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TUK BAST. Robert Heller, the world-renowned malician, died at Philadelphia last weck. A terrific boiler explosión ooonrred at a coal-mino deaf Umnntown, Pa., afi'w diys ago. Six men wei killrd and seven thc-rs inJöred more or lega s irïöusly. Hon. LYMAN Tkemaix, the late Congrese ïnan-td-largo from New York, and an eaünont lawyer, diod hst week at Albany. TUE SOUTH. Cameron's extensivo tobáceo faetory at Potorbnrg, Va., has been destrovod by fire. Loss, $d0O,0U. ' Jackson, the connty seat of Breathitt oounty, Ky., has beon tbo scène of a serious ntbreak and bloodshed. Tlie irouhle grew out of a colusión between two rival bands of outlaw, nnmbering ome twenty men Oach, who happened into tlio town about tho samo timo. Dnnña the progross of tbo fighting, which was Oarriedon in a desnltory marnier for severa! d lys, huudreda of hots were fiml, Borne half a (i i ■■■! poople wore killud, inohiding tho County Judge, and a numbor of otlierH wouudod. TiiE steamboat Coitou Talley, bound from N'ew Orleana for Shrevop rt, collided with the flte.m"r Charlea Morgan, ii the Missiesippi rivor, oppostte Donaldsonvillé, La., and mi .k in a few m rninnts pattsenxers and a dozen of tlin lxnt's crew, inoatly colored went down with the boat. WASHINGTON, SüPERViaiNo Architect Hill, reoeutly iudieted by tho United States Grand Jury at Cliieago for conspiraey to defrand tbo Qoveninwnt in oonnection with tbe construntion of tbe Giistnin House in that city, was arrosted iu Washington last week and helil to bailin 8.r,iC0. Mueller and ïtilR tlio men who furniahM the Btoue for the building, were joiiitlv indioted wit!, HiU. The flght over the transfer of the Indian Bureau to the War Department waxee warm. Seerotary Schnrz has addressod another comtnnnieatiou to tbe Hecretary of War, in reply to the recent letter of Oen. Shoridati, ii wliiüh be sayH thut, wliilo prttiwtiag against uujnst orlödam an to persons, he desiros it to 1 distinotiy unöörstood tbat in the coaduct of ludían affuira ha does not repol but Invites inspection and obaorvation on the pa;t of militai-y oflicers. But ho wants fair play, and, thetefo] e, Calis npon Oen. 8beridu aKain for deteited spectficaHona ot' the Rweepihs charges made in liin annnal report agaiiist the efficienoy and lntegrity of the Indian Benrice, Socretüry Scburzsays he " makea lus deniaud in good fdith, acid in tlie interest of the Berviee, in order that abusen which havo not yot been correcttd may be correi-tod proiuutly," and expresaes the "hopo that "Oen. Slieridui will mak nis revelatious without delay, which ho must bo ablo to do, for it must not bé sssnmed that ho ia iiuder the neceseity, after haring prououncod the verdict iirtjt, o look for tho evidenco afiorward." GKNKJiAL. The English ohannel, so prolific of horrors, ha? just boon tho sceno of another terriblo marino tragedy. The eteamship Tommorania, a Gei American steaincr plying between New York and Hamburg, and bound for the latter port, whcn off Folkestone, at midiiiKht, durirg tho provalcnco of a denso fog, carne in colisión wñh a bark and sank in ten minutes. 'I here were L20 persons on board, over fifty f whora wero lost, iucluding the second aiid third oflicers. William A. Potter, ex-Chief Supervising Arcbitcct of the treasury, has been indicted, along with Ilill, llnelter and otbers, for conspiring to defraud tho Government in counecíion with the public building in Chicago. BUENED: Tho sewer-pipe works of Hperrj-, Ritchio & Co. , at Tallmadge, Ohio, loss $UH),0U); the Northern Pacific rouud-house at Pa-go, Dakota, loss 980,000; 4vO00 tons of Goverument bay at Bismarok, Dakota: several houses at Míddleport, N. Y., loss $30,0Xl. FOKEIGJi. The hands in 1-20 cotton milis, to the number of 12,(XX, are on a strike in Oldham, KiiKland It ia reported that tho Germán capital is to le declared in a state of siege, under the proviaions of tho Socialist law. A cable dispatch reports that Turkieh Rcdifs and CircaBsians eacked 1 'M housos in tlio Síí.'iiiik district, in Macodonia, and massacrcd the ir.habitauts without distiuction of ago or sex. Wjhle the Hungarian Prime Minister was eutertaining ('ount Audrassy at Pcsth, t é otlitr niglit, a bomb charged with dynamito waa explodod iuanalloynear by. Xho wiudows of the palace were badly Rh&ttered, but no one waa hui t . . . .EnglaDd is taking viRorous moasnres to suppijess the Traimvaal (South Afrioaj rolulbon Duriiig a panic on a forrybuat in tlio Morsoy, ut Tjvcrpool, tiftcen passengers fumped overboard afd were drowned The British forces continue their advanco into Afghanifkin, notwithstaiiditrg the hostile attitude of Rnsuiii. The lattor power holdft that the Iïri'irb advanoo Í8 a menace to Central Asia, a d til give active support to tbe Anieer in tlie cvent of Eiigland ooom)ying anypointa in Afghanistan from which Husuian dominion in Asi might le threateued. Advices from the war in Afghanistan to Noï. .'SO wouid indícate that the Bntisb i,ivaderí were juat beginning to realizo the srfriouauess of tho ta.-k before them Di-patches th.t date inforra os that Oen Browne'soommuuicalions have been ut:mvirarily cut. II Mtile lii (hlaadeis, estiinatcd at 4,iHjO in number. I avo collected in tb billa belpw Ali Miifljid. They cut off Btriggl-rs and firo on anned partios The sectionof tho pass befweon Jumrouii and Ali Musjid haa been closed altogother tor the present A stronglv-escortod co'ivoy failod to force ita way to-day. The sitinnon x i-oïious, aud strong measui-e8 are iaavitablo." Mr. Gladstone delivered á speech at Greeuwich, Eiiglaud, the other day, in which ho denonncod the Ministry for going to war with Afghanistan without firat convoking ParUameut and commuuicating with tbat lxdy rogardii g tbe matter. Ho solemnly warned t!ie Brltish peoplj not to abandon tlio principies of liberty which made ita happineaq, He declared that 'the monoy pent in tliis war is to the dishooor of England, and her responsibilitiea will but commenco with her yictory. Lady Maclxith's worde, Here in tho smell of blood " are still a powerful peroration, and onlust wara lead to national downfall 'J ho subject of crematicm bas lately ben engaKing the attention of tlio autlionties in Bavaria, and it haa been decidod by the Board of Health that the public welware will bq aubBcrved if tho doad are burned iu tho following ODiningencies: (1) after battlea, (..') during epidemi ;a, (.;) for the conveyanco of rom itoa to dietant parta, aud (4) where tho soil is uusnitable for burial purpoaes. Advices from the far East to Dec. 1 report tbat the British forco invading Afghanistan through the Khyhor pass wero cut off from rotroat by a large force of Afghans, who wero well supplied with artillery, and posted uion an elevation of 7,U00 feet


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