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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Uotice. All contracta fur advertising in tho Ajïgus wil] be Cüinpleted by tlie new proprifitor, and subscribers who biive paid in advaoce will receive fcfae paper unlil the ex.iirution uf thoir term of subscription. All subscriptioiiM and advertising accounts earned to Jan. 1, 1879, are thü proierty of and will be collected by Mr. lNnd. Advertisers wbo do not desire to continue their advertiaenients are requested to give early notice, as aucb ndvcrtiseiuents will be continued uuless otherwise ordrred, uiid churgei! for. JOHN N. BAILKY. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1STH. HIIJAS OI'IKA lHUSi;. C. J. WiïïïSKV, Iessee aud Manager. MioncLa Eve., Jan O Patronized by a bou ton clientèle every where. EMERSOISPS California Minstrels ! AND THE ORIGINAL ESIJI ♦ . TON and MARTIN. Headed by the acknowledged l'rince oí" Minstrelsy, BILLY ËMEKSON, oecupylng the same pgtl tioti iti ihe Mmstrel world tliat Kdwin liouth does ín the dramatic, with a coterie of 20 artists. Scala of Prices - 50 and 75 ceuta. Reserved seats obtaiued threjdays ii) l,dï!,upe at Watts' Jowelry Store. ERNEST TAM.I i, u.rr,.un-. ■ ITotice IDO HEREBY forbid any pereou or person trom selling or trusting Claritsa , my wiie. for I bttll pay uo debts cuntracted after tliiH date. Dated, Uec. 30, 1878. 1720W2" PUDSON WEBSTER. "THE VIBRATOR" KK1 Sll!,! 1, V.-T SKASOK 9ÍTHOU l' 0X1 AI LI' RE OK KEJECTION TIn in the famous l'hreshing machina that has "swept the flelil " and created such a revolution in the trilde, ly lt MAICHLE89 GraiN-Savimí AND ÏIMK-Savisa principies. Ijk &m' THE ENOBMOUS WASTAQE of groin, so metiuir toiíi oí'iír ííiic of Threshera, can be 8AVED liy thii Improved Machine, mfficjait, on eueiï ;', (o wr (Aan pij all expruKs of tbreshing. B FLAX, TIM0TDÏ, MILLET, HÜNGARIAN and like soeas are threahed, separatod, cleaned and eaved as easily and perfeotly as Wheat, Oats, Bye or BarUy. AN EXTRA PRICE is usutilly patd for grain aad seeda cleaned by tbis machine, for extra cleanUnen. IN THE WKT OBAIN of 1875, these wen obatantially the ONLY MACHINES thatconld run with proflt or economy, doing fast, tborough aud perfect work, vhen otlters ulUrty faHed. ALL ORAIN, TIME and M0NET wmting complica, tions, auch as "Endless Aprons," "Baddles," "Beaten," " Pickere," etc., are mtirely dupented witk ; lesa than one-half the usual Gears, Belta, Boxea, and Journab; easier managed : more durable ; Ught running ; no coatly repairs; nodust; no" lit tering " to cleau v, nol troubled by advere winda, rain or storms. FVRMEB8 and OBAIN BATSER8 who are potué In the large aaring made by it will not employ Inferior and waateful machinei, bnt UI intitt on thii ÍpríT4 Th reaher doing their work. rOÜB 8IZE3 made for e, 8, 10 and 12 Bon ' Powcra. Also a apecialty of Süpakatosí, designe and made expeksslt ros steam powem. TWO STTLES 07 H0R8E P0WÏR8, 1z.: onr 1 n proved." Triple Gear,"and our "Spnr Speed" (We M ury Stjrle), both " Mounted " on Jmar wheeli. ir INTERESTED in Threabing or Oraln Bak „ spply to our neareet Dealer, or write to na for Illu m, ttd Circular (sent free), giving full parUculara of i km Btyles, Prices, Terms, etc Nichols, Shepard & Co. . BATILE CBflKK. JCB. Estáte of Thomas Cullinane. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashtiMaaw. as. At a session of the Probate Court fr the County of Washlenaw, holden at the Piobute Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the second day of January in the year One thousani biuht hundred and eeventy-nine. Present, William D. Harriman, Judgeof Probate. In t.he matter of the estáte of 'fliomat Cullinani), deceaaajd On reading and flling the petition, duly verin nd, of Peter Tuite, executor of the laat will and tMament of aaid deceased, praying that he inay 'oe licensed to aell the real estáte whereof said aeceaued died seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the first day of February next, at ten o'clock in th forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of aaid peti tion, iind that the heirs at law of said doceased, and all other persons interested in said eatate, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate om'ce in the eity of Ann Albor, aud show cause, if anr there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : 'Ana it ís Further ordered that aaid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said eatate, ot the pendency of said petition and the hearing ihereof, by cauaing a copy of thls order to be published in the Michigan Argu, a newBpaper printed and oirculated in said county, four auoceaBire weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A trae copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Regiiter. motd Eclectic Magazine OF Foreign Liferature, Science and Art THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. The Eclectic Magazine reproduces froni foreign periodicals all those articles which are valuable to American readers. Ita field of selection embraces all the leadiog Foreign Reviews, Magazines, and Journal ; and while the tastes of all classes of era are consul tcd nothing triviai in character, or oí merely tranaient interest Ís admitted to its pages, lts plan includes Essays, Reviews, Biographicul Sketches, Historica! Papers, Travela, Poetry, Novéis, and Short Stories ; and in the case of Science [to which inuch spaee and attentiun are given), no special prominence is allowed to any particular phaae of opinión, but place is given impartially to the most valuable articles on both sides of the great themea of seien tifie discussion. The foIlowifjgJists comprise the principal periodicals from whieh selections are made and the naim-s of some of the leading writers who contribute to them : PERIpDICALS. AÜTHORS. Quarterly Review, Rt. Hon.W. E. Gladatone. Brit. Quarterly Review. Alfred Tennyson. Edinburgh Iteview. Prof. Huxley. Weatminater Review. Prof. Tyndall. Contemporary Review. Rich. A. Proctor, B. A. Fortnightly Review. J. N. Lockyer, F. R. 8. The Nineteenth Cent'y. Dr. W. B. Carpeuter. Popular Science Review. JE. B. Tylor. Blackwood's Magazine. Prof. Max Muller. Cornhill Magazine. Prof. Owen. Macmillan's Magazine. Matthew Arnold. Fraser's Magazine. E. A. Freemau, D. C. L. New Quart. Magazine. James Anthony Froude. Temple Bar. Thomas Hu g-h es. Belgravia. Anthony Trollope. (Jood Worda. William Black. London Society. Mrs. Oliphant. Saturday Review. Turgeniefï'. The Spectator, Etc. Miss Thackeray, Etc. It is frequently remarked that in England the best literary talent of the time is being diverted from the writing of kooks to contributing to the periodicals. The Eclrctic garners the choiceat sheaves from this rich harveat. STEEL F.NGRAVINCiS. Each number contaius a Fine Steel Engraviug - usually a porIrait - executed in the best uiauuer. Tlieengravings are of permanent value, and add much to the attractiveness of the Magazine. TERMS: - Single Copies, 4.1 cents ; one copy, one year, $5; flve copies, $20. Trial subscription for three moiiths, SI. The Eclkctic and any $4 maga ziueto oue address, S8. Postage Free to all Subac ribera. E. R. PELTOX, Publisher, 1716 25 Bond Street, New York PURE GUM RUBBER BOOTS Being free from adulteratlve mixture, wil] give longer service than commoa Rubber Boots. Their grat popularity hai led to man? cheap Imitations, baving a Dcu. Fina. but this seasoa the "CANDEE ' CO. WtLL VARNISH Their PUEE GUM BOOTS, and to dlitlnguiih them from the common kind, wül attach s BUBBER LABEL on the front of the leg, bearing the inacription CUSTOM MADE. PURE GUM. These Boots have the Patent Metal H..1 Píate, which prevents the heel wearing awaj ■o quickly , and they wlll have also the patent Outside Stationary Strap Instead of the rery inconTenient web luid ■trap, used on other maices of Boots. ASK FOR THE "CANDEE" BOOT, jüTICE ! The annnal meeting of Forest Hill Ometery Jompany of Anu Arbor will be held at the office f Emanuel Manu, Treasurer of said company, on 'uksday. January 7, 1879, at 2 o'cloclc p. m., for he eleetion of officers and the transaelion of such ther business as muy come before it. Ann Arbor, Pee. 21, 1878, 1719 E. B. POND, ClerK. Ücan make money faater at vork for us than at anything else. Capital not required : we wlll sturt you. 12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wantod CTerywhere to work for u. Now in lic ,'time. Costly outfit and terma free. Addrega 'bue & Co., Augusta, Maine. 4 NOl'HEB lililí (I II I1V LIME ! Ohio liTue will be hereaftersold at my lime works J t wholeaalu for 30 cents a bushei, and Honroe liine t 28 cents. Also Brick, VVaterlime, Calcini-d laster, Cement, Plastering Hair and Wood for sale. ] Aun Arbor, Sept. 10, 187. ]7W JACOB ■ I) O rta week in your own town. 5 outfit free. . f n Nu risk. Keader, if you want a business ' I II I ut whicb persons of either sex can make J Vurtat pay all the tima theT work, writ r partioulars to H. Hallett & Co., Portland , 11. GET YOUE PItOPERTY INSUEED BY C. H. M1LLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, AJÍJÍ Alt KOK. . UICH, The oldest agency in the city. Establishecl a quarter of a oentury ago. liepreiieuting tita füllowing ij rat class cornpanies : Honwlnturance Co. of N. Y., Assets over $6,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Asseta over $3,000,000 Niágara Fr Ins. Co., N. Y., Asseta $1,442,400 Girard ot Pa., Assets over il.000,000 Oriënt of Hartford, Asseta 3700,000 Kates low. Losses Ilberally adjusted and proniptly paid. '7oo C. H. HILLEN. Marble Works ! -OFAIMTOIM EISELE, Corner Detroit & Calharine Sta. - DEALKKS IN - Monuments & Graves tonos Manufacturad of Foreigu and American ORANITE and MARBLE. CUT HJILD1NG AND ASTIFIÜIAL STOJVE j ilftnufaotured on short notice. Prices low aad work Würranted to give tatisfactiúQ. ltiS9y 1 J f.'reuin I-ald Letter and la kct Note iends and Unen Fibre Note Had (Packet . nd Come re hu jut recive1. Give tis yuur 1 irden. FÜRNITÜRÍ! JOHN KECK, MANUFAOTURER OF FURNITURE O F ALL DESCRIPTIOÏÏS, Are Oflferlnff Great Indiu ements (o P ii re ha erg. BUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THEIR FURNITURE Direct oí the Manufacturers. Manufaetory, córner of William and West Fourth Streets. Salesrooms, 52 South Main and 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arbor, Micli. ltn TI T) 0 171 lnlaine8s yu ensaíe in. $ j to $20 K H I per dy m"do by "n7 worker of eitbr III III I ":'■ r'Klitmtheirowu lao-ilitlB. l'rUUKI X ticulnr.-i umi sample wortb it f ree. Improve your spnre time at tbia busiueüs. AddrtíHa ítinbon & Co., Portland, Mnice. [ W. O'TOOLE, M. D. Oflioe at his real dence, No. 17 North I ii-alK St. AUtialIs, night 'T day, will receive pruiupt atteutioa. 1705ui3


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Michigan Argus