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Michigan Legislature

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Wednesday, Jan. 1.- Senate.- ïhu Senato eonvened at noon, and organized by the eleotion of the Tollowing ofticera : Socretary, Edwin S. Hoekins ; Assistant Secretary, Charlea C. Hopkins : EngrosBnjJ and Enrolling Clerk, Denia B. Groeabeck; Aaaiatant, Oscar F. Morse; Sergeant-at- Arma, Charlea H. Perkina ; First Aasistant Sergeant-at-Arma, John F. Brnbacker; Soeond AHsiatant Sergeant-at-Arma, George Fowler Af ter orgauization the Senate acljourne). House. - The House of Representativos met at noon and electcd oflicers as follows: For Spuaker, Juhu T. iüoli, of Lapcor; Clerk, Daniel L. Crossmau; Sergeant-at-Arms, W. Ii. ('inlds; Euiolling and Engrosaing Clerk, V. W. Braco Adjourned till to-morrow. Dedication of the New Capítol. - The new Htate Capítol, at Lansing, was dedicated on New Yöar's day, snel Keprcaentative Hall and the corridors ivcre erowded with poople f rom ali parta of the State to witness the ceremouiüii. At lü a. in. (ov. CroBwell, ex-Govs. Welcli, Greeuly, Blair. Baldwin and Bagley, the Snpreme Court Judgea and State ofiicers wer'e escorted from tho Lanning Honne to the Capítol by two companioK of State troops, headodby tiie Lansing Knight Templar Band. On arriving at the Capítol Gov. Croawell took the ehair, aup - ported by IieQt, Gov. Seamoua and Bishop Gillespie, of Grand Kapids. Tho exercisea began with mnsic by the Knight Templar Band, which "Vas followed by a prayer by Bishop Gillespie. Judgc; Camubell then administared me oatli of office to Gov. Croswell and Lient. Oov. Soaaioua. Addresaes followed by the ex-Governors present. The-Hqn. E. P. Groavenor read a report of the Building Commiseionera, who then presente'l the building to tho poople through (inv. Croawcll, who briefly apota in acceptanee, and complimonted the Commissionera. The J5ev. T. O. Prudden, of Lanalng, then pronounced the benedietion, the band played another atirring air, and the exerciaes of the day were closed. Thuksday, Jan. ti. - No business of importance was transaeted, with tho excoption of tho reading of the Governor's Meaaage in joint sesaion. . . .Luther S. Ludlow, of Jackaon, was elected Postmaster, aud Gotlieb Grelling, of Detroit, Aaeistant PoMtmaak'r, of ihe Senate Both himaeaataiid adjonrned nntil Tuesday evening r.ext, at i o'eloek.


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