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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS EX-SOLDIÉRS ATTENÍION! Vensiotu procured for soldier of the Ittte wiir, disülilfd in Hiiy wuy by wounds, ïuptum, dÍNeaee ot mi y kiua, or by ncciüentnl nijurien. PENSIONS NCBEASED. A Itiiy; numhei of tbiwe now leetvjng peasiouë are eutitled 1o an IncrkabE under hite litwu. All aoldiera dischaiged för Woumxi, llvi ïuhL, oh Mi.ohaniuax Injuky, entitled to Vvn. bounty. AU buaintB i'ontr by corripondenc', name au il m. were pereonnlly piyuínt. w ln-n the aoldier ís deud the widow r h'ir nrv e&titled. All noldiei und thtir widuWh of th: war of ÏSÏ2 me now entiiled tu ñ poon ion. I alo procure Patente for Invento. KvpTj noldier who ■■ tbiH noticeshould m-ho uk hittaddros on I'dHttil cHrd aml ifceire in return a Smx-lk Coiy Kkkk of the "NATIONAL CITIZEN SOUUKJt," I a paper publühed. at the National Capítol, viog I il! lateHt infuria.'ition about peuiuu ud iouoty ; aod land, to all Boldit-ru and tht'ir heir. C'oneXondeci: solicttod l'rom all. Addrens with stamp, 1711ral S. W. FITZOKHALD, 0 S. Claim Attorney. IIüx 58Ö, VuBhiiiKton,P. C. ST. NÏCHÖLAS, SCRIBXER'S ILLUSTRATF.I) .J AG AZI NK. For GIRLSand BOYS. An Ideal Children's Magiiinc. Mesera. Soribner & Co., in 1873, began tho puthcation of üt. NiohoLmÚ, ao HlustrutíJ Magazine forOirlsand Boy, with Mia. Mury i!iit btulge H8 edit4r. Five year have panitsl ince the liral number was isued, aud the majfazlne hut wmi the higheijt. ixitiuu. It has a monthlv circulutiou ol It i publiahed BimultAniiously in I.ondon anrt ew Vork, and the iriuuatlantic rtcofuition ia almost a general aud heartjr as the Amoricun. Although the proKreis of the magazine hu been a üteady advanue, it ha not reached it pditoi' ideas of best, because her ideal cmiliiiutilly outMiu it, and the magazine an swillly follow ftr. Tu-day r. .N' ii ■w(ika staoda Alone in tbe Wurlil of Booki: The New ïoik Tribunt han aaid of it : "St. Nuciólas ha reaclied a higlier platlorm, and command for its Borrioe wider resources in art and letUim than auy of it pri-decessors or ootemporarie " The London LUtrary Wmrld myr : Tlieie is no maftanine for the young that can do said 60 eiual thiacuoica production of Scribuer's prew' öood Things ior 1878-!). The arrangementa for litrary and art cuntrilmtion for the new volume- the sntli- are complete, drawinir from aiready favorito Kourves, ax well ha from promising new oneB. Mr. Frauk R. .Stockton'.i new aerial atory for boya, "A .1111,1 l'ÜLLUWSlIIP.n Will run through the twelve nionthly.partti,- beyinmn with Ihe nuulwr tor November, 1878, the tirnt of the volume,- nd wjll be illuHtrated by Jamoa K. Kelly. The atury in one of iruvel nud adventure in Florida and the Uahamas. lor the girU a continutd tale, "Half a Dozen Houaekeepera," By Katharine D. mith, with illimtratioiis by iredericlc Uielman, betfius in the sume numberand a íresh erial by líunan Cuoiidjie, entitled1 "Kyobright," with plenty of l'ictiuea, will bo mmmenced early in the volume. There will also be a contlnued fairy tale oalled 'ltiniijU} l)ii(lu,i'.. ul,„r," W'rittenby Julián Hawthorue, and illustrated by Alired l'redeiiclta. About the other familiar íeature of 8t. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good humored sileuce, content, jierhapa, to let her Hve volumeti aiready ittaued, prophosy cencerning the sixth, in reij)e(it to nhort Htoiies, picturee, poemtj, humor, inructlvenketchea, and the lure and lore of "Jack-in-the-Pulpit,11 the "Very Little Folks" departmont, and tha "Lelter-bux," and "liiddlebox." Terras, $3.00 a yenr; 25 cent.s a nu ml ut. ubscriptiomi reeeived by the jiublisher of tbi paper, and by all booknelleri aud piwtmantem. l'ertona wishing to nutwi-nbc direct with the publisheri) should wntt ñamo, Poetoltinu, tounty, and State, in full, aml aend with reuiittanra iu eheok, 1'. O mouey order, or registered letter to MiKlinniiAc,, ''1 743 üroadway, Xew Vork. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. XOTÍVBS OF THE PRESS. HarptrtSlagatine U the American Magazine ulike in liti-rtitiire and in art.- Kosttm Trattífr. The mout popular llonthly iu the World.- N. 1'. Obeerrrr. It is n excellent compimon (or the j-onnir, a delight to the mature, & Rolace for dccliniug jigo. Iiiuivlle Voarirr'Jotirnal. No other Monthly in the world enn show brilhant a lint of contribuid ; nor doe any furnish its readers with so great n varioty and so superior quaJ(!y of literatnre.- Wakhmnn, Boston. The Tolumen of the blaparim beifin with the number June and loccnilnjr ui ech year Wheu no timo ia specitted. it will be unlerat.od that tho subnoriber wiehesto begiu with thec-urreut number. HARPER'S I'ERIODIC.VLS. HAEPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year, H 00 HAEPBB'S WEKKLY, " 4 oo HAHPKK'S BAZAK, " 400 The THKER publications, pne yettr, ïuoo Any TWU, One year, ; 00 81X lubscriptions, one year, 20 00 Tenu lor large club furnMu-il on applioation. Postagc Fm. Ut all subicriUrs in the UniUd iUatel or Canatia. A Complete Sol of Haiii'eii'h Míoízixk, now eompriaint; fl; Tul unies, in ueat cloth binding, will be sent liy expreM, IreiKht at expense of puichaser, for $2 SJ per olumc. .Single rolumrs, by mail, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth case, lor binding, SS otnts bv muil, poatpaid. Bmittances hould be made by l'ontuftku Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Iok. NewpaDer are not U cnpy thiB udvertisement without the expresa order of Harpkr 4 Buds. 1714 Addre, HAHPEK BKOTHKRS, New York. T7ALUABLE FARM FOB SALE. S ftcrea of iiujiiovt-'i lnni on Sec. 24, Tuwnahi) ui Anu Arbor. Iluildiog, f noes, t'lc. in good order. Ni cncumbraiu. luquiro at the 1 7 lt tf Allüt'S OFFICE. (J) O O a week in rnur own town. $5 outfit tree. ïï r No risk. Keader, if you wunt a buuiuesn in I I I I at wlnob pursüca of either wx oan make W V Vrreat poy all the time they work, writ tor par tioulara to U. Hallxtt & Co. i Purtlaud , Ma Estáte of John Kettner. QTAïK OP MICHIGAN, Countyof Waahtanaw. io tu. At tewf On of ih i'iobate t.'ourt fpr the Couotyof W1iIuaw, holden at the PiobnteOfflce in the City i Aun Arti'r, m Moudity, tli öigtoU'Ciilh duy of November jn the onu tliouand uu;M huitdifrd juiil etventy-eighi. Prepon t, Williiun 1). Harrirann, Judpfof l'mbuti In niHlt:r oi tin; enlute of Joliu Keumr, dccoased Un rcadiut and filinj? tJio petition, dnly v-míiíI, of LeouliHTil lirunei. pruyau ilmt lu h.hv v liceosed tO seH tli reul otte wherwïlVHiil ú- üíihI 0Í20d tur the jturjxiHC of distrllduioo. Tliertfupon ít i ordered.tliKl Satttrdayttl8l t w fiityliisl dciy oí' D'Tnibor ntjxt, ht. ten o'clook iu the forennon, he U4rii[fiieii ioi the heitriug of aaid pn [ iiiiim.iwi'l that the hom at luw ttt eaid ducüased. fui-I ill ui t.i-r p.r-tonw intereritud iu s iid entate, ure reqoiied to appftar &t a aassion of said court then to io hoMeu at the 1 'róbate otKce Ín the city ut" A nu Arbor, Hiid tihov OftUBC il any thert; be, why the prayerofUie petitioner sbould nok bo grtnit?d : j And It is f urther ordvred thntaaid petitioner glva notice t iht' jnTHonrf ntftfost6d in n.iiil entüte, ui the fjendeocy of tn pttitioii and the hearing tboreof, bj caiitiinK oí)py of thtu order tobe ptib liifhed in tli Mieiigitn Argtu, ñ nownpiiper printd auü üirculiitcd iu suid cuunty, l'our sucpcBsive I w"-ks prerioua to ?hI(1 duy of heitrinir. MLIilAM U. UAUK1MAN, . (A trut OOpyO -Imls-i; of l'robnte. ; W.m. (i. J)oty, Probate Keiter. 171 itd Kiitiitu of Oonrati G. Helber. STATi': )K Mi'iirtiAN, County of vracht nftw, as. Kotioe ia hereby iivni, (aiai by an order of the l'rolmU' Cimrt tnv thpCounty of Wasbtoniw. maUeou the éïghteeutli dav ot Novemlxr, A. 0. lö7S,tix monlhi tvom that flat e V6n hIIom-cíí for crecí i tors to piBcnt tboir cUima asainat tïie entufe of Coorad (i. Helber, late of Raid ciunty. deoeaaed,and tïiat :ü oreditora of uid deoeaied ure r-'(Tiiri'( to present their claims to uaui Probate Cfourt, at thu Probate utiit;ö m the city of Ann Arbor, fur exiimiiiiitjou and flllowance, on ur befoi-e the ninetn-nth day ot May nuxt, and tltatsuch claims wili be lienrd betore said Court, on 'luüisday, tbe eightevntb day of Kebruttiy, and on Mnnday the ninetventb day of May uext, at trn o'cluL'k iu the lorvuoon of ench ot aaid day s. Dated, Aon Arbor, November IS, A. D. 1H78 W1I.HAM U.IIARItlMAN, ITUwt Judr of Frobai. Mor tg age Sale. WHËB&AB, defanit haring been made in tbe conditionsof a eert ai n morígae bearing diite thettfteeuth duy of April, A. I). IH73, made au d executed by Chauncy II. Slillen and Harah M. Millen, bis wife, of tb city of Ann Arbor, Wabhteuaw County, [Michigan, to süuh H. Douglas. of the same place, trustoeof Marie L. Welles, and rerorded in the otlico of the Kef?ietr of Di-cl ïor Wahhtenaw Ooutity, on the twellth day of Fcbrtinry, A. I. ix7ii, in Qber 53 t mortgagéc, om pagfi 174; and wbprww, Hiere in now dm umi tinpaïd i-i in. "iini TN-inunyf ander thoteréu nnd coutlitionn thereof ' im of two thoiisand one huudred itud i füHy-Rix dolW and Htty-eipht ccn í#2,Mi.S8), j including an attorncy ito of twunty-flvc; dollarti providedfor in hhuI mirtt;ngoin chkc xuyproeeediua be tukon to foroctoe the .tttmc ; and wheruait no uit or irtM . -diiiL' at luw or in cquity lias beeo tDHtituti'd to ifioovor ihodcbt 8O diie and ucured tir Maid moriMK i" " part therot' : Now, theretore, notice ia her:bj ifivon that by jirtiiij of tbr power of sale in Mtid morlcrage mntained, and of tbe 8talutea of the títatfot Mícíiíiíhii in mich chk!b made andprovided,'n Monpy,thk kvkstkk.s j h dat ov Fkbrtaky, A. D. 1871, at len o'clock in the forenoon, at thu norih door of the Court llnuae of uaid oounty, the underained will sell at public auo tion, to tb o lugheat bidder, tb pivmiwH dcecribed ín 8aid mortgage or o much thureot as may be neceisary to satií'y nid debt, interest, nttorney teo, oo.stH and ex]eiiflrn of nale, HHid prmninee bein uil t hnt eertain ] {■■ or pnrrt-1 of land titunte in the ! city of nu Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and' nt Mifhiiïiin, knowD and defloribedan foüows, to wit : Lot number nino {'.} in ranj,'e number lour (4j, block number three (3J ol the original plat ot the city of Ann Arbor, Waabtenaw County, Michigan. SILAS II. l)OU(TAS,Mortgiivec. Uuted, Ann Arbor, Nov 2't 1S7H. DovoLAS ie Bowsx, Attoiney'B for Mortjfajree, 5S ! üeitj! Blöeï, Deti-oit, Michigan. 1714 Ê EXTRACT M Sarsaparillal Isacunowlcdi-fil t. e tli bf?t nnd mort reliablo tropuialion now jirtpared foï LIVER COMPLAINT, nd for Panding tbe Blood. Tliis prepnrntlon is cnin]Kninclnl withgreat oué, from tlü i.tpt neiectcd uuuuaiw oarsapamia, lellow Doek, Stilliugia Dandelion, Wild Oherry. and othor Yaluable Eemedics. Prepftred only ljy W. JOHJÜSTON L COM CUeiuisU & Drwih{s, 161 Jeffei'sou Ave., Detroit, Mich'l Poid by all Kruggiüta. 187. THE- JS79. Detroit Post & Tribune The Metbopolitaü Republican .Tournal of Michigan. The pabtfettera ef Tuk Pkkoit Post ani Tr jtrNK poiiit to the record of journli(.ie euierpris Hiid jHilitichl u&efuluétM made In i h'rsl yearo tbe exislence of tlu; consoltdated newspapcr as th sati.-iartury evidence ol' the excellence of lts claii upou the public confidence and support. The pape will continue to be the .sincere, vigorous, and ao advocate of Bepublioan politica) doctrine, of a hornat and ratlouaJ lumicial poliey, and oí' Stal dovelopint'iii. ttslaTge resources, ts ampie focilittee in new galheriug, ita vide clrculation, and ita position n the inetropolitan orjtan of the donnuant jiarty i it onablc ii puMishiTH to supplement prom i se ly pcrfnnittiKT, and tu íully meet tlu; ixpecta tlong of Ua patrons. The béira departtnenl of Tuk Post andTkihln will be kept oreflbs mriunte. and úum píete; tli paper has control the htrgeel facilitas fof gei tint? intelligfin'e, fbréigu, domeirth;; state and loca and tuaintaiu.s apecial Correspondenta at all im portant oint.s in afichJgau, aiul ut tbe, muiu een ten of news ol.tcwÏHin1. Itn i'oinpilaiion ut stnic ncw-, and Ltsoouuner cial rjMiri.') are t;ll known for fuDoesttand reliul.ility. lü i-ditorial page dlscussea ■mivut iwuea candidly and form the slandpoint of accurate inforTimtion and ufan adhen-nce to rorrect politicnl md f couomlu principies. All matters of especial public iuiercHt will reecive froni it the suirn; intelliunt añd palnbtaklug Ihv?stlgat1on whicti it has gfven í his yt;ar le thr Idmrtfltít phnst-H of liit' curroncy question. lts columns will be rich in nálacóltaneduii readlnd matter, Lnclndtng bkötohee, poóms, kik! Beïectlona froni the curreni Literatura of the day. Especial care will be taken to keep' the papur píire iiud elerated in tone. One page of Tuk Wkrkly Post .inp Tribunk is detötea to matter prepartrd for the rural community, eontainine dhjouasionsof queütionoof iutorcst in praciicaF Hgriculture, letters on farm and home topics, reelpeatetc New naturea wiíl W addéd to tho paper durtog 1879,and neither painsnorexpeust' will be span-d in keeping Tuk Post and Tbibühb a fIKST-CLASí KAM1LV Nf:VSlAPKKt troiiK Ín all departraents, and in tvrry wiiy worthy of tlie gTOat State wilh whose history and gmwth'it luu been no long and clonóly Identlned. TKRMS : Pet Six Threo aniiuiu. mouths. innnths. Daily, $10 00 $fi 00 J2 öO Trl-weekly, .ï oo _ 5i i 24 Weekly, i SQ 76 40 Wuekly, in clubn of 10, $1 40 per annum. All postage pre-pald. BRedmen copies freo. }{vtalttanced niay be sent at our risk by drafis on Detroit bauks, monoy-ordera, ojc in reg'istered letters. $600 in premiums to avenís, in additlün to lilieral terma for canvasserB. 8end for AfenU' circulara, specimen copleé; etc. AddTeu, THJ3 POST AND TRIBUNE. JDotroit, Mieh. Abstracts of Titles. All pnrties who ure denirous of aacertaining the condition ut the titlo i- LiiuIh, or partiei who w-inh to loan money on real eslate will do well to cali al til liegUter'H office and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. 8aid books are ao fsr advanced that the Kegister eau furnlHh on short notioe a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any pareel of land in Waahtenaw County au thowii by the original rccoid. C. H. MANLY, Register. Ücnn niako money faster at work for aa Ihan at itnythiii)? ele Capital not required ; we will stiirt you. 12 per day at home made by the induHtnoiis. Men, women, boya and girls wantod fverywhere to work for us. Now in the time. CoHtly outfit and tering tree. Addretw TllUK ft 00 , Au(UKta, Maiuv. i S XI II! 1)1 I IIIIN ITV LIME ! Ohio lime will be hfrcaftornold at my liine works at wbolosale lor 30 ceuts a buhel, and Monroe lime ut '28 etnt-s. Alan Hrick, Waterlinie, üalciiird Eluster, Cement, PlKHtering Hairaud Wood lor sak'. Aun Arbor, Sopt. 10, 1878. ITiHinS JACOB VOLLANp.


Old News
Michigan Argus