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- liurt Uanipbell, of 76, formerly ot Monrpe, died on the 13th inst., of typhoid fevor, at Eldorado, Kansas, - A joint discussion is beiiig arranged by tho Alphu Nu aud Liteiury Adelphi Societtes : to be held in University Hall - The Baruabee Concert Company drew a large audieuce ou Friday eveniug, but wü dou't heat as much enthusiasm expressod as ou former occasions. Barnabee is gettiug stale. - All who heard Mrs. Dainty recite "The l'eiith of January " or " Little Joe " ou Monday eveniíig last, or her other selections, will be glad to cooimend that lady to thelr friends in other places. - Lxercises eloaed in the Department of Literature, Science, and the Artfl on Tuesday, and will be resumed next Monday. In the professional schools professors and studenrs took but a single day for turkey. - The meinbers of Omicron Chapter, Delta Kappe Epsilou iraternity, participated with their brethreu resident in Detroit, in a Thanksgiving reunión on Tuesday eveuiug, at Abstract Hall. Harry Uussell presided, and the "goodly company " niimbered about sixty. - Ploft. Adams, D'Üoge, and Morris, and aoine twenty student l'si U's attended a fraternity banquet at the Brunswick, Detroit, on Tuesday eveniug. A brief address of welcome was made by Elisha Taylor, Esq , who presided on the occasion, and after the supper toasts, responsos, and songs were in order. - Hon. Thomas A. Heudricks, oí Indiana, will address the Students' Lecture Association next Friday evmiing, Dec. 0. Subject : " Revolutions." Gov. Hendricks is not sent here by the " Lectura bureau," but comea in response to the oaruest solicitation of the lecture board and to gratify personal friends. The reputatiou ot Gov. H. as a scholarly statesman will secure him a large audience. - Mrs. Laura E, Dainty, of Chicago, gave recitatious before fair-sized audience on Monday evening. Mrs. Daiuty has a flexible and clear voice, under perfect control, and her selections vera admirably fitted to both voiue and inauuer. There is Ie68 affectation aud strain aud more of naturaluess in tone and atiou fhau is eommon to the stock reader. She carne a stranger but won a warm welcoms for any time she niay choose to come agaiu. After the exercises a very pieasant receptiun was given Mrs. Dainty at the residence or Judge Beakes. - The organizatiou ot the University Temperance Society was perfected on Saturday eveniug, by the selectiou of the meinbers 01' the Executive Committee represeuting all the departments and classes. The same eveuing Miss Willard, of Chicago, met the young ladies of the University and discussed their special work in the temperance üeld. On Sunday evening the first public meeting of the University Temperance Society was held, and the large audience that gathered was addressed by Mi3s Willard. Prof. Olney stated the plans ot tha society, tho coustitution and pledge were read, and about 100 studeuts, lalies aud gentlemen, carne forward and enrolled themselves as members. Wo shall be ísceedingly gratiried when we oan aunounce that every student in the University has iigned the pledgn.


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