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Our esteenied cotemporary, the Detroit Free Press, true to the spirit of enterprise characteristic of it, gave in its issue of Tuesday a biographioal sketch of the Senators and Representaties of the State. For sonie unexplained reason the Senator from Washtenaw is omitted, but what is said about the Representativos is herewith given : EDWAED P. ALLEN, Representativo from tbe First District of Washtenaw county, was born Octobor 28, 1839, at Sharon, Washtenaw Co. He is a gradúate of the State Normal School and of the Law Department of the University of Michigan. He served as Alderman of the oity of Ypgilanti for four yearaand as Prosee uting Attorney of Washtenaw County for two years. Mr. Allen, who is by profession a lawyer, devoted the most of his time until bis 2Oth year to a farm at Sharon. After graduating at the Normal School in 18G4, he took charge of the Union School at Vassar and taught until July, when he resigned to raise a company for the Twenty-ninth Michigan Infantry, and was commissioned First Lieutenant, subsequently made Adjutantand finally promoted Captain of Compauv H. Catit. AUen 8erved m Alabama and Tennessee until September, 1865, when the regiment was mustered out of the service. Mr. Allen is a Republioan and was a member of the last House. ANDREW J. SAWYER, Kepresentative from the Seeond District of Washtenaw County, was bom in the town of Caroline, Tompkins Co., N. Y., November 18, 1834. He received an academie eduoation and engaged in teaching from the age of 18 to 25. He removed to Michigan in 1857 ; was admitted to the bar in 1860, since which time he has devoted hiniself excluaively to the practice of his profession. He has held various township offices. He was elected in 1876, represented his district in the legislativo session of 1877. As Republican candidate he receired 1,340 votes. William Murray, Democratie and Greenback oandidate, received 1,135 votes. JOHN J. ROBISON, Representativo from the ïhird District, Washtenaw county, was born in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y., August 13, 1824. He received a oominon school education and removed to Michigan in 1834 with his párente and settled in the Township of Sbaron, where he stiil resides. Ocoupation, larnnng. Me was eleoted State Senator in 1862, re-eleoted iu 1864, but deprived of his seat by a partisan majority; renominated again in 1866 but declined. Mr. Kobison was eleoted County Clerk in 1868 and again in 1870. Delégate to the National Democratie Convention at Baltimore in 1872. Democratie candidate for Congress, Second District, in 1874 and in 1876. He is at present Supervisor of hia town, which office be has held several years. He was elected as an anti-national bank Democrat by a majority of 388 over Emil Zincko, Republican.


Old News
Michigan Argus