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THE EAST. Tuesday, tho 17th of December, DKirked an important eveut in tho financio! anuals of tho United Statos. On that day, for tlio ürat time in sixteon yearg, golil sold in New York city on a par with greenbaoks At l'liilndolphia. ex Presiden Morton, of tho Market Siicii Railway Oompany, and Samuel B. Huhn, who pleaded guilty to fraudulcntly over-issuing tho stock of tlio conrpany; wcre BentBnded each Xo ten years' imprisomnent in tho ponitentiary. Juügk Hilton, of Now York, the manager of tho Stcwart business, lias sout to three of tho principal Jovrish eharitablo institutions of that city a lettor aunoum'iiiK moncy donations by Mrs. A. T. Stewart, and tho Jewish people are considorably exerciscd in consequence. Wido difforonce of opinión prevails among the Jewish peoplo as to what is bost to be dono in tho matter on account of tlio illfeoling ongondered by Hilton's aetion in excluding Josoph Boligman and his faniily froni tho Grand Union Hotol, at Saratoga, in tho summer of 1877. Somo prominent members of tho Jowish church aro strongly opposed to allowing tho douations t) bo reccivod, whilo othera arguo tliat tho gifts como from Mre. Stowart; tliat bIio Bhouldnotbe held responsillo for Hiltou's acts, and that tho Jows havo no duarrol witli that lady An Enfilish wonian - ffiis. Adah Aiidonion - haa commeneed a romarkablo podestrian undortaking in Now York, namoly, to walk íí,700 quarter milos in as many qnartor hours. In 1862, a mob of Molly Jlagiiircs, led by one Jack Kohoo, crnelly murdered F. W. S. Langdon, a mino bqss, in Carbon couuty, I'a. Aftor a lapse of sixteon yoars, juíitice has at last overtaken tho chief participant in tho crimo. Kehoe paid the ponalty of liis crimo on tho gallows, at Poitavillo, Pa., on the lSth of Docembor. A shocking calamity is reported from Cohoes, N. Y. The house of Patrick Iïourko was destroyod by fire, and Iiourko and his fivo childron perishód in the llames An official htitomont shows that tho savings banks of Massdchusetts have lost about 80,000 depositora during the past year, and with thetn S2i,500,000 of deposits. The long trial of James A. Whalen's Kuit again8t Gen. SheridttD, which haa ocenpied the sessions of the Uuited States Circuit Court in New York city for some timo, was endod last week. The jury remaincd out only an hour, nhTriKHl with a verdict for the dofendant, and wero ilischargcd. Whalen, it is understqod, will appoal to the Supreme Court of tho United States, in caae motion for a new trial is denied, for he does not proposo to give up his fight for ?416,37&57 while a ghoat of a chanco is loft to gum it Aï WilmingtoD, Del., the other day, George Drapor (colorod), convictcd of murder iii the second degree, waaplacod in tho pillory in a blinding snow-storm; afterward he red sixty lashos, and now goos to prison for lifo. THE WEST. A fire on Fourth street, St. Louis, last week, destroyed $250,000, tho principal sufferers being Jaccard & Co., jewolors, and li. C. Powell, carpet doalor. . . .Advices from Oregon report anotner Indian war as imminent The Germán Savings Institution, one of tho oldest and heretoforc considored one of the soundest banks iu Cincinnati, has gono to the wall. Mention haa heretofore been made in tliia column of the burnüig at tho stake, in Nebraska, of two alleged oattlo-thievos by indignant herders who had sutTered from their depredations. It now turns out that tho men were innoi.i'i!t, ivhilo tho mob that pilt them to sneh a horrible death was composed of thievos and denperadoes. Tliere is mueh feeliug over the atïair in the región whero it ceenrred, and tlio Govornor of Nobraska has offcred a reward of $1Ü,ÜÜÜ for tho arrest of the men who committed tho diibolical crime. The Indianapolis Savings Bank has closed its doors. . . .Lawronce ü. Hall, a clerk in the London and San Francisco Bank, of the latter city, atole a package of SüO,000 and left for parts unknown. At Zanesville, Ohio, Dr. Heyl and one Eaton wero sentencèd, respectivdy, to twelve and four months' inipriaonment and 81,000 and $100 fine, for grave robbery The great bridgo that spans tho Mississippi at St. Loois has been nold under a mortoage foreclosure. It was bid iu by a New ïorker named Thomas for SL',000,000." Holiday week is always a liarvest timo for places of amusement, and managers always endeavor to " have their dishes right sido up'' during the rain of ('hriatmas and New Year's patronage. MeVicker, at his Chicago Theater, during Chrietmaa week produces a doublé liill. oonsisting of a popular domestic drama, "A Woman of thé Peopfe," followed by the farce u That Blesncd Baby' THE SOUTH. At Meridian, Tex., a few nightssinee, while most of the citizens wero at cliurch, ñfty niasked mea compelled the jailer to open the piieon, entered the cell of Mart and Tom Harrels aud riddlcd them with buckshot, making another prisoner hold the light. There was a doublé execution at Fort Smith, on tho 20th of December, the victime being a Creek Indian named John Postack and a negro by the name of Digga. A New Orleans dispatch announces the flisappearanoe and Btrpposecl murder of Lott Clark and Bill White, two eolored men noar Caledonia, abont fifty miles lielow Shreveport, while on their way to New Orieans, whero they were snmmoned to appcar before tho United States Grand Jury as witnesaea in tho election troubles. They were taken jioasession of by a mob, aud it is supposed were killed A dispatch from Jacksonville, Fla. says tho. State Canvassiug Board has complete? the canvass of tho votes of the November election, and giren the certifícate to Huil, Domocratic candidato for Congreas. This result was arrived at by throwing out Brovard county, which nave a Democratie inajority, ou theground that the returns were fraudulent, and Madison county, which gave a Republican majority, on the grouud that ono precinct was not included in the returns from that county. Tho County ('anvassing Board of lirevard county has beeñ indicted by the United States Grand Jury for making fraudulent returns, and are in jail in default of $H, (XX) bail each. WASHINGTON. Secretaey Sherman sent to the Sonate last week an answer to Senator Beck'a resolution calling upon him for information. Tlie Becretary says that "under existing law either gold coin or the standard " silver dollars may be used in the payment of interest on the public debt Tlio law does not direct which hall bo paid, bilt leaves it to the discretiou of tho department, to bo exorciaod upon considerations of public poliey.".... A dulegarion of tobáceo manufacturera is in Washington, urging the roduction of the tax on tlie weed to 10 cents perpouud Congresshas passed a bilí for the erection of a new bridge across tho Potomac at Georgetown. A call has been issued by the Secretary of the Treasury for ilO,'.)Wi,100, being the rest and residuo of the bonds outstanding undcr tho act of March 8, 1S5, consols of 1 SÍ35, not ineluded in provious calis. The following subcommittees of the Houso Committoo to Investígate the YellowFever Epidomic have been appointed to viaittho afflicted sections: Messrs. Garflold, Chittonden and Morso to visit Memphia and viciiiity, and Gibson, Hooker and Young to visit New )rleana and vicinity. The sub-coinmitteos of the Houso and Senato will sit and act jointly during their Southern tour. Congressman Bevf.rly M. Douolas, of Virginia, died at tlie National Hotel in Washington, laat week, after a brief Ulness, of iullammation of the lKwel Ex-Senator Bamey, of Minnesota, is favorably meutioned as a oandidate for the Bcrlin mission. Tlio friends of Gov. Hartranft, of Pennsylvauia, are Dressing tlie i-laims of tliat gentleman for the vacant post. GENERA!. The most foolhardy attempt at ocean navigation by meaus of Bmall boate ever made is ín contemiilation by Horbcrt Barril], of Bost on. Burrili will attempt the unparalloled feat of crossing the Atlantic, doubling tho Cape of Good Hope, and then crossing tho Indian ocoan to Australia, in a craft nineteen feet in length and two and ono-half feet deep. She ia to have an ron keel weighing one hundrod and üfty pounds, aud is to be sloop-rigged. Bayard ïaylor, American Minister to Germany, died at Berlín on the l'Jth of Docember. His disoase was dropsy. Mr. Tavlor was born in 1886, and was, eonsequently, 53 yearsof age. Tho deceasod tu a great favorite at the Germán capital, although accredited onlya short time. The Emporor WUliam, tho Crown Princo, and Prinoe Buunarck greatly estéemedHr. Taylor, whose appointmont aa Minister to the Gemían Court wíih extromely vlcome to tin-in. Mr. Taylnr ,-hkI her daaghter dnvotudly nurwtl tlie dcicascd fluring lii long Ulneea, and tlnir bereavemont is indescribably ■ad The death of Gen. Alphctis S. Williams, meinbei of üougress from tlie Detroit (Miuh. ) district, occuned at Washington on the 31t of December. Gen. Williams was iS years old, and had been a reeident of Detroit fort ytlirco years. In 1K40 ho organized the Michigan regiment, eerved with distincüon through the Itexican war, and on lii roturn was appointcd Major Gcucrul of the Stato militia. In 1H40 hu was appointod Postmaster of Detroit by President Fillniiirc In tho lato Kcbellion ho w.ih oommissioned Brigadier General, óomouuaded a brigade in tho Shenaadoah oampaign, and raoeeeded Gen. Banks as commandor of tho Twelfth corps. Aftor the mareb to tlie sea lic was brevt'tti'il Major General. In 1SÏO ho was defeatod by II. I. Baldwin for Governor, and wa Bent a Ministor to San Salvador by Presiden! .Tohnson, .and in 1871 and in 1870 ho was electod to CongruBS. 1'OUTICAL. Tuk Blnine investigating conimittee held ita first formal session immodiatoly aftor tho adjourmnent of Congres. Honator BayaM offered a reaolution stating that inasmiich as tho President had mado eortain charges, that he be requostod to placo bofore tho committee all testimony that ho conld properly commumcate. This was after Mr. Garland had mado the point that thero woro no speeilic charge beforo tho committoo to work npon. It was votod down by a Btriet party voto. Mr. Garland tlien said tin-j' must havo Bome charges to work npon, and, inasmuch aa Mr. Blaicohad originatod the charges and had bronght about tho invostigation, ho (Garland) submitted a reaolntion calling upon that gentleman to furnish spocifications npou wliich tho committc.o might baso the inqniry and carry out tho instructions onibraced in the resolutiou authorizing the investigation. This was adoptod. A resomtion was adopted that tho coramitteö öit with open doors. It was also decidod to sond a sub-committee to Now Orlcaus. FOKEIGN. All tho capital and reserve funds of tho West of England and South Walos District Bank are lost, and there ia a doficieney of $1,500,000 which the stockholders must repair Ia the British House of Commons, a few days ago, Sir George Campbell critieised ïurkoy's eourao in continuing to import largo quantitles of amis from Amorica while assorting ita inability to provide for tho Khodope fugitivos Wilham Anderson, an Engliuhman and Superintendent of tho É&stern Tolegraph Company in Crote, was murdered latoly in Candia. A St. Petersbukö disimtcli says tho Kussian Mission at Cabul has been formally and officially withdrawn. The Prussian Chamber of Deputies Vs adoptod a resolution asking the Government to transfer tho control of the Prussian railways to tho empiro as specdily aa poaaible News comes acrotíS iho watera of another marino horror. Tho steamer JJyzantine, bound from Marseilles, Pranee, to Cqnstantjnopiêj coUided with another vossol and sunk. Tho loss of lifo is placed at 50. The Germán Government committoo of inquiry has rejected Princo Bismarck'H tobacco-monopoly scheme, and favors a duty according to wcight, as advocatod by the Na tional Libérala. It in believed that Bismarck will not accept the docision Tho student in Sonic of tho liussian univereities aro giving tho Government considorablo trouble, and many of them have been arrestod. The last of the King of Denmark's i daughtera was married at Copenhagou on tho 21 at of Decemlxir- the Princesa Thyra Amelia Carolino Charlotto Anno espousiug Princc Ernest Augustus VTilliam Adolplius Gcorgo Frederick, "King of Hanover" and Duko of Cumberland It now transpires that Bayard Taylor had suffered for a long timo from kidney eomplaint. He attaclied no importuuco to tho inalady, which hin physicians unfortunatoly ahvays niistook for ymptoms of dropay. íhese symptoms iucreasing, ho was twiee tappnd. He conlideutly belie+ed in bis recovéry to the last, and was in no wiso alarmed at his condition The report that the Ameer of Afghanistan has fled to Turkistau is confirmed by official advico-.


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