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The Farmer's Bureau

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Geu. William G. LeDue, Comniisioner of Agriculturo, in his animal roport, shows tliat Üio doparfanoni dttring tho yoar lian boon ongagod inexaminingintothopractieabiütyofintroducing uew product, auil ha boen to sunio dogroe successful. The following oxtracts and condnrmatiouH abow in outlino tho work of thi departnienl for the year, as stated by tho Gomiuissioner himaelf. Gen. Le Duo is an eiithnni&ston the subject of Staking tho United State independent of foreign nations. Ho ha frronpeil togethor, and givo in a talik, a lint of artii-le- annually importod into thin country, amouuting in valuo to many millioiiK of dollar, which ho i confldönt nii'lit, and lm tliinks ought tu, be produced at home. Among tlieso artiolc are omimeratod toa, coffee, ugar, lVruvian bark, paper material, rice, barloy, bemp, fliVt-iOtw, wool, fruir, nut, etc. ího Coranjiiotier advocaten tho building and ropairing ot tho ïfississippi léveos at tho expense of tho QehbraJ (ïovernment The Commissioner states tliat t'e wheat erop of the presout ycar hae been promlsbig in a high (iegreü during tho ontiro HOaon. Fears of ; grasshopjter invatfion wero early diatuillod, j eopt in a fow countie in Minnesota, l'helossed Prom killing, tho lly, chinch-buti, grasshopjierfl, niHt, smut, etc., havo thin ohmi Ixeiï far leHs tlian usual. Tbc heaviest production ia in tho seotion of tho lihtst yield lant joar (the Nortbwestoni or npring-whoat Stat), whose product feil off 3fi,UXUM) buahols. The aggre gato in VVi8eonin, Minnoota, Iowa'aud NoDTaskft ÍA donbl6 thatof last year, and neiuiy JO,(XK),CÜÜ buahels greater thiu in 1S7', Tl.e entire erop promises to exceod that of laxt j 'iir by 7O,(XK),(KX) imHhel, lenvi:ig KX),i)iiO,lim i ei for exporUtion. with a surplna remainingl abovo tli(! actual rerjuirenienl of oonfininptiay Utlicr crQpfl havo generally h-, : ciimparisou of the crojis of the past thri sea)im in given, as follows, tho figure for tlá_pvtseat vear being preliminary and uhjeqt to revisión in eomplotiuij and perfecting tho estiiBatcs of tho year: Crops. 1SÍ7. 1S76. 1W5. Cora 1,3.Ü.U(MI,()('O 1,38,827,600 l.R?l.M(i9.0Oi; wui-at ain.iHHi.iHiii 2tjii,8flfi.50fl as.iaft.ooc Kvc Sá,IUIil.Ü(IO ao.H74,MW 17STO.1UO Oata 890,000,000 tón,884,00fl 85tJl7,rO0 Bario; ss.onO.iHK) 88,710X00 36.O93.6U0 Potat'oes... 140,000,000 VUMWBt lw;.t17,uU0


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