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The Atlantic Hunthhj for January is full of promise for the year. Especuiliy noticeabls and timely papers are : Aspects of American Life, by Charles Duilley Warner; Is Universal Suffrnge a Fallare ? by (Joldwin Smith,- a paper in Rood taste and temper ; and, Workingtnen's Wivos, by the anonymous contnbutor whose striking studies of our social conditions have received so niuch attention. Mr. Howell nliis tour delightful chapters to bis serial. The Lady of the Aroostook, and there are two complete and readable stories,- A Student' Sea Story, by Mrs. Stowe ; and, The Piues of Eden. Among the other papers are : New Noighbors at Jfonkapog, by T. B. AIdrich ; The Latest Songs of Chivalry, by Harriot W. Preston ; Round the World at the Paris Exhibition, completiug au excellent series on that subject ; and, Americanisms, by by Richard Graut White. In poems thore are . The Dead Feast of the Kol-Folk, by Whittier ; Aucestors, by J. T. Trowbridge ; A Birthday, by Mrs. Spofford ; and, An Artist's Model, by Kate l'utnam Osgood. The Contributors' Club is pecuharly good, and many new publications are appropriatety reviewed. ïloughton, Ortgood & Co., Boston. Sce our Club rates. Scribner's Montlrfy for January i an attracLive number. In iliustrated papers there are : üld Maryland Manners (unique both in picture and toxt), by Frsnk B. Mayer ; Leonardo da Vinci, by Claronco Cook : The Tile Club at Work, by W. Mackay Laffan ; The Mountain Lakos of California, by John Muir, and, At tho üld Buis Ilead, by C. C. Buel! In tictiou there are : Falcouborg, chaps. xiii and xiv, by Hjalmar Hjorth Boycsen ; Haworth's, cliaps. xii-xvii, by Francés Hodgson Huruett; Kinon, hj Anniu l'orter ; and, Ceutury Plants, by Isabulla T. Hopkius. In miscellaneons papers we Imve : College Iluzing, by Charles F. Thwing; and, The Auiendmeut of the Patent Law, by J. H. Uayinond. In poetry : Biorn the Dold, by Constmitina K. Brooks ; Ëjicedium (William Culten Bryaut), by Uayard Tiiylor ; Thomas a Kemp : De Imitation Chnsti, by R. R. Bowkcr ; These Three, by Amnuda T. Jones ; To Modjoska, by R. W. GMIdar ; with sevoral humorous ones in Uric-a Brac. lu " Topics of the Time " Holland discusses. Religión in these Days, Art as a Study, and Popular Despotisrus. The other Dienta are well fiiluil Kenbaar & Co , New York. See Club liit Ihirif's íionthly torJanuary haa in íllurateil papera: Englaod'a Greal Sa-Port (Liverpool), by Willium II. Riaeiug; A Uhaptfr iu tho Hiatory of Ants, by Misa Marj l'reat ; Rambles in South France, by S. G. Wé Benjamin; Cloisonne Ernanuel, by Miss Young ; The Meeting of the " Royal " on Durham Down, by George E. Wariug; and Home, by "Porte Crayoii." Macleod oL Dare, ay.William Black, is oonoluded, luit not in the most pleusing wuy, and there are iive more chapters of The Return of the Nutive, by Thomas Hardy. Other papéis are : A Reporter's Romaneo ; Tho Imago of San Donato, a Christmas story ; Rousseau, wih a portrait, and Maria del Occidente -with portrait. In [oetry : The Groat Harvest Homp, by Edward Everett Hale; The Necklace, ftnd Ye Hag. l'he "Easy Chair" EJitor's "Records1 and "Editor's Drawer" are full ot' good thioga Harper & Brothors., New York. Sce Club list. CltAMBKKS' CrCLOPEDIA Of EK0LI3B LlTERatubk. - Brief biograplue8 of all noted Britlah or American author, f rom earüost times to the preseut, with specimens from thuir writings, making a work uot only thoroughly enteitaiuing and useful to all intelligent readers, but nearly ïndisponsible to people of culturo. The newly roviscd and beautiful edition contains over 3,0(10 pnges, and the untiro worlc, m eight tiandy volumes, is furnished, fioe of expresa or mail charges, für 9 in paper, $.'! in ciloth, or $l..;0 iu half morocco. The publisher sull only to subscribers direct, instead of giving dealers and agents the usual 60 or (iO per cent. discount to sell for them, vvhich accounts tor the remarkably low prices. Special inducemeuts aro offered to thoac Bending eariy orders. Specimen ]tiges with tull particular, sent on request by postal card by the publishüi1:;, the Amebicak Book Exc.u.vN'iiK, SS Beekman rtt-., New York. From John Wiley & Sons, V Astor l'lace, New York, we have " A Practical Tieatise ou China I'ainting in America, with some sugcetttious as to Decorativo Art. By Camille Pitnn, Principal of the National Art Training School, Philadelphia. With folio album of platos." Students of decorutive art and amateur decorators of porcolain and faienoe ware will rind this typographioally beautiful li tle volume an iuvaluable aid. It treats ot oolors, giving the law of complementury colors, the combmtitions ot colors, with directions for their mixtura and use, and a list of subjects Buitable tor the deooration of huid poTcelam iiud fnieuce. Also discusses vitriflable colors, (luxes, fiiing and baking, and gives practical directious or exeroisea, illustrated by tlie album plates or patterns. For snlb by Douglas & Co. Si. Nieholas for Jauuary ia as tull of good things as au egg is of meat, - from the beautitul frontispiece, by Page, to the last line in the Riddle-Box. There are st ries in prose, stones in verse, pictures fur the little folk am pictures for tor those not so little, pictures for Christmas and poems tor Christmus. We ma; name : The Voyage of the Jettie, by John CJ Whittier; Children's Day at St Paul, by W D'Auvers; What ahall he do with her f by Charles Dudley Warner ; Christmaa Day Carols and Versos ; Behind the White Biick by Francés Hodgsou Burnett ; Wondering Torn, by Mary Mapes Dodgo; Gold-lockfl am Silver-locks, by Celia Thazter; Ten Dollars, ai acting play, Vy Oliv Thorne ; Putu's Christ mas-Tree, by J. H. Anderson ; and, A Joll} Fellowship, chaps. v and vi, by Frank R Stockton. St. Nickoleu for 1879 is about the best Christmas present a boy or girl can have Scribner & Co.. New York. See Club list.


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