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Tin: kast. i-. D. Smalt, & Co., provisión and clieeae merchante, New York, havo failed. Liabilitips between $150,000 and 200,000. of whloh ♦86,000 iaseoored. Isaac Gehbis, Keeloy Hagy, Caspor (lahy and Jolm Qniok were precdpitated down tli shaft of i cbU niiiu-aUioyestown, Pa Tlie lasl three werc killed, and. Sobria rcuoivcrl in junes lrom whiob hu will probablj die. The Mechamos' and Laborara' Savings Bauk, of Jeraoy City, has. temporarily snspeuded paymont and enforccd llir sizta dnv míe. Aseots, #20d,0..O; liabüitlos, $LBO,OUÜ. " THE AVKST. Tiie twelfth aunnal reunión of the Society of the Arniy of the Tennoasoe was hold at Indianapolia last weck. There was au attendaiieo of over 100 members, but, aside from uon. bherman, few notabloa wore present An international cpmmetoial opnvention will meet in Chicago on Tuesday, tlu1::th of November. The object of the oonvenöon is to considnr meaos to extend tlio growinf? tnulo of tho Nortlnvoat witli foreign coiintries in Nortt and South America. Tliu Président of tno United States and (ovornors of all tho' States have been invitad to attend Manv distinsaished peoplo will doubtless bc present A Laramie dispatch reports that the Dcadwood coach was stopped a niüe distant from the post, by fivo maaked men, who took from the coach two prisonere, Mansfield and MclAiighhn, and liung them bid laroe cotfonwootl tj-oe on tho river bank. These 'men wl.o wcr charged with road agenoy, had been in cnstody m Cheyenne. and werë en route for Uoadwood. THE SOUTH. The pestilencc in the South, which han raged since the beginning of July last, and v.hich hastanBed morothan 12,000 deaths, is )mw virtually ovqr. Ia New ürieaus, althonith i ccvtam number of doatha is deüj net down to ïtH account, tho epidemie has bèon officiallv declaml at an end, and in Memphis and MobUe Jack Frost has giren 10 fever its coup de ffrace. irom the iuland pointa the reporta are favorable. r GKNKKAI,. A "Washixotox dispjitdi aays the opinión is entertaiiled at the Icgations in that city tbat war betwoou Eagland and liuasia eanDot now be avnided. nor very long delayed As to the complications likelv to, tho" opinión as furthor pressed tliat indicatiopa under the surface of affaire all point tronglv toward a general Europoan war. The lottor of Seeretary Evarts to Minister Weith on the Xewfouiidland ïishery squabblo has been givén to the publio, and from its tone il looke as if the administration had about dedded not to pay the monev appropnated at the last aessioñ of Congress to pay the Hahfax award when it falla dne, nainely. the LSd of NqtemBer. The lettor is dated oeps. , and is in tephr to a dispatch rwm Lord Salisbury, inclosing a report of oue Capt. Snllivan on .the Fortune bay outrage. It will bo remembared that in Januavy last Uie iuhabitants of a NewiounUland vülage seized and destroyed the ríete of somo American fishermen, putting an end to thoir business for the season and doing them Krrat pocuniary damaga Sêcrotaiy Evarts roinonstrated, and Capt. Sullivan, sent by the J.ntish Govirumont to investígate tho matter, reponed that the Amerkans were fishing on Siinday, in violation of a local statuto, and that conaeouontly they have no ground lor complaiut in tho 'destnietion of their property. Jlr. Evai-t now replies that the views of Lord Salislinrv, vho indorses Kulhvan s rejiort, are ivholly iuüdiuissible. Setting aside the cruestion whether a statnte could Kivo justihcatiou to an act of mob violenco. tho becretarv declares that local losialation of this sort might anuul the provisión of the treaty "teen could not be pei-mitted. He claims that the fishery rights are -nholly free from the restraints of local statntes. He asks a frank avowal or disavowal by tho IiritisU Government of tho paraMiount autliority of provineial legislation, prefacmg that no arrangement involving such authonty has ever been consentid to by this (overnment, nor ever would havo been. Mr. J.varts plamly hints that Útíma will bu done hj onr Government toward paying the Halifax fiahery award until this question of tho Newfouudland outrage is settled, and thero is a chance for a first-class diplomatic ruw, with it attendant excitements, unlosw tlie Brioso rnment is williüg to reecde at once from ita posiüon. Failukes: Tho Ci erman-Amorican National Bank and tho Gemian-Amorican Savings Bank, of Washington, D. C. ; the banking house of Joseph A. Hemann & 'o., (üncinnati, Ohio; the Merchante' and Mochamos' Stato Bank, of Troy, N. ï. ; Dctwikr 4 Welsh, heavy ilour millers,' Phfladelphia. Pkesidkxt Hayes hus set apart Thursilay, Nov, 2% :i6 a dáy of thanksgiving. Following is bis proclamation : By the Prusici.-m uL the Init.a States- A iirodamatiou: Tbe recnrronceof that senson atwhii-h it Is the liablt oL onr people to makc cU-vunt and public i-onfèasion oí tln-ir constant aepeodence ujxn rlirfiie tavor for all the good.íñftí oí lifc and happluess, and L public pcace and proaperity, diliibit in tlie rt'ünl oL the yer aljundant reaaous ■ r our graútpde and tuaukugiving. Exuberant lurvesta. productivo ïniii, k. ampio crops oL the ftaplcs oL trade and manufacture-. Jncra enrtched the country, the reeoarcs thus furnished t uur revmng industry and expanding commsrce liaKUnillS thp ilay ivlK-11 dixcorda and disttvsscH throngh lie lt-ULili and brcadtli of thu land. vill. under the uonnrmed favor ojí Ptovidence, have given way to confidence. and enèfgy, and assured pro'speriiy. Peacc wiüi all natlóili) has remained unbroien; nonusttc tranqnilllty has prevailed, and the in.stitutions of Hberty and juJlScic whjch tlic wisdom and iustice oL onr forefalhers cstabüslied n-main idory and defenso oL thcir childnii. The freneral prevaleni f fié blesslngs f bealth throujchout our wide lajul bas made mare eoiwpicn ■ ■'is thé sufïiriiiL's and sórrows which the dart shadow of the ppsülegce lias bant uion a pqrtion pL mirpeoplé; This heavv afflictíoh, evoñ, ilir Divine Kuier has tempercd tij the ;'!■!lí; conpiunïties with au universal synipattay i'l suocor liirli have llowpd to thcir relief, and the vrliole uation may reIn Ure unity of spirit in our people hy which iney ilicorfully another's burdens. Noy thèrcforc, r, Iintlicrtord B. Hayee, Pieideat of the United States, dé appoiat Thnrsday, thi Sth day ot foVember n-st. íw a day oí uaüonal tinnksRivjng and prayer, and J carni -,;. recomiueud that withdrawlng thcjáarfvgí ípów secular c ■■ ople meet t( ■■[.' ■t'u.Tui thotday in thcir t iípecüvé laces of vombip, thwe to give ilianks a-id praise ti AjniiKhty Qód Lor Ilis uierdes, anl to rtovoutly beséi ü Iheir conünuance. In wltness wherepf : have herennto Bei my hand and cauaed the, Bèal.of tho ünitod state tube iftixed. Dom; at the city of WiLshintrtnn tliis 80th day of October, in the year it our r.ord one Ötoosand eight hundr.-,l and seventy ..l;ht, and oL the iudopan in. oL the V:,i:, States the ono hundred and third. „ía'-l K.B. Hatks. Hy the President: Wii.i.ii-., M. ;vi;. - . „L staii-. Along tlie lino of tlio Baltiniore and Ohio railroad, in tbc vicinity of Parkerebnrg, W. Va., diphthcria is prevailing to, a frijjliffiil xtent, produciiif; a ate of mortiility ' mg that of the yellow (ever in its worst Segn è of virulenee. Similar reporta aré recéived from various partfi of tho country. The convention of tlio stone-outters Of the United State and Canada, in sesuion in New York last week, proteated against the future continuaneo of tne conviit-labor systom. WASHINGTON. The President eind aeveral mombers of the Cabinet attended the Maryland Instituto Fair, at Baltiniore, last wiek. The President Las offieiully promulfjated fchiough the State Department the oobvention whieh has been ratiliod bütwc. n thiUnited States and all nationB of Eiirope escopt Clreat Britaüi, toRether witli most of the Suiith American repnWlOB, providing for the establishment and maintenanco at l'aris of 1111 international bureau of weights and measuxes. Skuketari' Shebman has written the following letter, la regard to the eoudition of tho treasury for specie resumption, etc. : i. 1eKoyH. Dodd, Baahanan, Mleh.: Sin: lamín céI6iptO yOOr letter ni thi VIHi mst., making certniu inquines au to tli" CO 01 the ïniiourv rasumpUon and the amount of qrculati d per capita in thiK country and the rrincipal countriey c,t Bóropé. Bi reply, i k) infurm yon that on (lm lal lnst. the 'enin bal anee of the treasnry mi $282,689,646. 'Jliis entiro. araount. hóweref, was not avallablé tói ré sninptiou pnrposés, hut snltject t Uabilities, as folloAvs: lutereBt dna and unpaid $9.445,289 Dubt on which interest, hu ceased 13,524 8U0 Interest thcreon 878,588 Coin certlfluates (gold) 85 ''iri ceitiflcated (sftvéfl i I 'uclanned interest ' li. t:,T L'umatured bond i títnpHon'. -ll.SOoloiK) Total SS,427,?iil I-eavin for resumption purposes, $l:;i.a:üi:5. Tho coin receipts into the treasury wil! jirobably exceed by a cón&iderable amount the coin paymento betnteen anri Jannary, ]R?;i. oo that at l;ast the above balance will then be avalfable for rcsumptlou )urpo8eo. ItahonM als'i 1 ■' imni' in that meanwhila therc la no probabDlry of the enttre coin llabiliües being prexented f A to (bc papor ■ . ■ m counrries departmeni liaa hq Ihforniarion, cxcnpl what can be ol . to .all. The Londoli ; : s, the latest at li .■ ' ■ ■ thi . r i ijl.-i tion of Um amount 1 in the bi ;it oL the Bank of ünpriaad, to be f 48.fl6,ff71. The circulation of the liaiii ol Francs, vhich alono in Franee has a'.itíioríty to issue notes, was said to be Sept R, L1U,710,0W; iuii! that Ol the Imperial Bank of i.Tstood: ] i that Borne oí the country bauks oí Gcrmauy have uiuHority. undcr cerfaio restrlcüons, to i nueuotes, bul as tho anv'iiut tssued ík not staUil in the i'ni.incia] publicatious it i believed to be inconsiderable. ltoducinpr these amounts to the currenoy of tliin country, the per capita L circulaüon arpeara b be followt: Popu&títon i'' Country. Ctrculatton. (Latestaal.) Captta. Franco SMW.tKK.UTO 88,905,788 112.48 DnltedKingdom.. 318,965,000 88,474.000 6.80 Qermaiu 148,015,000 43,737,860 8.40 United Htatis 688,597,375 47,000,000 M.65 It wlU be aeen tliat toe aswellaethe per cajfita. uiaoiuil oí paper circulatiön i 1. . thifl ODüntry thaii iu an_v of the othor conntríe aanieO, anfl (ar '. ly fn oxccM of any i scepl tbat of Prance. bithai country, however, the eircnl&tloD has been redaced to the amounl .1 sin November, 1878, (rom tñOS.000,000, a reductlon of 1141,098,000, white in oio same perlod the metal lie roKorvr oí tbi' banks Uaü juvrcaned trom Sl'ki,UU.UOO to 54:!5,(KI0,(KK). -y respoctfnlly, ■Tu'iN .Sheumas. Secretar'. Gen. Vail, Superintendent of tile Raihvay Mail Sefvice, lm teiidureil his renignation. JL. Folló wiNG is the October publicddbt Htateracní : síx per cent, bonda 5 698,896,950 Fivc per cent, bonda 708,266,650 l-'tmr :l:i1 a halí per .-ent. bonds 250,000,000 Four per cont. bomls KiO.nCKi.uiío Tot;;] opln (1,807.168,600 Lawrul money defit 14,000 000 Matureidebt i.y Legal tendera $ S-IK.T 18,1 -i Cerüflcales oí deptwit 85,840,000 FricüoBal cunvniy l,211,103 Coiu aml silvi'r eerttficafes :r).:ilii.:S" Total without interest 484,810,634 Total dabt f2,270.500,595 Total interest ü8,1M.e,!Ki1 Caslr in trcaírtiry- oin $ 22T.6W..227 ( ';!■ fa in trea-sury - ourreney 1,711 ,246 Cnrrenc; héld íor redemptíon of ívactlonal ourreney 10,000.000 Special dopositii lield for redemption of certiftt'atcs of (leposit S5,S10,U00 Total ín treasury $ S7S,217,478 Debt lcss cash in treasury, Nov. 1 . f 2,034,900,088 Deciaaso duiinjr Octobor 1,708,402 slnoe June 80, 1878 11,586,748 BoimM ÍBSued to tho Pacific Iiailroad Oompanles, Interest payable Ín lawful money: Principal outstandlng. . 64,1 Intorest accnied and qo( vej iiaid 1 292,370 liit.r.-it pala l.y EEê trúitóa SKIÖ5 89,835089 Enterefit repaid ba tran.sportalion of mails, .ie 10..III1.HII Balance of interegf paid by the United Statos 39,418,985 The total coinage of tlie mints during October was Sü,(ar,4ÜÜ, of tshich 13,464,600 was in doublo oagles and 5:2,070,000 in standard eilver dollars Tiio intenial-roveuue receipts íor October were $JQ.O39,ÏO4, against $10,107,iM10 for the correspondins; month of last year. FOKKIGX. i The Mark Lañe Expres, in its last review of the Biitish gniiu trade, expressea tho belief tliat pricès havo reached the lowost poist . . . . westófij tho American pcdestrian, bas gone into banksuptoy in London. Ixtk[,i,k;knck has reaehed Lomion from Whydah, on the wost coast of África, that theortuguese commandant and seven soldiers are held captivo by tho King of Dahomey, who makesthem parade before lam daily. King has recommenoed the grand enstom ca human Bacriflces. l'ivi hnndred persons hav bron sluiighteivd ín pne month As an iudieatiou of Piussia's iutentions conceming Eonmelia, it is rrpoited tliat Oen. Todlebeu is coustruetiug barracks tor the winter quarters of a considerable forcé at Burgas, an important seaport on the Black soa, south of the mountains, and a convrnicut supply point for tho liussians in all t!ie country hetu-èon the sea and Adrianople and Sofia It is evidenüy not tho purpose of the Czar to withdraw his troops into Bnlgaris. Üiis winter Tno relativos of John Srewart. ono of the imprisoned City of Glasgow Bank Directora, oftViS500,(XX) bail, but the anceptanee of bail is not obligatory in cases of theft. Several persons prominoutly connectod with the bnnlc have disappeared. The United States Consul at Tangïer bas transmitted a dispatch to the State Department giving an account of tffo fearful rávágea of cholera in the interior of Morocco. Tho mistry among the people is great Business is almi-t . compk-Kly paralvzcd. ïhe cholera is sweeping over the inidili" and southern provinces. Hnndreds aredyfngof s&rvation. 'J'o all tlicse miseries small-pox and malignant fevers add their horrors. Nérer beföre naa Morocco passed tlmmyli sucli a i'eiirf ui ordeal A C(A'stanti!01'LK ilispiitch savs tho Porte has informeel .Minister Layard tiiat tho proposed reforms will bo introduced in ono provinco óf Asia Minor, but tho complete realización of tlie project will be postponed until thé state of the Tnrlbsh finalices permita. . . . The native priucos in India, aceording to dispatohi 1;:y, aje makiiig liberal offers of aidto tlie (inviinmeiit the Afgijan war. The nnmes ef inmc of these priocee vro iu splondid condition, and, their people belng beri'ditary haters of the Afghans, thev will go into the war witli great entlmsiasm, it 'is thought, if their offers are acceptéd Bismarek haa prohibited the sale of tno works of tlio lato Ferdinur.d Lassalle. At the request of the British Arnbassador the; Porte han telegraphed Alimet Kaiserli Pasha to evacúate V:inui denitjejy and bring the troops and war mati:ri:l to Constantinople. t. Petersburg jomnals report i large nutnber of suicides and srttempted suíoides in the Rnssian army in Bulgaria The Govornmont of India contemplateH tlie adoption of a goll currency, mnking Enghsh gold coins a legal tender throiighcut the eouiitrv. Tlie iinportiition of bar silver will probably lo prohibitöa after a given time, and tlie rüpee and smaller coins used as fractional currency. . . .The Premier of Byderibad haa placed the' wliole treasury and aiiny of tliat state at tho disposal of the British Government, to be used against the Afghans.


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