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!. ADVERHSEMENTS 'VTOTICE ! The luiinial meeting of Foresi Ilill Ometery OompüOy Of Ann Arbor will be h-M at the office of Kumnuel Manu, Treasurer of' said cotnpany, on Tcesday, Jam'akï 7, Ifi79, at 2 o'clock p. ?u., for the electinn of otfa-crsand the tnmsactiou of such otlier business as muy como bel'ore il. Ann Arbor, Dec. 24, 1K78. 1719 E. B. POND, Clerit. HILL'S OPERA HOUSET C. J. Wihtskv, - LESSBE a.vii MANA9EB. Monday Evening, Dec. 3Oth, Kngagement oí ihc justly celebruted HARRY WEBBER COMEDY COMPANY, whowill appeur in the great Xew York Comedy 8UCO0B8, IVII? AND TUCK! MR. HARRY WEBBEE, iu liis Intensely humorOUB character creatioo of NICHO JÜ AS NIP, Detective. Supported by the following lightu of the Dramatic Art: MISS LETTIE ALLEN, MISS MINA EUGERTON, MISS EVA WEBBER, MK. W. H. SOUTH A ED, MR. GEOÏKiE IÍKANE, MU. ALEX BYEH8 And other well-kuowu aitists. Ailtnisin usual prict's. Ueserved M'uts now oil sale al Watts' Jewelry Store. P. L. BLANCHE, Busine.-w Manager ïteal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw 3. In the matter of the estute of John Kettner, deceataed. Notice ia hereby given, that ii purauance of an order grantcd to tnt undersigne adiuiniutratorof the estáte of naid decea-sed, by the Hou. .1 iiiltfe of Probate for the County ot Waahtennw, on the twenty-flrst day of December, A. D IH78, there will be sold at pub ie veudue, to the bidder, at the late residence of stúd deneased, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the Count; of Wtishtenaw, in snid State, on TCB8SAT, tuielkventh iïay of Fkbuuary, A. D. 1879, at teu o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to al encumbrancea by mortgage or other wis t-xistini at the time of the death of uuid deceaBed), the folio wj mr described real estáte, to wit : Beglnuing aeventy (70) feet east from tLe uorthwest cor ner of lot one (1), thenco eatit twenty-ix feet thence south sixty-six feet, thence west twentysix feet, theoce north sixty-six feet ta place o beginnintff wilh the upi:urtennnceu thereunto belonging, in block two uouth, range five eimt, in the city of Ann Arbor, iu the county oí Washtenaw in Michigan. Dsted, December 31. 178. LKONHAUD GKUNER, 1719 Adminiatrator of miid rst-;.te. The underalgned ha.s purohamd the interest ol George H. Winslow iu thts frame and picture business, No. ;i0 Kast Iluron Street, and will continue the business at the sume place, giving prompt attention to all orders for frames, etc. A line stook of Chroinos, Eugravings, and Photographs on hand and for sale eheap. All debtsdue the late firm of Winslow A McMIIlau are payable to tlie'iKïil, uud any dt?l)ts contraetcd during his conuectiun willi th ñnn will be paid by him. Anu Arbor, Oet. 14, 188. UlOtf D. McMILLAN. VTOTICE! The anngal meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Kire Insurance Coinpany will be held in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednksdat, January 8, 1879, at 10 o'olook a. m., for the purpoae of electinff oüicera and transaotincr sucli other businetts hh may Itrgally come before the meeting. A general attendance is desired us an amendment to the Charter will be aubmitted in reKard to altering the Charter so aa to insure Live Stock against liglitniug on the premb"s instead of in the building as at present. A Nu the queation of usingSteam aB a motive powor will be KCted upon. Daled, December 5( 1878. 1716w5 N. SHELDON. Secy. O ÖUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Lociited in a detjirable part of the city, and in good repair. Also a house to rent on favorable term, inquire at the Aiigup office, er 22 THOBttiON STREET." Ann Arbor, March 14, 1878. 1678tf. Uciin mnke inoney faster at work for ua thim at Hnything elae (Capital not required ; we will start you. $1'2 per day at home made by the induHtrious. Men, women, boyti and L'irN wantod everywhere to work for us. Nuw la the )tune. i'ostl y outfit and tering free. Address Tin;: & Co , Augusta Maine. ANOTHER UKDVCTIüN ITV LIME ! Ohio linie will be hereafteraold at mv lime works at frholowle tor ;i0 cents a bushel, and Monroe limo at Ü8 ctiuLi. Also lïrick, W;it;rlim(ï, Calcincd Plastur, Ooinent, Plastering Hair aud Wood for sale. Aun Arbor, Sopt. 10, 1878. J7O4m:; JACOB V0LLAND. THE GREAÏ KNÜLISH EEMEDY! (iKAY'S 8PECIF1C ME1HCIXE TRADE MARK.jB eBpeciB,iy rcc. TR AOE WK i'lMMk oinmended us an jfW&SÈSeSi Bp'flfi SkmïnaIj Jateer Before TaMngi's oyMo-After Taking. ky.UniveusalIjASsixude, Pain inthr Iíack, DimHE88 of Vision, Pkkmatukk üld Ae, and many other diseaeeo that lead to Insanity, Conmimption and a Prematnre Grnve, all of which aa a rule are tirnt cauued b neviatin; irom the path of nature and over índulence. The Speciflc Medicine ia the result of a lifd study and mnny years t)f experience in treating theee special diueaseu. Kuil particulars in our pamphtets, whieh we dosire to send free by mail to every one. The Specitic Medicine in sold by all Druggiats at $1 per uii'kfiiif, or mix pucknges for $5, or will be sent by mail on recaipt of the inoney by addretusing THE GHAY ttEDICINS CO., 1674 No 10 Mechanic' Block, Dutroit Mich. rSold in Ann Arbor by Eberbnch Sc öon, and by all druggUts evervwhere TTALUABLE FARM FOEALË. 8S acres of iinproved htnd on Sec. 24, Townaliip of Anu Arbor. Buildings, foncee, etc. in good order. No encuinbrauceu luquiru at th 171HÍ ARGTT9 OFFICE. JPpOa weck in your own town. $5 outfit free. V n n No risk. Reader, if you want u budines (II I I I I il wnicn Praon3 of either uex eau uiake U J J Kri'tit pay all the time they workT write 'or partioulamto H. Hallett Sc Co. , Vurtlund , Mc. "piNSEY & SEABOLT'S BAEEUY, ÖBOCERÏ - AND - KLOUU & FKKI) KTOHK. We keep constuntly n n:m.l, BKBAD, CRACKERS, CAKKS, ETC., FOR WHOLESALE and KKTAI1, TKADE. We dh;ill alo keep u supply of DELHI PLOUR, J. M. HWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE W1ÏUAI FLOUB, KYE KLOUB, BUOKWWHKAT FLOUH, COKN KAL, FEED, &c, &o. At wholosale na retail. A general utock oi GROCEKIKS AND PROVISIONS oonstantly on hand, whioh will be BOld on na rcuonubl terma 8 at any other houae in thiscily. Cab paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Proiuco generally. iar Goods doüveroa 'O auy part of the city with out extra charge. ItüVSKY ie 8KABOIF. nn Arbor. Jan. 1. 1878. 15M M &. COMIOUND EXTRACT OF ... "■ W H T3 TT ÍT TT' '■' ICnlislisiJiiiiiDBr&SiiiiitscflIifj IN CONCENi'ÏAUD FORM, F'!R S Disjasas sf ths K'dneys & Bladier, g fronorrhea, Weaknesses, Ove.1ga Exertions, Sleet, Str!eture, Obstruction of the ïïrine, H nnd all DlTCOMes of the '. -:r. r.-y & uimI fifxuiti Orgntm. MALE OR FEMALE._ I Piloe. - - - Olie Iolltir. M Pnpared Hm Ib orlglo! reolp of IR. !1!LL. 9 Dd nulil b] W. .KlHSSÏON Í. 00 . 101 Ji'IJergon Avenue, DETROIT. KI ' K IIV IHtl'iMJIKT-. Annllrbor City Mills, The Flour we nre nmkini: from Sotitlifï'ii Illinoi and oid White Mtehlgan Wheat i piv ing the VERY BEST SATISFACTIüX. Ak your tirocer for il, or rail ut onr Flour nnd Feed Store, cor. Aun nuil Fourtli Slrtcli, To Fabmebs. - We are paying the hihest murket price at all tiinee foi Wheat. Cal] at onr milis before selling and get all your wheat ia wortb. 1715tf SWATHEL, AII.ES & KYElt. PURE GUM RUBBER BOOTS Belng free from adulteratlve mixtures, will gire looger service than commou Rubber Boots. Their great popularity has led to many cheap imitations, iiaving & Dcll Finish, but tbls season tbe "CANDEE" CO. wnfi VARNISH Their PURE GUM B00T8. and to distinguish them from the coramon kind. will attach k RUBBER LABEL on the front of the leg, bearing the lnscription CUSTOM MADE. PURE GUM. These Boots hare the Patent Metal Heel Plmte, which prevents the heel wearing away o quickly , and the y wiU have alao the patent Outside Stationary Strap Instead of the Tery inconvenient web insida ■trap, used on other malies of boots. ASK FOR THE "CANDEE" BOOT, Abstracts of Titlcs. All partiea who are dosirous of asoertainiog the condition of the title to their lantis, or partiea who wish to loan money on real estute will do wt'll te cali at the lte utV uiüce and cousult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Said bookn are ro tur advunctd that ican f urnish on ahorl notice a Perfect Stateineut as to tlic Title of any parcel of land in Washteunw Cuiuity ub shown liy the original rcooíds. C. H. MANLY, LU -Hier. Estáte of William H. Besimer. 'TATK OP MICHIGAN, County of Waabtenaw, O ss. Notice is hereby given, tliat by ;m onliT oi the Probate ('ourt for tho County of washtenaw, made on the twenty-aixth day of Novm;bnr, A. 1. L878, six raonths from that date w ere allowed for credttOTS to present their claims agaiiittl estáte Oi William H. Hesimcr, late of said county, deeeased, and that all creditor.sof Bttid deceased are requind to present tbeli claims to wid Probate Court, at the Probate Oilice in the City of Ann Arbor, lor examination and aUowance, on or before the twenty-sixth day ot May next, and that such chiims will In; lieard betoro sai'. i Court on Wednesday, the twetity-sixih day of February, and on Monday, the twLiily-.sixth day ot May next, at ton o'clock in the io ren ooi) of eacli of Miid days. Dated, Ann Arbor, November 2f, A. I. 1878. WILLIAM D. JIAUU1MAN, 171Ow4 Judjieof Probate. Coininissioners' Notico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wash te nansa. The undersijjned having been appotnted by the Probate Court for said counlv, CODaiulssioDOra to receive, examine and adjutit all claims and denitinds of all persons against the estáte of Thomas A. lïooth, late of said county, deceased, hereby jive notice that six months from date areallowed, ly order of said Probate Court, ior orediton to present ther claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the office of Zina P. King, in the city of Ann Arbor, in Huid coiiuty, on Thursday, the tweutietl day of Kebruary, and on Tuesday, the twenÜetfa day of May next, at ten o'ciot'k a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine, and adjust said dalias. Dated, November 20, A. I. 1S78. COMSTOCK F. III!, 1. 17I6wl ECtBKKT P. HARPER, ZINA P. KING, Commission.'rs Estato of Henry Bowers. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County OfWwbtesaw, Í3 sa. At a session of the Probate Court fir tbe County of Waahtenaw, holden at tbe Probate Ofliee, n the city of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the tweuty-seventh day of Noven ber, in the year ono iimiHand ajght hundred and seTenty-elght. Present, William D. Harriman, Judo oí Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte of Heury Bowt-rs, deceased. John ü. Bowers, adininiatrator of Brtid estáte, coniea mto court and represuntB that hc is now repared to render hm fliml account im uucti adniniatrator. Thereupon it ii ordered, that Saturdtiy. the 'ourth day of January next, at ten u'cloefc in the forenoon, be assigued for exiimining at.d allowing iuch account, and that tlte )nii. at luv ot" said deceabcd, and all othur persons initresU'd n aaid eatatet are required to appear ut a imeion of said Court, then to be holden ut the Pro jute Office in the City of Ann Arbor in ettid county, and show cause, if any thero bo, wliy ;he said ucoount tthould not be allowed : And It 8 further ordered, that snid admtnifitrator give notice to the persona intereated intuid estiite, of ,he pendenoy of said account and the hearing .hereof, by cauaing a copy of thia order to be ublMhed in the Michigan Argus, a newspapur jrinted and cireulating in said comí' y, three suclessive weeks previouB to said dny of hearing. WILLIAM I). HAltRIMAN, (A true oopy). Judge ot' Probate. VVM. O. Doty, Frobute Registtr. 1717 &é" 50 000 Ki'ttvr nul' Ilt-ads jnst rcelvd t til A KOUS Office. Now Is the time to hand in your orders.


Old News
Michigan Argus