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- Gov, Asliloy ia m Boston thia week lookmg after bis raitroad intereets. - The Manchester Enterprise reporta "one or two oases of scarlet fever in town." - Modjeska at the Opera House next Thursday evening : a star of the first magnitnde. - The dramatic entertainment given by the Young People's Club at the Unitariaa ühurch on Wednesday evening, was voted a success. - C. H. Piouty, of Kalamazoo, is temporari!y in charge of the Michigan Central depot in this city, titee O-. W. Sliarpless gone to Kansas. U - Pnrk is dowu : dressed hogs sold from wagou yestorday at Í2.75 a to. A shade higher figures paid by private parties tor extra hogs. - The Deiter boys have ongaged in stoning out the windows of the school housa. Oil of beech in allopathic do3t would be a good preacnption. - Modjeska travel in a magnificent and sumptuous Waguer palace car, built and turnislied especially for the accommodation of herself and troupe. - All the ABOU8 advertiaers are ready fur the holiday trade, with shelves aud counters loaded with the specialties or the season. (iive thero a cali. - The tax-payers oí the township of Ann Arbor are noir being oalled upo for Í9,-!46.O3 : their annual dues for State, couiity, lown, school, aud highway purposes. - The articles of associatiun ot the Aan Arbor Agiicultural Company were riled in tlie office ol the Secretary ot State, Dec. 4 Capital $00,000 ; paid in f H,7ÜO. - Saline Standard: "We notie by the Minneapolis (Mmn ) Tribune that A. H. Risdon ia carryiug on a large hardware trade. Mr. Risdon wa3 formurlj ui the same business in this place." - The boiler room iu the Court House has been excavated and a brick floor laid. The boiler has not yet been reoeived, but aome of the pipe and coils are now iu the building ready to be put in place. - The Reghter is a little fast in saying "the track connectiug the AI. C. E. R. with the T. A A. A. il. B. waa completad last week," thut is unless cara eau run on a road-bed without iron. The iron ia not down yet. - Justice Marston, ot the Supreroe Court, has accepted au invitation to attend the anuiTersary supper of the New Eugland Society of this city, to be given next Fnday evening, and will respoud to a toast. - It commenced snowing vigorously toward evening on Sunday last, with a, promise of the weather beiug cold enough to hold it, but before midnight raio set in and on Monday drizzle and slush were both in order. - On Alnuday Justice Beahan couoluded the examination of Joseph Heudeison, charged with au attempt to murder Wilon Rogers, and held him to bail in the sum of f 1,000. In default of bail he was committed to -J- At the meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank held on Weduesday the vote was unanimous in favor of retiring f50,0lM of the stock, or reducing the capital to $100,000. Sonie 1,300 shares were Toted. - Mat Blosser of the Manchester Enterpriae was in town ou ïuesday. He reported good progreas beiug made toward raising that $5,000 asked of Mauchester forthat railroad from Ypsilanti to Pontiac : Y400 having been subscribed. - Hermán Viets, a young man employed as brakemau on the Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad, was killed at Azlia last Fnday forenoon, w hile coupling cara. The coupling link was driven into hia bowels. He wasabout 21 year old and unmarried. - It ïi aunounced that Herman T. Frueauff ut Detroit, brother of E. K. Frueauff, f thiicity, wiil start a Germán uewspdper in this city, Der Waahtenaio Boie, in January. Mr, F. 1 now professor of Germán m the Detroit Female Seminary. - The Yp8ilanti Commercial Baya " th rooiers are at work on the nevr Seminary buildiiig." Also : "The contractora haTe been paid in full for the new Normal building. And thia : "Gov. Croswell hau acoupted an invitatiou to visit the Normal School. He i expected before Chriatmas." - Programme ol Young Peojjle's Club, a the Uuitanan Church, Weduesday veiling Dec. 18 ; Conversation on the Opera, led b; Miss PerkiDS ; on Oratoiio, by Miss Cora Vol land ; on Current Literature ; and muaic Social tea at 6:30; social half hour iu charge of the Dramatic aection. - The Ypsilanti Sentinel denies the rcpoi that the contractors bare had to take dowu a portiou of the walls of the new school nouae in that city. That is the time we were bit by relyiiig upou the statement of a penny-a-line itemizer for a Detroit daily. A just punishraent for pilfering from such a source. - The questiou of a single session ot the High School - from 8 o'oiook a. m. to 2 p. m -is now before the Board. We understand that 130 of the 147 parents consulted have declared in favor of the proponed cbange. If il can be made without too muoh conflicting with faraily arrangements it will be found beneücil to both teachera and pupils. - The following officere of Uoldeu Kul Lodge No. 159, F. & A. M., wer elected on Thursday eveuing, Dec. ó: W. M., Ch&rles M. Jones ; S. W., D. Fall; J. W., C. A. Matthewson ; Treasurer, Charlea Spoor ; Secretary, Zack Boath ; S. D., E. D. Lswis ; J. D., J. A. Gates ; Tiler, Jay Boath ; Stewards, George W.' Cook ond John W. Johnston. - The grand and attractive Musical Drama, " Behhazzar," which met with such notable success in Ypsilanti a few weks ago, will be given in Hill's Opera House nezt Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, December 17th and 18th, by Ann Arbor talent, aided by singers from abroad. An Orcbestra of 8 pieces, composed of the best city and college ability, will assist. - At the laat regular meeting of the Washteuaw Pomological Society, held at Firemen'a Hall in this city, Mr. E. A. Scott, of Ann Arbor towuship read a paper on the cuitiyatiou of th Pear, giving the experienee of Mr. Fahnestock, of Toledo, Ohio. The subject was aiso discussed by Messrs. J. A. Scott, J. D, üaiilwiii, J. J. Parshall, and Jacob Qauzhoru. - At a regular convocation of Waahtenaw Chapter No. 6, R. A. M., held at Masooic Hall, Dec. 9, 1878, the following offlcers were elected tor the ensuing year : High Priest, B. F. Watts ; King, J. P. Little; Soribe, I. G. Handy; C. of H., Z, Roath ; P. S., C. M. Jones ; E. A. C, C. E. Hiscock ; 3d Vail, E. E. Davison ; 2d Vail, J. G. Smith ; lat Vail, E. D. Lewis ; Secretary, W. L. Pack ; Taeasurer, Fred Sorg ; Sentiuel, Jay Roath. - The Saline Standard is in hot water. Koine ot' its subscribers have boeu ioolish enough to discontinue becanse it espouaes the causa of the Rev. Murray. It says: "They cali themselves Christians, but we cali thera hypocrites." Fie, ueighbor, whon you are a little older you will learn to tolérate a little differeuce of opinión : also to bear the order "stop my paper" with au unrnffled temper. - Manchester Enterprise, Dec. 5 : John Sears, of Ann Arbor, while stopping at the house of 0. T. Stevens, of this township, on Wednesday last, feil down cellar, the fall lujuriiig his head considerably and broising him oiherwise. Dr. Kapp was called and adminiatered to the relief of the sufferer. He thinka he liad a slight atroke of paralysis. We ara pleaied to inform our readers that Mr. S. ii now able to be out. - The meeting of the Pioneer Society at Manchester, ou Wednesday of last week, was well atteuded. A poem was read by Mre. N. H. Pieroe, of this city, and Dr. Root, of Manohester ; Col. Fellows, of Sharon ; Hou. M. McDougall, of Bridfewater: Hou I. D, Corey, ot Manchester, snd F. A. Fellows, read papers or gave their early experiences. The Monchester people " set up" a good dinner, for which a vota of thanks waï extended. The nent meeting will be held at Saline in March. - Tramp ! tranips ! ! trampa ! I ' Seveu of these were before justica Beahan on Monday raorning. Four of thera, Fred Melton, Wm. Young, Frank Bender, and John Williams, were recognized as chromen and were giveu oach four moutha in the House of Correction. The other three, Edward Burna, John Kelly, and Wm. Burna, coming under the head of new offenders, wera allowed to depart under suspended sentence. Justice Beahan ad vises U3 that the whole lot were able bodied young men, phyBically capablo of doing nteady work and earning a living. - And now it is au Ynailauti mau who wants the Etening News to shell out t'20,000 for daraage to hls character. James Wilkinson is his name. The News published au item sent in by its Ypailanti correspondent, stating that "an Ypailanti man who counts his mouey by the huiulreds ot' thousands is aocused of having locked his aged mother out of doors, and she has been obliged to sleep on the Hoor in the woodshed, ït is said." An apology was itterward made by the News which ia also alleged to be libellous, while the original statement is conceded to be uiitrue. Growing out of the sanie case, Van Cleve, the "locivl" who sent in the item, aud youug Woodruff, hnve both been whipped. Itemizing is risky business at Ypsi. - This is how the Ypsilanti Sentinci describes a little "onpleasantness" between its junior publisher and one James VVilkinson. Aftor a war of words in the hall adjoiniug the office of Justice Skinner and soni8 threats of violence on Wilkinson's part: "We walleed back into the eourt room, and, wishing to have him bound over to keep the peace, askcd Jotice Skinner the mod of procedure. At this, having followed ua iuto the room, our antagonist sprang at ouu. throat. We were faut locked in a not very JoTinsr embrace for a few seronds, when the justice interfered and parted os. We were the only party injured. Our overcoat was slightly rent, our necktie torn oft and our right eye slightly injured by a too intímate contact with our assailant's thumb and fingere, while a package held in our hand during the struggle was somewhat rumpled." - Last Monday eveuing, at his reaidence, Hon. Hsnry W. Hogers read a paper bef ore the Ladies' Library Asaociation, entitled " A Glance at the Past, " in which his iiearei s were told in a couversational and humorous way of the writer's birth and early hiatory, of hismarriage, December 9, 1828, just fiity year bef ore, to Miss Keziah Adams, and of their half century of Ufe together. The picture of the district school, of the ways of travel, of the beginning in lile of the young couple- on a little more ecouomical scale thfui young couples of the present day are willing to ,begin,- and the allusions to the public men and the great events and discoveries of the fifty years since hia marriage, were f uil of interest. Personal matters wera modestly referred to and the whole paper was in the most excellent taste. One personal statement we give as remarkable: Mrs. Rogers isthe youngestof three sUtera, each of whom lived to celébrate their golden wedding, and in the fiity years of their own married life not a single death has oceured uoder their roof. How few can make such a statement. Duriug the eveuing Profs. Frieze and MorriB, and Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. liathbun gave the audience some appropriate and spirited music on the piano, and at the close Mrs. Hunt sang " John Andersou, niy Joe, " a fitting selection for the occasion, which was a most enjoyable one. A few friends who had somehow poasessed thenjselves of the auniversary secret contnbuted to the hostess some elabórate and benutiful bouquets, and some just bs beautiful though more simple.


Old News
Michigan Argus