavisli expeuditures on and entangling alliances with a "soiled dove," hut we have no space for details. We said a "reported student" bscause on inquiring at the office of Secretary Bennett yesterday afternoon we learned that he had not registered in either departmeut ot the Umversity. - ïhe Young People's Literaiy and Social Club held its flrst social party at the residence of Mr. Robert Glazier on Wednesday evening. The evening was spent in dancing, and all went home at 11 o'clock, sorry that the rules of the club would not permit them to stay longer. ïhe next meeting of the club will be held on Wednesday evening, Nov. 6, in the parlors of the Uuitarian Church. ïhe following is the [irogramme for that evening : Talks on Concord, by Prof. W. H. Pettee and Miss Cora A. Benneson, and a paper on Margaret Fuller, by Miss Lida Atkins ; (Jonversatiou on Current Science led by Prof. V. C. Vaughn ; Music and Social. Admission 10 cents. ïhe hour of meeting is 7:30 sharp.