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Michigan Legislature

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Tuesday, Jan. 14.- Senate.- In the ah adt of Iieut. Gov. SosBionti, Senator Childs aceepteö the chair. A special order was made for Friday morning to eleet a President pro tem The Judiciary Committeo reported adversely on the bill to provide for the better iletwtioñ of crime Home 1,500 nommations for notaries public were reeeived by the Senate. House. - The Hontte adopted the report on müeugo for members and onioloyes. . . ..Mr. Allen introduced a bill making an appropnation for completing and finishing building. .. .jfr. Thompson's rrsolution on State printing was Íiassod, which causcd a sharp debite... .Prof. {. C. Kedzie was inviten to lecture before the Houae on ilhiminatirig oüm. Vedjje8day, Jan. 15.- Senatk.- The flen: ate paused an aot to amend au act iu relation to witnessea in criminal oases giviiig ljail, as foflows: ' TIn' people of tha SUte of Michigau , enact that t ehall uot ba necesBary in anv criminal oase for auy wituesa to give bail for I his appearanee ai witnesa in sncn cause, iuiIokh required t do so by the order of a Judge of a fcnrt of röobra, or a CSrcuit Ccmrt 1'oinniÍHi-ioiifcr. All lawn eoátra reniog this art aro hereby ropealed. The bill in relation to marriage" and Holemnizati- n thereof whh tabled A concurrent resolütion was adopted that the Coinnytte Printing be iustructeil to investígate (lie State Printers The Judiciary Coinnntte.' reparted adversely oii the bill iu relation to executiona issued by Circuit Courts In executive sesion the 1,500 Xotaries Public were confirmad. House. - Bills were introduced: To pro vide for the better care of pauper and destitute children; authorizinp the formation of asnociations for intellectual, scieutiüc. ti'Hthetic, religiou or liberal culture: in relation to trinis by jury Tho Gommittee on Interaal Improvenients reported fnvorably on tho joint resalution authorizmg the Board of Control to transfer St Mary'H ship canal to the (ianeral Government. . . . .A bill for an unoondltionai extensión of vwo years of the Marquette and Mackinac railroad riant was introduced. A eupplemoutary bill will be iotroducod within a few days, ! ly restoring to tho market certain portions of ' these lande in C'hippewa eounty. Thuksday, Jan. 10. - Senate. - The Com mittee on Kduration made an adverse report on the bill for the support of teachers' instituto?. A resolution th it the Commissioner Land OfBce furnlah nformation relative ing Agricultural College landa at 3 per acre that ahould havo brought $5 was passed The rosolution for tho appointmcnt oí a stenographer was indefinitely postponod Sonate billa 8, 4 and 5, passed" in eommitteo of thü wholo, woro discuBBod The bill providing for the better detection if crimes and offensea was reportad baekj with a reeommendation for it pa ssage At the af teruoon sesniou Renator Duffield reaigned from the Commiffee on Univeraity, on account of his brother, Iiev. Geo. Duffield, being a Itegcnt. Senator Hodge takes rus place. Hoi'riE.- Bills were introdueod: To furnish vaccine to tho inhabitants of cities and villages; creating a Twenty-Fourth judicial circuit from the Seventh and Sixteetuh circuits; to incorpórate the villago of Brooklyn; to amend the laws of 18T5to provide for the incorporation of villagos; to repeal a certain sectil n of the State laws of 1877, to authorizu tho Warden of the State prison to receivq moneys duo on contracta made wtile said sectiou was in f orce; for a chair of electie modiciue in theuniversity; to amend and authorize tho formation of corporations to OBtablish rural cemetorios and caro for the samo; allowing the Board of Supervisors of Bay county to receivo certain lauds from the Bay County Agricultural Socioty for certain pnrposea ; to amend an act to próvido for the appointmont of a State Reporter; ï-olatU)g to ahenation by deed, proof, and reeording of conveyancos, and cancehng of mortgages. Feidat, Jan. 17.- Senate.- Bills wero introduced: In relation to liability of cities, villageB, and townships for neglecting to repair sidewalks and (treen; to authorizo and regúlate insurance othor thau life, fire, and marine; to eatablish a State hospital at Ann Arbor; in relaiion to foreelosure of mortgago by advertisement; in relation to plank roada; in relation to non-forfeiture of policies of life-insurance, relative to mining inte'estti; relative to teachers' institutos: to anthorizo the directora of the Detroit and Mihvaukee railroad to be repreaontríl on the Board of Directora by proxv: tiat railroad directora shall bo citizens-nf the ünitod States A resolution waa pasaed for tho preveniion of adulteration of honey .... Mr. Chamberlain was elected President pro tem House.- Bills wero introduced: Eelative to esUbliHhmg water-courses and opening ditches; relativo to laying out, opening, locating or consiructing water-courses, ditches or drains by Township Drain Commissioners ; relative to forcible eutries and detainers ; to reincorpórate the village of Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa county; relativo to ofneers ha ving the care of highways and bridgea, and their several powera and duties; relative to trial of iasues of faet-i in Courts of Chancerv; relative to affidavits of non-residonts ; making an appropriation for the purchaso of books for the State library Both housoa adjourued until Monday evening, at 8:3U. Monda Y, Jao. 30.- Senate.- Pursuant to adjournment on Friday last, the Senate met this evening at 7:30. Numéreme petitions were presented, and notices given for tUo introdnction of billa at some futuro day. House.- The House passed a joint resolution for the transfer of St. Mary's Falla ship canal to the General Government Thefollowing joint resolution was introduced as an amendmeut to the eonstitution, to stand as article 4, seetion 1 : "All the specific taxes, except those received from the mining coinpanies of the Upper Peninsula, shall be applied to paying tho interest upon the primary school, University and other educational funds, and the interest and principal of the Stato debt in tóe hercin recited, until thero shall be a Bufficient amount in the sinking fund to extingulsh the State dobt, other than the amounts dne to educational funds. When such speciüc taxes shall bo ordored to and coustituto a part of the general fund tbe Legislature Bhall provide for an annual tax, sufftcient, with other resourcos, to pay the estlmated expenses of the State Government, and such deficiency as may occur in the resources. "


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