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RAILROADS. MICHIUAK CENTRAL KAILROAD. MAY 12, IH78. OINtl WEKT. TATIOSH. "5 K & ÍS $_ PmIip Detroit, leave, ; uu :;.-, 4 45 2 60 8 20 0 (1. T. Junction, 7 15 10 on 5 Ou :i ( 6 35 10 10 V ayn Junrtion 7 4b jo 18 5 :(2 ; :)o 7 10 lo 42 ïpailanti, 8 10 10 46 (i 00 :; :,i 7 36 11 04 AnnArbor, 8 :0 11 00 6 80] 4 05 8 10 n 1 Delhi, s 44 G 4:i Dexter, 8 56 6 53: 4 22! 8 31 Chelsea, 9 g _ 7 os' 4 40; 8 4ff dril, Lake, : 9 47: , 7 33j 5 05: 9 07 1 . , i-m 1 A.M. Jackeon, '10 20:12 15 8 00 6 00 9 4 12 45 Albion, 11 04 12 G 47110 33 123 Marshall, 11 50 1 3U -o 7 18 11 03' 1 45 i. m. O Ê BattloCreek. 12 19 1 55 t 7 1.-, 11 86 -J ld Oalesburg, 12 52 : 8 OS 12 07 A.M. A.M. Kalanmimo, 1 13 t 38 4 30 8 20 12 25' 2 53 Lawton, 1 64 3 08 t (.r : 1 08 Decatur, 2 11 6 20 1 27 1 Dowilgiac, 2 86 5 46 1 57 Nile, 3 05 4 07 C :k) j 2 38 4 24 Huchannn, 3 19 0 4:i 2 54 Three Onkx 349 7 ijj ;{ 28 New Jiuffftlo, 4 U3 4 Ö7j 7 28 3 45 Michigan (Jily, 4 30 5 20 7 55, 4 15 5 47 Lake, 5 13 6 02 8 40 5 04 G 28 Krnsim-ton, 6 OS 6 50 9 10 ñ 55 7 10 Chicago, arrive, G 55 7 40 10 Si.! I 6 45 1 8 00 OOIHO EABT. U I t _ é& h j _?__ _L_ Im hwJL_ LI A.M. A.M. I'. M. P.M. P.M Chicago, leave, 7 00 9 00 4 00 5 16 8 00 KeDuiugton, 7 50 9 50 4 50 G 05' 9 50 Lake, 8 40 10 30' 5 45i ! 6 50 10 32 Michigan City, 9 2.'. 11 10 6 35 7 40Í11 15 NewBuffalo, 9 47 U 27 6 67 11 S5 Thrce Oaks, 10 02' 7 12 I ' A M Buchannn, 1032 7 43 I- 1 Nilen, 10 45 12 15 8 12 1 9 00 12 35 DowaKiKC ,11 15 . 8 40 1 03 Decatur, 1 11 39 , 9 05 1 zi Lawton, 11 57 9 23 a. m. Knlamaz'Hi, 12 33 1 40 10 00 G 50 10 2G 2 17 Gale8burf?, 12 52 . 7 09 2 37 Battle Oreek, 1 27 2 13 M M 7 40 11 08 3 15 Marshall, 1 IE 3 00 p 8 10 il 37 3 4a A.M. AlbiOD, 2 52 3 21 a.m. 8 35.12 05 4 10 Jackaon, 3 45 4 05 5 40 Í) 35 12 50 4 5j Graan Lake, 4 U3 G 07 9 50 Ohelse.t, 4 40 ' 6 31 10 07 Dexter, 5 00 6 47 10 18 Delhi, ' 5 10 fi 5") 1_ Aun Arbor, 6 20 5 10 7 10 10 33 2 06 6 28 Uedde. 5 28 Ypsilanti. 5 38 6 24 7 27 10 45 2 20 6 45 Wnyne June, 6 02 5 45 7 52 11 05 2 44 7 09 G.T. June, 6 33 6 16 8 251130 320 745 Detroit, Ar., 6 48 6 30 8 40 11 45 8 35. 8 00 Grand límpida and Kalamazoo Kxpress arrivés at Grand Iinpids 2.2U p. in., and lea ves Grand Kapids G:15a. m. 8unday8 excepted. Saturday and Sunday excepted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYAKD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Westwobth, G. P. & T. Afrt., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Mondsy, Nov. 4, 1878. ooist; yonTH. ooisg sout. Mix. txp.'Exp. Exp. lixp. Mix'. A. M. A.M. 1". SI. A.M.P. M.P.M. 6 50 10 30 4 1)5 TOLEDO 9 29 2 60 6 40 6 B I 10 ai 4 08 North Toledo 9 26 2 47 G 35 7 10 10 43 4 19 Detroit Junction 9 18' 2 40 17 7 24 10 52 4 29 Hawthorn 9 07 2 : 6 02 7 3H110O 4 :i7 Samaría '9 002S95 49 7 48 11 08 4 45 Seola 8 '-' 2 'Jl 5 36 7 6611118 4 50 Lulu S47 2 20 5 28 8 04 1118 455 Mouroe Junction S 42 2 16 5 20 8 281127 505 Dlindeo 828 210 505 8 40 1132 5 11 MaCOn 8 22 2 114 4 42 858 1140 5 20 Anilla 8 14'155l4 24 9 26 1153 6 34 Milnn ; 8 00 1 40' 3 54 9'44 12 01 5 43 Nora ! 7 51 1 31 3 36 10 08 12 11 5 56 Urania I 7 40 120 3 12 10 26 12 20 1W14 Ypailantl June. 7 31112 254 1(1 50:12 2B 6 15 AXX AKHOR 7 20 12 5812 30 The 7.20 a. m. expres BOutib makes (doM ennneetione at Monroe Junctinu for Adrián and Monroe and for poluta nu the Lake Shore ; at Toledo with Columbas Toledo and the Wabash. The 12.58 p. m, express south connects ut Toledo with the 3 oVlfx-k train east on the Fennsylvania Koad thro' to New York. All trains run by Columbas time - 7 minutes faster than Ann Arbor Uñe. .1. M, A8HLEY, .ik, Buperintendent. DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND 8OUTHWKSTERN KA1LBOAD. To tuk effect Aug. (9, 1878. OO1NG WEST. OOINQ EABT. ■TATIONS. Mui;. Kxp. STATION. Exp. .N il A. M. P. M. Tpsilantl.... 10:45 7:40 1 ' p' " Saline 11:1.5 8:10 : Bankers 6:16 2:30 Bridgewater..Il:S.i 8:28 Hillsdale .. 6:30 2:40 MuncheBter. 11:53 8:48 Manchester.. 8:25 4:19 P. M. Bridgewater S:48 4:37 Hillsdale 1:35 10:30 Saline 9:10 4:SS Bankers 1:45 10:40 Ypsilanti.... 9:45 5:20 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKEU, Sup't, Ypsilanti. CANADA SOI IIIDin 11" V ! ITi l. Tlie Only American Koute Through Canada Trains leave M. C. 1Í. R. Depot, Detroit, city time, as followK : Atlantic Expresa, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Kast Day Express, daily, 12 10 BOOD, Wagner cr to New York and lioston. Lightlling Kxprt'S-s, daily ezcepl Sundiiy, 11 10 p. ni.. Wagner car to ituffalo and Bochester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. 111. excepl Sunduy :' H j. ni. daily ; 6 50 p. m. except Sundny, For Kayette 6 30 p. 111. exi-cpt Sunday. Kor Information and tickets apply to G. W, Sharpless, ageut M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. W. K. MUIR, Gen'l Mananor, St. Thomas, Ont. M. C. ROACH. Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SSOW, Oen. I'as.s. and Ticket Agt Detroit. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS ! And pitees LOWER THAN KVER. I have ])iir'ph;iHi--I in New Yurk, for (MBh, ftnJ I ra uow daily reoeivüuc one oí the Inroest and most aeleet stocka of (iroceries in WashteniiW County, oousiatïng oi' a lull tind well suWcted LINE OF TEAS, AU of the ncw erop - iucluding Guapowdera, 1 111 x nu I s, Young; 1I■onH, II) sous, Jiant, Uolonga, For111OKUN, ( OIIOIIS, SO1I1 lll.HS. Hli.l '1'iViiiiKiiys. Toxether with a full line of COFFEKS, eonsiitïne of the followinff brundH : MOOEA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAÜCAYUK.SANTOS and RIO, both ruasted uad tfround ; a full and well uolected .stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure Spicee.Canned fruita, and Vegetables. We huve a 'uil and complet line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice assortment of Ladíee' and Oentlemen'a Underwettr. Culi and examine t tu ui? and l'ricea and we will insure sntiafactiün. EDWARD DTJFFT. Maynartl's Block,1' cor. Main and Ann streeta Ann Arbor, Mich. BíyHiírhe8t cash price paid for all farm iroduce.SB IN8DKANGB ÜÜMPAM. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $ 6, 792, 649. 98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, inolud'i Ro-Insurance Eesorve, $4,735,092.86íot Surplus over Iiiabilities, including Ke-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Xgrnt, Ann Arbor_ Untversity tetter and Noto IIeU, with nd without Cuts, In Hoilrter1 I'iltent IH' inn Pad Covers- 100 and 130 sheeU " ook-for siile at lie AROHS OfHco.


Old News
Michigan Argus