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Cbeam color is a favorite shade for evening gloves. The right of suffrage in Spain is be shortly curtailed. Sjiall-pox threatens to becomo epidemie in Toronto. Iï is reported that Bret Harte will lecture in England. Anna Dickinson's dramatic experiments cost her 200,000. California lias this year produced enongh to support 10,000,000 of people for a year. Ship-bx ilding in the Portland (Me.) district has deelined from 15,576 tons in 1874 to 4,279 in 1878. The game of foot-ball occasions so many accidenta in England that it is obtaining a bad name. The Methodist very strongly demns the fashionable displays of wealth in marriages and funerals. Httngary produces moro liorses than any otlier country of its size- 2,158,000 for a population of 15,000,000. Philadelphia is attempting to retrencli by reducing the pólice forcé 206 men, making its number 1,000. The next session wjll open the lOOth asscmbly of the Massaehusetts Legislature ; the first met Oct. 25, 1780. If Texas had as many people to the square mile as Massachusetts she would have a population of 72,000,000. In' the English army, especially among the young, beef tea has been found quite as efficiënt a stimulant as rum. It seems probable that a record of Gen. Grant's tra veis will b; published. James Russel Young is to be the writer. A New Jersey clergyman refuses to make a return of bis marriages to the State, claiming to be respousible onW to God. San Francisco recently shijiped her first cargo of furs to Europe. The goods came from Alaska, and are worth over $500,000. The costliest switch of hair ever made in Paris was sold there lately for $500. It was snow white, and a yard and a quarter long. The New Orleans Times says some of the more unfortunate school-teachertin New Orleanu are upon the verge of starvation, and no money with which to pay them. A physician of Montgomery county, j Ind., allowed three feet of stagnant ] water to stand in the cellar of his house, I and was much surprised when his child I died of diphtheria. Boston is going into expensive improvements. A million dollars has been voted for Hewerage, and a ! jected Court House will eost anotheJ i million. Complaints have been rife in Darmstadt of the adulteration of American tobáceo. Yellow straw paper, saturated with extract of Kentueky leaf, and dried, has been found in cigars. Eecent events have developed the fact that in New Jersey there is no law against stealing bodies from the grave ; and the subject will be pressed upon the attention of the Legislature this ! winter. In the new Territory of Oklahoma it is proposed to give every Indian man, woman and child a homestead of 160 acres of land in addition to the tribal lands which now belong to the various Indian families. M. Delebecque, the Director of the Bordeaux Mint, whose arrest created sueh a sensation, is allesred to have bars of coppor silvored over. The f raud is estimated at l,:J00,000 francs. Somebody started the hoax that Wm. V. Taylor, of Whitehall, N. Y., was to fall lieir to $100,000 if he ïnarried within a ycar, and now 300 letters, evidently penued by solicitous and susceptible feniales, await his cali at the Whitehall jiostoffice. Four gentlemen of New York city have offered $500 as a premium for the be3t four designs for a house for wbrkingmen, in whieh may be secured a j proper distribution of light and pure air, with an arrangement of rooms that will yield a rental sufficient to pay a fair interest on the investment. A man in Lexington, Va., mailed a letter to a fictitious name in Japan, with a request that it be returned if not called for, and started it by way of the Atlantic. His object was to see how long it would be in going around the world. It came back by the way of i San Francisco in just 100 days. A nice-appearing young man called at a house in Providence and told the lady that her husband had authorized him to get his overcoat to wear at a funeral. The nnsuspecting woman gave the stranger the coat, and now the husband is extremely anxious tliere shall be a funeral, if only he can furnish the corpse. NAITGHTY. Somebody's Ups were close to mine. Thus tempted, 1 coiildirt resiQt. Roguish and rosy, a sweet littje mouth Was suddcnly softly kiesed. Homebody's eyeH looked up and frowned, With siu-h ;i reproviniï fpxnce, " If kisses wcre wii-kcdy ' 1 asked my pet. 'i hen the eyea besan to dance, And. sftliltng-, the little maid answored. As 1 kni?lt tln.Tü at her feet: ■■ Tliey must be a little hit nauglity. ()r they nevfr wonld be so Bweet." A GiRL working in a paper mili in Delplii, Ohio, found among the waste paper a conple of í50 bilis. The proprietor took them f rom her and kept ! them. She sued and got judgment ! low, reeently affirmed by the Supreme Oourt, which held ' that the purchase of waste paper did not give the purchaser a right to unknown valuabies found in it, as against the finder. An immense grave or vault is being made in the cemetery of Pere La Chaise, Paris, in which to place the remains of the forgotten oombatants of the war of 1870. TMfi immense grave has a superficies of 120 meters, and will be surniounted by a monument, the design of ■ I-L i i . M 1 , K: . i 4 w - Í I , tf iW f l l n y ■ , J ' i I wiucn naa not yet Deen cnosen. Xne works, which ure of great importance and likely to last a considerable time, hae been undertaken in accordance with m often-expressed wish of the Municipal Couneil of Paris. The Sultan of Turkey lately sent for et Cbristian doctor of note at Constantinople, and when the Jatter arrived he found the Sultan with a Bible in his hand. "You are a Christian," said the Sultan ; " swear to me upon this Bible that yon Will teil the truth. I wish to know if my lungs are affected, or if I have any other organic trouble." The doctor took the oath, and then, soimding the Sultan's lungs, found them healthy, aa algo his general system, except a tendency to nervousness, for which horseback exercise was préscribod.


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