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JDIN8EY & SEABOLT'S BAKEKÏ, SibcBRY -AND - KLO UU at FKKO KTOUKWe keep consiaaUy oq uand, BKKAD, CRACKEIiS, CAKES, KTC, FOK WHOLESALE and BKTAIL TllADE. We shall aleo keep a supply o( i DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & OO'S ISEST WHITE WHEAf FLOUK, BYE FLOUB, MJCKWWHJSAT FLOL'li, COBN MKAL, FEED, i'., L0. At Wholesale una retall. A general stock of GROCERIKS AXD l'ROVISIOXS constantly onhand, whinh vïü be Bold on a reaeunuble teims aa fit itny othr liouKe in thii" oity. ('nt,h paid for Bultr, Egge, Kiid Country 'l'roïnw1 jfmerally. Bfy (tood.s dnÜTitiO'i 'O nnj' pJtH of the city with oul extra cbr('. KliVSKY A: SKABOI.T. Ann Arbor. Jac. 1. 1878. 1.V4 Chaucery Hale. CTATK ÜF MICHIGAN", The Ci.cnit Co.ut for iJ the Countyof Washtenaw. In olmneeiy. JoLn R. Gates, complainant, v. Charles Wliitake'r, .Taniea M. Coagdon, William Martin, Albert Uongdon, Lmma Congdon, Fred Oougdon, and Oungdun. defendants. Iu pursuance and by virtue of a decrea made and eiitered in tho above entitlcd cause, on thp twenty-seeond day of October, a. D. 1878, the under-igneJ, one of the circuit Court i 'uuimiibiouei'B in and for aid County ut Washtenair, will sell at public vendue, lo the hihnst bulder, at the soutU of the Countv eferk1 ofliee, in the city of Ann Arbor, in saití Cüunty ' of Washtenaw faaid Clrrk's onïce bcini; the place : of holding the Circuit Court for said county), on the twentï-kiohth day of Di:ckmbkr, A. 1). 1S7S, at ten o'olock in the lorenoon of ' that day, all that tract or paroel of land described asfollows: Beiug a strip of land seventeen fcet ' wlrte off from the north side of lot numDer six, and i i strip flre feet vide off from the outh ide of lot ' number fivu, all iu blcick number two, iwordiug to ' the plat of e villaje of Chelsea, i:i the Countyof ' Wa(,hteniiw and State of Midiipm. ' Dateo, Wbvember-lS. A.D.1878 1718 ! FRANK EMERICK, ' Circuit Court Coinminioner. ' Georok W. Türs Bi-ll, Solicitor ior Complainant, ' JSiortgage Sale. ' P1-i"AULT haring beeninadsin thi' conditions A- of a inorts-age niade and exocuied bv Michael Haebnle and Rosina, bis wife, ol' Aun Arljor Michigan, to CLarles Behr, oí the same place, bearinsr date the ütth day of February, lfc70, and reooided in the office of the Rogúter o{ deeda íor Wasbtenaw Oounty, Michigan, ou the ninth day of February, 1870, at -4K oVjlock p. m., in liber 42 of moit?"?' on PaHe s15. ou wliich mortgago there is olaimed to be due at the date of this notice, the 8um of iour hundral and Híty-nve dollara and foity cents, and no proeeodiugs at law or in eouitv haring been lnstituted to recover the debt seeured bysaid mortgage or any part thereof: Notice is hereby giventlmton Friday.the Tiventy-foi-rth day or Januauï. A. D. 1879 at ten o'cloek in tlie forenoon uf that day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor (that bein? the building in wüieh the (Jircuit Court lor aaid Oounty of Wushtenaw ia held), by Tirtue of the powor therein contained. I shall fowclose said niortgage by sale, at publio auction to tho highest bidder, of the premisea descrilied in suiii mortiriu or so much thereof as shaU be necessary to satSy the amoimt due on said mortHge with the interest cosU and expenses allowed by law, which aaid preuiïses are descnbed in said uiortgage as follows, tiz All the lollowin describcd lands to Tho west tweut.y-seven and a half teet oí lot live in block tvro south of Huronalreet, range iour east, in tbe city of Ann, Michiflan. Dtl, Ann Arbor. Uct. 30, 1878. l'HILIP BACH, ANNA L. BEHR, Admmislrators oí the estáte of Charles lionr deceased. i;u Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waslilonaw 38. The undersigned liaving been appointed by the 1 rooate C'ourt for said county, commissionei-s toreceire, examine audadjust all claims and dimands of all persons agaiust the estato of John Ooorge .Schumaehcr, late of said couoty, decoaged hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed; by order of said Probate Court, for eredit.-rs to present tbeir claims against tho estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late residence of said deueased in the township of lindgiwater, in said county, on Tuesday, tbe fourth day of February, and on Monday the tifth day of May next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said dávs to receive, examine and adjust said claims Dated, Nove inber 4, A. V. 1S78. tflw DAVID W. PALMER, CHARLES MILLBH, Commissioners. Estáte of Abraiu Laing. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. Notice is hereby giren that by an order of the Probate Court for tbe Couuty of Washtouaw nade on the fourth day of November, A. D 1878 ix mouths from that date were allowed for creditorsto present their claims against the estáte of ftbram Lainjr, late of said couuty, decensed, and nat sll creditorsof said deceased are required o present their claims tosaid Probate Court, at tho 'róbate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, for exanination and allowance. ou or before the fifth day of April next, and that such claims will be licard before said Court, on Tuesday, he fourth day of February, and on Monday llie hfth day of Jfay next, st len o'clock in the ' orenoon of eacb of said days. Duteri, Ann Arbor. November 4, A. D 1878. W 1 1.UAM 1). HAURIMAN, 1 ''-"' Judge of Probate. JMtate ot JüUri .Leonard Eeinwald. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couotv of Washtenaw, IJ 98. NoUce is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Waehtouiw, made on the tweuty-eightk day oi' Oetober, A. D. 1878 alx lnonths from that datewero allowed for creditor to present their claims agahiat the cstalo of John Leunard Keinwald, late of aid countv, deceaseii, and that all i'reditontoi saiil deceasêd are requirod to present tlietr olaims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office iu the City of Aun Arbor, for examinaüon and allowance, on or before the twenty-eighlh day of pril u.-xt and that sueh claims wiü be hmrd heforc saiil' Court on Tucsday, the twenty-elghth iluv of January, and on Monday, the tiventy-ei"hth dav of April uext, at ten o'cloek iu Ule foreuoon of eacb ot said day. Dated, .Mm Arbor, October SS, A. D. 1878 WIU.IAM J). HAUKIMAX. _. 1?? .T"dSe of Vrobat. Estáte of Christopher Herzer. OTATICOF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw a n A' sesslon ijf the Probate Court the counky ol WashtPtiaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the i 5' ?xt Aun Artor. on Satimlay, the niuth dnyol November, in the year one thoueund eiilil humlred umi seventr-eighC Present, William ƒ). Hnrrimau, Jud"e of Probate In the matter of the .istale ol Chiisloi.lier Herzer! ilei-ensed. Christopher KaLs.'r, administrator of sni.l estáte comes info coMrt and repreêents that he is nOw prepared to runder hin liual account aa Bwch I niiniüirator. Tbereunon it lordered,that.8tnday,thearnUi day ol Uceomhor uext, at ten o'cloek In the'forenoon, be assi,-ued for eismlning and allowüts nuch aecotint, at tliat the helra at law of said deceased, and all uther persona interested in said estáte, are reqolred to appearat aieasioa of uld court, theu to be holden at the Probate Üflice in the city of Ann Arbor In saidcounty and show cause, ff any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that aaid administrator give notlce to the persons interested in said estáte, ol' the pendoncy of said account aud the hearing thereof by causiug ' acopy of this order to be published in the ' gan Argus, a newspaper printed aud circulatiiis in ' said county, three successive wt-oks prevlons to ' sftia iliiy of hearing. ( frlLLIAM I). HAKRIMAN, , , (Atruecopy ) Judgcoi Probate. V, M. (i. Doty, Probate Beglster. 1713 ' P W. O'TOOLE, BI. D. Offlee at his ( dence,No.l7North Ingalla Si. Alloall, ntght or day, wiU receive prompt attention. ,i;oöuj3 Estáte of Goorge Whiting. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O ss. At a session of th Probate Court tor the' Couuty of YVashteuaw, holdeu at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on .Saturday, thè ninth day of November, in the year oue thousand elght hundred aud seventy-eight Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Ueorge Whltlog deceased. 6' On readingand filing the petitlon, duly verlfled of Alpxaudcr W'. Hamilton, Seeretary of the Toledo aod Aun Arbor lUUroad Compauy praylna that the couunission heretofore appointed to toar and adjust claims against said estáte may he revived, that the claim of said cuinpauy niav be lieard auil allowed. Thereupon it la ordcred, that Tucsday, tho third day of December next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asslgned for'the hearing of sai.l petitlon, aod tliat the heirs at law of said leoeased, aud all other persons interested in ald estáte, are required to appear ai a session of said court. tben to be holden at the Probate Offise in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any tlifre be, why the prayer of the petllioner should not be grauted : And it Is further ordered, that said petitioner glve Dotice to the perMmsintenntedln said estáte, of the peudency of said pefltioD and ih hosring tliereof, by causiñsc a copy of this order to bc publisbod in the MicMaan Argut, newspaper prlnted and rirculated in said eouiity, HrpsuoceastTj weeks previous to said dar o! hearing. WILLlAMD. HAERIMAN (A truetoprO Judge of Probate. V, m. G. Dotv, rrobat RoRister. nis Estáte of James Howe. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ÍT ss; At a sossiou c the Probate Court tor the County ot W anhteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the secüay o! November, in theyearoue thouiand elirñt hundred and seventy-eight. Present, William !. Jl arriman, Judge of Probate Iu the matter of the estáte oí Jaliies liuwa' deceased. ' Martin Uowe, admiuistmtor ol said estáte comea intu euurt aud repreuents that he ia novf' prepared to i-ender hia iiüal account aa süoli admintstrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuosday. the tnird day of December uext, ut tn o'elQok in tbe forenoon, beassigued íor examininií and allowmg sueh account, and that the heirs ut law ot said deeeased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a se'n ,f "Bia Court. h" to l holden at the Probate Oflice in the City of Ann Arbor in said cpunty, and show cause, if any (hare be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said admmistrator rive notice to the persons intereted in said estáte, of the peudenoy of said account and the hearini; thereof, hy causing a copy of this order to be pub.nhed in the Michigan Argus, a newsnaper pnntedand circulating in said connty, three scoessive week previous to said dav of hearin" WILLIAM O. HAÈHIMAN, -ÍT ÍIU?,C"P''U JudK: "f Probate . W m. ft. Doti. Probate Register. 1712 Estáte of Elias Haire. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Vasblnaw LJ u. At a esiou of the Probate Court for lije ,ouuty of U'ashtcmw, holden at the Probate Office iu the city of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the secoml day of November, iu the year oue thousand eight hundred and seventv-eigbt. [reóont, WiMaui t. Harriiuan, Judgeof Probate Ju Ihe maütr of the eslate of Elias Huir. deccasud. ' On readiug and fülng the petition, duly verified, of A. A. Wh-.tnty, agcjiit of the Walu-r A.'Woud Mowtig andKwiping Machine Coniiiany, praylnir tbat he couimissiou heretofore appoiuted to hear aud ajust danus agaiust said ediate may be revlved bat the claim of said conipany mav bc heard and llowed. Thoreupon it is ordered, that Tuesday the reuty-sixthday of November inst., at ten o'clock n tue toienoon, be asslgned for the hoarlnir of said petition, and that tbe devlsoes loeawee and heirs at law of said deceased, and kU othcr persous iuterested in said estáte, are required to appcar at a sessiojl of said court, Uien t.i lie holden at the Probate office in the city of Ana Arbor, and show cause, if any there 'be kIjt the prayer of the petttione'r should not he granted: And it is ftirther ordered that said petitioner gire notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pondency of said petition aud the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of thls otter to be published in the Michigan Argu a newspaper prlnted and circulated in saidcouuty two successive weeks preïious to said day of heaiInK- WILLIAM 1). ItAERIMAN (A true copy) Judge of Probat Wm. G. Düiv. Probate P.egister. 17 md Estáte of John Gibney. GTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Wubte. IJ naw 8. At a session of the Prohnte Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probut otncem the city of Ann Arbor, ou Monday Ui twentyürst day of October, in the vear ouü thouaud eight hundred aud seventy-eisht. Present, William U. Harriman. Jud(te of Probite In the matter of the estáte of John üibney deeeaBed. ' ' On readmg and flling the petition, duly veifled, of Julia Gibney, praying tht she may be licenscd to Bell the real estáte whereof said deceaaed ditd BBUKUa Thereupou it is ordered, that Tuesday, the twenty-sxith day ot November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asBigned tor the heannir cl said petition, and that the devisees, legiitees nd heirs at law of Baid deoeased, and all other persons intereBted iu said eBtate, are require,i o appear at a seesion of said Court, then to L = bolden at the Probate office in the city of Anu arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the pmyer ot the petitioner hould not be irranted 4nd it is further ordered that said petitioner iriv notice to the person interested in said estatè of he pendenoy of said petition and the hearinx ;hereof, by causinR a oopy ot this order to be pubuiiea in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed ind circulated in said county, four succeasive rucks previous to said day of hearing WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, W f T?7'' b v JudBe of P'-obate. Wm. O. Doti, Probate P.egister. 7 mul Estáte of William H. Besimer. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Oounty üf Waahtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court lor the County W ashtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflicin the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, tu thirtieth day of October, iu the year oue thouauu.l eight hun lred and seventy-eight. Pr went, 'Williiim 1). Harriman, Judge of Probate In the matter oí the etstate of William n. Iksinier, deceased. On ding and flling the petitiou, duly verifled, of red Beeimer, praying that ceilaiu instrument Dow on iilein thia eourt, purporting to be the laat will and testament of said dectaaed niay be iidmitted to probate, nd that aome uitable peinou may be appintd adminiMrutor wnh the will annexed of said estáte. .'ft!ie5ellpo,!1ir is overea, that Munday. the twenty iifth dayof November next. at ten u'clock in tho assigned lor the hearin:; of aid patition, and that the devisees, legutoes and fielt at law of said deceiised, and all other persons interested in said estato, are required to Hunear at a sessloTi of said court, theu to bo holden ii." lrobllte Olfi i" the city of Aiiu Ai-bi.r, and show oause, if any there bi why the prayer of the petitioner shoula net be sriauted: And it is further oi-dered, that aid petitioner sive notice to the nrsoub intciested iu eaid estáte, of the iwudeucT ofsaid petition and the hearing thereof, by eaus lag a copyof tliis order to be published in the Michigan .tifriis, a newpaper printed and circulated in mud county, thret' uecessive weeks pre vious tb sairt duy of heariu". MTILLIÁSI D. HARRIMAN, W M.'i. Dotv. Probate Register. 1T11W Kstate of Seymour Lytle. WTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waant. O naw, 88. Notice i hereby K'ven, that lv an order of the Probate Court for tL County Jt ber, A. 1). 18,8, ix months from that date we alowedforcred. orsto present their claims again,t the éstate oí .Seymour Lytle, late of 8aid couBty.dece.uied, and that all erediton f of Lid deto said Probate Court, at the Probate office. m the city of Ann Arbor, f„r araination and allowance, on or before tbe twenty-sixth dav of April next, and that suoh olaime will be heard before eaid Court, on Mouday, the twenty-seventh Bixth day of April next, at ten o'clwik iu the forenoon of each of aaid dav Dated, Ann Arlwr, October 26, A. D 1878 l-io , WIXLIAM D. kAHRIMAN, Xll-W Probate Eeglater.


Old News
Michigan Argus