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- Three taundred and fifty ajen aro now at work building the Port Hurón and Northwestern narrow-gnur' roilroad. Kalamazou naturalista report thnt birds have reoently been ttcun thereabouts, of species that oom f ruin n fai uorth ae Labrador. A hard wintei in argued trom this omithologic il baai. - Abüut f500 worth of th; goj1s reoently stolen from the stor" it' Hocomb & Mason, in Atln-n-. Calhouo County, have been found hul tway in straw stack near the villago. - Thos. Gilson, a farmer of Dover, Lenaweo County, is in jail, clmrged with cheating a brother farmer named Roberts by i'alse stateineuts and ■!- stracts in the sale of some land. Hon. W. L. Webber, Lnd Ooiuiuig sioner of the Flint & Pere Marquetta ruilwiiy, reporta that the land sales of the road are much better tban last y-nr, at this time, while the total sales tbr the tirst nine tnonthsuf 1878 excecd tboae of the entire year of 1877. - Mr. Edward Peck, forum ui fur C. D. Hale, of Tawas City, wa killed on the 25th while riding on baud-oar. Ou piroat:bmg a standing trui n he put ou'.his toot to stop the car, w i"iUi:lit and twisted so is te break bis gpine. He lived bul i few hours. Re n wife and twn childreu. K'.lnioii', uorth of Ktanton, is u marvel ts tci growth. Last May tbere wero hut thiHt log Iiouses in the place; bilt now thiüu are 80 to 100 frame building inuluding six tt'orea for dry goodn and grocttries, a clotbing store, a tntrdwaie store, two drug stores, four hotois, two meat markets, one or two barber Hhops and six saloons and restaurants. Dr. Eibbe, physictan and druggist, of Coldwater, died on the "22d, aged 71. He settled in Medina, Leuawett Couuty, in 1836, where he had an oxtennive praotice for 16 years. He removed to Cold water in 1852. He was i good physician and business man. He Leavea a wife and four children. - The steamboat for the Quiuuy Chain Lake Cbanuel Company urhved at Quincy on the 19tb by cars from Toledo. It will carry about 50 persons. The railway oompany are now layiug a track from their maiu line to the boat landing, and will have the work finished in a few days, when the boat will be launched. - Coldwater liepurter. - Tbe Grand Bapidg and Haginaw Kailroad is extending its line trom lát. Louis to Grand Rapids. In order to do this it became necessary to take the property of several of the fitrmerg of Gratiot County, who resided between Ut. Louis and Alma, but were unable to agree with them as to the amount of oouipensation the property holders ahould receive. In consequenoe of the disagreement the company commenced proceedingü under tbe statute in tbe Probate Court of Gratiot Couuty to obtain tbe right of way, and evidence is now being taken. - President Miller, of the State Fish Commiüsiou, bas received a fine specimen of laud-locked salmón. Two years ago be placed in the hands of a gentleman souie ova obtaiued from one of tbe laken in Maine. Tbis was planted in a little lake ia the uortb part of the Lower Península, wbich did not hkvux to have any other fisb. Now the barvest is ready. Tbis is only oue of a number wbich have been taken, proviug tbe perfect success of the undertakiug. Thig salmón iu a male, is ricbly colored, is a tboroughbred iii every respeut, and ' weigbs eight pounda. ■ Xearly three-quarters of a million bushels of wheat have boon hipped froiu Port Hurou the past ttaree inonth. - Aiuong tho convicta ron-ived luxt njouth at the State l'rismi was a man ot' 84, the oldeat prisoner ver takou to thit State Prison. In 1842 oae wiwt recoivod 76 yi-iirh old, and in 1856 one who whs 76. - MrH. Matilda Wbaley, of Morenoi, Lenawee County, the aged widow of an 1812 soldier, died last week. She received her pension certifícate about two weeks prior to her death. - The Au Sable Newn estiinates the quantity of logs that wil) 1 ■ ■ put uto the Au Sable and Pino liivcrn dnring tho coming winter, in ronud Qumberg, at the enormous figure of 156,000,000 feet - a figure fully oue-fourth larger than the erop of any pruvious year. mul more thsu doublo the entiro out of last winter. Of this amount 123,250,000 feet goos into the Au Sable. - The Superior Court of Grand liapidtthasjust deoided that the Couiuuon Councü of that city may graut or witlihold a license to a saloon keeper a il snert fit, and that, without a city Hoense, no man hatt a hgbt to koop a xnloon in the city. - Gov. Croswell ha pardoned Cornelius Guerin, who was sentenced froni Muskegon 5 inonths since for thretyears for larceny. HU innooenco wan ostablisbod. Also, Louis Ui-nz, 8nt froni Houghton for sevon years, about fivc yearg sincu. His oonduot during bis incarceration was good, and count ing hit trood time his tifrm wouid have expired in a raonth. - Gilbert Htorms, who eloped frooi Saginaw with a step-daughter agud f a few days since, has been arrexteil ut Bay City, where they were living. IIh claims that he was not legally married to the wife whom he desertod, and tbat he went with her conneut. - William Boyd and Cyrus E. Jennings, of Ithaca, Gratiot County, qaarreled Sunday over the división of a lot of potatoes they raised during the season upon shares, during which the lattor stabbed the former three tímea, the blade penetrating the heart and cauning instant death. - Kotlin Churoh, aged 17, sou of C. W. Church, of the Recretaiy of State's office, wbile hunting a south of Lansing, went up into au old building. His companion hnnded up his gun, which truck on the Bide of the building and ■■ dicharged, shooting Church through the heart. He died immeliately. Gov. J. D. Cox, of Ohio, hasexpresnuil the opinión in a public Interview that William Almon Wheeler, the preposterous person who pt-rforins i)ie functions of Vioe-President, would he 'he most proper man to lead the Republlcan party to victory in 1880. In it any wonder now that intelligent meu eon bc found to talk of Bristow for Prosident ï - Ftnltimore Gazette.


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