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THE BAST. Tue sohooner Caledonia went nshore on Libby island, off tho coast of Maine, last week. The Captain and crow, fivo men, wero ah lost Orvili,e Grant, the ex-President's brothor, wa- reloased from the lunatic ftsylum at Morris PlainsH, N. J. , last week, and aocompanied to his homo at Elizabeth ly his sou. He is far from being entirelr sound ift mind, butit is thonghi that oareand the quiot of his homo, and the tender miniutrations of bis wife and mothor, niny souuro bis completo mental health. THK WEST. Advices from tlio West report that the Indiana in the Niobrara river región of Nobraska aro raidiiig the ranchos and running olT the stock of tho settlers. A Dkadwood dispntch reports extensive and very destructivo prairio fire in the Black Hilla country Cincinnati people are agitatiug for a better obsorvanco of the Sabbath n that city. Hayden's rolling niill, at Columbus, Ohio, was the scono of a terrible boiler explosión the othor day, by which soveral persons wero killed and r numljer of othora maimod and scaHod in a shocking marnier. Tho shock of tho explosión was terrino, maMng a eoni plete wreek of all the mili buildings in tho virinity of the boiler-house A wtriko for an increase of wagoa amonp; the employés, to tho numlMir of 1,5CK, in the three leading pork-packing lioues of Chicago caused a nudden suspension of operations and a BOrious dcnuitiomunt of tho hog niarket. . . ,Two Umatilla Indians, conviotod of murdei'ing settlers in tho lato Indian war, havo been convicted at Walla Walla, Ore., and sentencetl to be hanged Jan. 2. A great fat-cattle show bas just been held in Chicago. Ouo' of tho finost lots of cattle ever witnessod was on oxliibition, few of them weighing loss tlian 2,(XK) pounds, and most of them turning tho scales at from 3,000 . to 4,000 pounds. Thero wan also a splendid exhibit of nogs jnd sheep. The show was sueh a big success that it will be repeated next year. A shocking domestic tragedy is reported from Hamilton, Ohio. An old man . namod Weigel, a well-to-do citizen, shot his wifo through tho heart while she lay in led a8leep, and then took his own life by nhooting three baila into hin body. A sad calamity is reported from Washington, Iowa. Tho eounty ]soor-houtiO was destroyed by flre. There were twenty-six pau])or inmatos, and so rapid was the spread of the tiro thaí five of them wero eonsumed in tho fiamos. Another one of the great Minncapolis flour milis - tho Anchor, with seven runs of stones- has been destrovodby firo. Loss, 85,000. TIHO SOUTH. A numbkr of prisoners charged with leing concerned in tho recent difficulties in Tonsas parish, La , havo lx;ou arrested on Federal warranta and taken to New ürleans for trial before the United States Commisaioner. A correspondent of the Louisville ('ouricr-foiirnul, who was sent to Breathitt couuty, Ky., to writo up au account of the civil war raming thoiv, reports that affairs are indeed in a deplorable condition, and that, instead of being . exaggeratcd, the stories about tho strife there do not represent as bad a state of affairs as really exist The law is overridden, and the eounty officers are powerless to even make a ingle arrest. Prominent eitizens who have boen threateued havo lied for their lives, and Jackson, tho eounty soat of Breathitt eounty, is almost depopulatcd. WASHINGTON. ] The treasury statement f or November ' shows an inerease of $3,214,242 in tho nationa ! debt There wonld havo been a decreaao of $2,385,758 bilt for tho payment of the Halifax ' ñshory award....The President has sent the following appoiutnients to the Sonate: New York- Edwin A. Morritt, Ooilector of Customs; Charles 1Í. Grabam, Surveyor of Cnstoms: Silas W. Burt, Naval Officer; Tliomae Hillhouse, United States Asnistant Treasurer. l'nited States Consuls - Andrew Cohen, PennHylvania, at Pernambuoo; Hcurv Dithmar, New Vork, at Breslau; G. W. Fioh, Michigan, at Tunis; John Ij. Frisbee, Michigan, at Eio Grande, Brazil; John S. Mosby, Virginia, at Hong Kong; Asa C. Prindle, New York, at Para; Hcnry Iiuggles, Connccticut, at Malta, Eugeno Schuylor, New York, at lürmingham ; "William Thomson, District of Columbia, at Bouthampton ; John C. White, Illinois, tary of Logation in Brazil ; S. Newton Pittis, Pennñvlvania, Minister Resident and Consul General at Bolivia ; G. Harris Heap, vania, Consul General at Con atan tinoplo. New Orleans Mint - Henry S. Foote, Mississippi, Superintendent ; Max Ferdinand Bouzano, Louisiana, ReflDer ; James Albrecht, Lotuai&na, ! Assayer ; Martin V. Davis, Penusvlvania, j Coinër. Collector of Custoins-John N. Fuller, [ Ühio, District of Miami, Ohio. The commission having under consideraikm tho proposition of transferring the Imliau Bureau to tha War Department met at Washington last week and bogan taking testimony. Dr. Barstow, Chairman of tlie Board of Indian Commiaaioners, was the firet witness. He thonght the proposed transfer unwise, and that, if offected, ït would work advornely to Christian operation now in progresa. Ho thónght it imposeible for the body of the Indian Commisaionera to work in harmonywith arm; officials as it did with civilians, and gavo : art hm roasou that the army was formed for war, to Bubdue euemies and make pei#e, rathor than to promote religión and fnendsnip. E. M. Kingsley, a memoer of tho loard, held similar views. He said we need an anny witli hoes and spades for the Indiana, rather than sworda and rifiea. Both of tho witnesses defonded the Indian Agenta as a body, and said the wholesalo abuso was unwarranted Tho President has dotermined to suspend Superriamg Architect HUI, pending the trial of ! the Cliicago indictmont against him. Secretaky Schurz has given his testimony boforo tho joint comraiseion charged with considering tho proposed transfer of tho Indian Bureau from the Interior to tho War Department Tho Secretary disclaimed any personal desire to retain control of tho Indian service under the Interior Department No braiK'h of the departmeut business is so i bloüotne and thankless. Ho thought tho i ii:'.ns were entitied to humane treatment, and I that could only bo tenderod through tlie i cohboh of civilization, education and kind treatrnent. Thiw the mi iïnry were Dot Iltted to promote. The military arm of the Government li did notconsider giftcd with tho labor romvirod to place the lioe in the Iudiau's hand and show hun how to ue it The joint Cougressional commission on the reorganization of the army has made ito raport to Congress in tho shape of a bilí, the general features of whieh are as f ollows : The somber of regimonts to be cut down to twenty, wliile the nutnbcr of enlisted men is to bo cut down to '2O,0C0 men, without counting ihesignal corps. The artillery system of organization is changed from regimontal to battenes and companies, wlrilo tho ontire artillery brancli is consolidated with tho Ordnance Department The staff corps, as a distinctive brancli of tlie servic', i abolished. Adjutant Generáis', Qnartermaster Generáis', Inspector Geuorals' and Pavmaster Generáis' ütaffs are done away with, and a Kystem of interchangeability of line and ataff offibera substituted nimilar to tho European sj'Htem of organization. In order to reduce tho number of officers, it is provided that there sliall be no moro promotions or appointments until the numbc-r of general and line. ofticera is reduced to that required. The offioea of General and Lieutenant General will ceasc with the docease of tlie present incumbents. The number of Major General and Brigadier Generala is to bo reduced to the lowest poirit Federal appointments : Eugene J. Ball, Indiana, to be Consul at Posth ; David H. Bailey, Ohio, Consul General at Shanghai ; An drew V, McConnick, United Ktate Atturney for tiie Eastern District of Texas; James Gallup, Postmaster at Grand P,.v,iiiK Ulich iSeerotary of the Treasury nas ealled in #5.000,000 mDre of tho 5:20 bonds. GENKK.1X. Rkcest deatlis : Ejiiscopal Bishop Wilmor, of the Diocese of New Orleans ; Louis A. Godey, the founder and publisher of Oodey1 Isxdifs ISook, a well-known Philadelphia magazine; Georgo Henry Lewes, tho eminent Enghsli author, and husband of tlie still more eminent "GeorgeEliot.; At the meeting of railroad President of tho great trunk linee, held in New York tho other day, it was doeided that tho present pooling arrangement on west-lxmnd freighta be contiuued for fi vo yeare from tho 1 st of January, the porcontagos to be dotermined from time to ömo by Commiaeioner Albert Fiuk, to whom absolute power ia givcn in the matter. Tlie percentage of the pool is at present : Erie, 33 per cent ; New York Central, 33 ; Ponnsylvania, 35; Baltinioro ard ühio, SI. It wa ;ilso resolved tomaintaiu the rattsfor east-lxund freight and passengere. A süccessfcl counterfeit of the standard si! ver dollar has brai brongttt out. Bo on your gaard i'OLrriCAi.. PiïoMixrvr members of the National party held a couferonce at Waelur.gton last woek, tho result of whieh is thus reported by the Associated Press Agont: The meeting was held with closed doors. Thcy claim teen members in tlio next Congress, who will : act Indepondontly, not joining 'oither party in ' caueua, and this number, as the balance of power, will enablo tlicm to decido tlio : ship and claim the Olerkship and Ohairmanslrip of important committeee. Tlu'v propoM to mamtuin in Washington au nflico tor the distribution of political inforniation, but do not, as hns been Mated, intend tn start hi 10 a (reenback orgali. TTio following roëolutjpn wa adoptfcd at the conïoreioe: Bttolved, tin National 'party, Botarasltla representad bj tbla conference, denounce tl BumpUoD of sjiocif paymenta aa a Lrau] and :U lr.üon, impracticable i'i this or any other civiltzed oountry; yi t. ü pereisted in by the 3cn.tary oi the Treaaury; vra tniist that lfshall be so carried out ns tu be -tjual in its op'-r-, tions iu all sectio&s. P'"' (nforeed for tlu: roiitinption of tlio natioBal-bani notei m well a ror tue legal-teiulcr not8 issucd by tliu Oovoniuu ut. The membeiH of tlie Central Executive Committce of the National party, vith bcadquartera in WaHhingtou, have isiuoil an atldreea to the peoplu of the United State, reviewing the rije and progrcüH of tue party, predicting continned succeas, and the rapid apread of its principies, and exprossing coufidenco that the party will eloct itH candidato for tlio Preeiüfiu-y in'lSSO, with majoritiea in Congresa and iii uearly all the Sta'o Legialatures. Tho addrese denounoej tho action of tho banka, speakins throngh tho Cloaring Houbo Assiiciation of New York, and sayn the contest i is not betwoen tho Republican añil Dejnocratic partiea, It is between the monoy power and tlie pooplo; betweon bank bilis baaed on untaxed bond; and a Government legal-tender curroucy, and tho people have no chance whatever of ever Becnring their emaucipatiou from industrial thralldom, oitlier througli tho party of money power, tho Repnblioan party, or its : ally, the Democratie party. An appeal is mado for organizationa in tho" interest of the National party iu every school district, city, town and waru. A 'Washington correspondent of a Western jonrnal says that a Southorn Cimgresaman, who lately called at tho White Ilonso, statcs that "the President intimated that. he entertaine kindly feelinga for tho Bonth, and has a lively interest in it.s pro80èrit.y. He considera that tho langiiiige lie used itï his meesage as applied to Southern i)olitics was mild nnder tho onTin:i.-t;inc-, and that he was f olfillinghia constitutional duty in ealling the attentiou of Congrejss to what lie can only look upon as violations of coustitntion and law. Be sayshecould not be eípected to remata silent whon in his belief the lawa whioh ho wr swom to execute have been disregarded. IIo aay, as he has eeveral times lieforè remaxkod. hè does not imputo any want of good faith to either Gov. Nicholls or Gov. Hampton." Hon. W. D. Kelleï, of Pennsylvania,. t'jo prospectivo candidato of the Nationala for Speaker of the House of RepresentaÜTOB, saya he does not propose to support any meaaure in Congreaa calcnlated to embarrasa ' the j tion of specie paymenta Ho tlunka the" scheme is on! upon whioh tho extremista of both siilcs could nnite. 80 Fax from the discussion of tho financia] question ending on the lst of January, Judge Kelley thinka it will be then only bcginniug. FOKEIGN. M. ï'Kindt, manager, and M. Fortamps, President, of the Banquo de Belgique of Brussels, who dofrauded the bank of 20,000,000 fraucs, have been convictod and senteru'i'd. the former to lifteeu years' aolitary confinoiut rit, and the latter to ono year's imprisonment with ?l,20ü fine. A OoNSTANTINOPLE dispatch says Suleiman Pasha bas been sontenced to flfteen years' imprisonment A new TurUish Mioistry bas heen organized, all the members of tho old Cabini't having liecn diámissed. . . .At Qoa, India, on the 4th of December, the lwdy of St. Francia Xavier was eipoeed in Üw Oathedral i-.i the preaence of many Catholics from various part of the world. The ceremonial Mag impreasive and excited much rcligiou enthusiasm. Emperor William has returned to the Germán capital, after Boveral months' tiremont, and iesued a doeree announeing bis rosuniption of imperial powers ïlio British nnder Gen Roberts gained a complete victory I over the Afghans in Peiwar pas, killing alargo I munber of the enemy, capturing eighteon cannon and a largo quantity of annnuniuon. i The British loss was eighty killéd and wounded Tho British Parlismeni convenc-d Dea 5, the war in Afghanistan being tho occasion of its meoting so earlv. The Quccn's address was unusually brief. ït stated that tho aasurances from all foreïgn powers aro fricndly, and speaks hopeftülyoi tho future peace of Kiirope. The West of Englancl Bank, uitb head office at Bristol, and tho Caledonia Bank of Glasgow, Scotland, have failed. Tho former hada capital of S5,Ü(K),()OO. aiid thi lal about #7,000,000 tt is B;,id that Knsia and England may probably malse an squal división bctween them of tho Ameer's doraain. Strs thinys havo happened. The Ameer of Afghanistan 's reply to the Ylceroy of India's ultimatum has been received by tho lattor. Tlio Ameer explains that his refueal to reecive Gen. sir Nevüle Chamberlaiu'n missioD was iiot inteiided to beha but arose from a fear of a Iosh of Jits ndependene. He decl&ree no enmitv exits betweea Afghanistao and toe Britiah Governmeut; that he desires to resume liis former f iieidly relations; and, finally, that he will not retsist the visit of a small temporary mifision. As tho letter expresaes no wUlingnese to coniply with the Viceroy's Bpecilio demand operationa will : proceed, if possible, more actively, in consequei;co of the Amecr'a irresolution, bo as to acquiro as much as possible before he Hubmits. News comes from Cuba that tlie slaves in several district öf tho island havo notilied eir owners tliat, ïmless they aro paid for their lalwr, they sliall stop work altor the lRt of Jauuary. They claim that, ander the Amncsty act, they havo been most inijiistlv doalt with; that", whilo thoso of their claaa who left plantations to join the insnrgente j have leen net free, those whoremained at home are still huid iu bondage. On account ot tliis discrimination they have determinad to libérate thomselves at auyeost. The failure of the West of England mi Bonth Wales District Banlt, latoly announccd by cable, turns out to have been a more serious financial disaster than the fitst reporta indicatcd. The institation had l'iviv two branches, and its liabilities uv $17,00,000. lts asiets are statcd at the same amount, but, as they consiat of local billa, wliich aro nut ncgotiable in London, the Bank of England tefused to advance upon them. The magnitude of the recent famine in China almost passes belief, and it is difiieuk to appreciate a cabimitv that, as iu this instantie, coufd destroy the livew'of 7,U00. 000 human being8. In the onu proviuco of Hhausi the deatha numbered 5,0W!,(Xil).


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