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Michigan Legislature

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Tuesday, Jan. 21.- Senatb.- Billa were ( troduced : Providing that administratorn and t ecutora of eatatea have full control until settlcd t or tho Probato Court directa the turning over ' of powers or proporty to heirs or devisees ; alao ' directing the appointmont of temporary , iatratora over estates of missing persona ] or those absent and suppoaod dead ] ín committee of the whole the motion to repoal ( tlie law of 1871, authorizing the appointment of ] Drain Commissioners, -aa carriüd. ...The bilí ( redueiug tlie ratea of legal noticee published in , iKuvHpapera from 70 cents for tho first and ( 89 cents for overy aubflequent insertion to 50 and ; 25 cents rospoctivoly, was carried. Housk. - Petitiona were prosented asking for the establishment of a reform school for girls; for the arrest of horse-thieves, and for the incorporation of the Michigan otate Pólice Associition Mr. MoBher, of Hillsdale county, introciuced a bilí amending tho Liquor ïax act, so that taxes raised frqm saloont), distillers and br. wera bo thrown iuto the gcnoral fund of each county, and not ito the vülage, township or municipality treasury. Ho tlnnka that the proscnt practice leads municipal officera to eacourago the sale of liquors on account of the taxea arising therefrom. Billa were also introduced to prevent the extermination of deer by hunting tliem with doge; to authorize tho issuing of injunctiona by Circuit Judgea of adjoiiiing counties in eertain cHes, and to make an appropriation to cover a defieiency in the funda of tho Kef orm School In committee of the wholo, billa were passed authorizing the transfor of Michigan' interoat in the Antietam (Jemotei'y to tho United State ; tq authorize municipal boards of health to furniah bovino virua f ree for vaccination; to amend section l,tU0 of the law of 1871, relatmg to municipal boarda of healtb. and for the incorporation of Hibeniian benevolent aocietiea. Wednesdat, Jan. 22.- Senate.- The Sonate passed a resolution, which has previously passed the House, to investígate the Inaane Asylum at Kalamazoo. . . .A joint reaolution aaking Congresa not to raiae the tariff on cortain graden of sugar, the object being to protect the stave and hoop intoreats of Uie State, pasaed unanihioubIv. House. - Bills were passed: To amend the law relating to strange beaats ; to facilítate the transfer to the United States of the Antiefcim National Cemotory, in the State of Maryland; to amend an act relative to the dutiea of County Clerka and County Treasurera; to anthorize Boarda of Health of cities, villages and townships to furnish vaccination to the inhabitanta theroof; to amend law relativo to Boards cf Health in cities and villages ; to pro vide f or the ineorporation of Hibernian benevolont societies Billis introduced: By Mr. Willet, to moro effcctually protectinmatos of insaue asylnma in postal rightn; byMr. Moulton, for the bette-r protecI tion of orchards, gardens and vineyards; by ! J. Strong, for the preservation and protection of game; by Mr. Moulton, to regúlate and govern the State Houso of Correction at Ionia; by i Mr. Knight, to reduce tolls on thoBay City, Vaa! sar and Watrousville plank road ; by Mr. Sawyer, rolative to public schools of the city of Ann Arbor; byMr. Sawyer, to regúlate the manage - ments of "asylnms for the insane and recovery of the insano; by Mr. Ferguson, for a umfovm assessment of p'roperty and return of taxes thereon; by Mr. Littell, relative to the time when Stato taxes shall come due f rom the counties of the Sta,e ; by Mr. Pailthorp, relative to Justicoa' courts; by Mr. Barnes, relative to appraisal of eatates of deceaaed persona ; by Mr. Wilkins, rolative to changirig the names of minor adopted chüdren and of other persons. A very strong bilí for a prohibitory liquor law was introduced and passed to a' second raading. The provisione are very stringent, ?100 to $500 for first offenso, and three times as much for any subsequent violation, with imprisonment f rom thirty days to six mouths .... J. D. Rosa, the only "miasing Eeprosentative, presented himself, and was sworn in. Thuksday, Jan. L. - Senate. - A petitionwas j presented aaking for an enabling act to authorizc the Superannuated Proachera' Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal church to hold annnal meeting The Committeo on Mines, MinerivIm inid Mining Iiiítjj'G.sÍH rcporteil iii fnvor of amending the Mining Corporation act so as to allow companios to om 100,000 acros of land The Judiciary Committee reported adversely on Iïepresentatiye Noah's House bill to provide for brmging joint suits by fellow workmen. ... .Senator Moore inirodueed a joint resolution aBking for an appropriation for the imI provement of the channel of Lako Bt i Ckir at the mouth of Clinton river, I and for dredging the charmel of the river. . . . j The joint rosolution authorizing the transfer I of St. Mary's ship canal to the General Government, and making it a free thoroughfare, which I has passed the House, wafl referrod to the committee on Judiciary and Federal llelations, joiutly. The Lake Superior membora are quite anxious to have the bill passod, as State tolla aro a serious burden to the iron, copper and lumbcr intereats of that section. House. - The House passed a bill to amend J sections 5, 0 and 7 of an act entitled "An act to provide for the organization of Protestant Episcopal churchos," approved F.eb. 17, 1857, and to add a noiï section thereto, to stand as aection S, of said act, to take immodiate effect Bills introduced : By Mr. Thorpe, for foreclosure of mortgagos by advertisement ; by Mi-. Stanchiield, for the botter protection of creditors in cases of aseignment for their benefit; by Mr. Pray, for tho better support of teachers' inslitutea: byJ. Strong, to provide for County Superintendents of Schools; by Mr. Turck, to regúlate the practice of medicino and surgery in the State; by Mr. Probort, relativo to salaries of couuty oflicers; by Mr. Sawyer, relative to appeals to tho Supremo Oourt f rom tlie Ciri eüit Court, in ehaucery; by Mr. Turck. to conj stitute the villago of Illiaca an election ward. I for general and special elections; by Mr. Bowen, to aseertain the annnal cereal produets of tho State of Michigan In committee of the whole, the bill relativo to jurors' ff es waa cou sidered. The bill provides that each graud j and petit juror shall receive $2 for each day and $1 for each halt-day, and 10 centa permilo. Jurors in Justices' courts, or before any officer on special proceedings, toreeeive 1 per'day and 50 cents per half-day, the fees to be advaneed daily by the party requiring such jury. Each juror in attendance at an inquest on a doad body to receive $3 per day and $1 for each half-day, the name to be allowod by tho Board of Supervisors in countie liaviug no Board of County Auditors. Fkiday, Jan. 24. - Sen ate. - The Benato held only a morning soasion. It pasned several local bilis, and also a bill relating to blanka furuished to ('ommissionorti of Highways by the Auditor Genoral A joint report of the Comnüttees on Kailroads and Public Lands was made. recommending the extensión of time for two years, making threo in all, for tho completion of the Maekinae and Marquette railroad. House. - Mr. Moore introduced a bill providing for the publication, sterootyping, distnbution, and aale of Supreme Court reports Mr. Sawyer -introdneed a bill relating to tramps. Tho bill dennos a tramp aa a perfton going about from place to place subfiisting on charity and provides that wlion a tramp receivos assistanco from the authorities he should render an equivalent in work, or be fined $10, or thirty days in iail; that when a ! tramp ahall eiitor a üwemng-house or other building and kinrllo ñres against the consent of the owners bctwetn May 1 and Dec. 1. or ehall . 1k found carrying Sre-arms, ho raay be fined $ 1 00, or givon t wo years in privón ; that tramps in j uring persons and properfy, or proouring fooi j or clothing by thjjeati, shail get from oue to five years in prison. The act ia not to appiy to persons under 10 yeara of age, or fuñíales, or lilind pornoiiB Bills pasaod: Aaking Congres3 for an appropTiafiOT to bnild a lighthonso ou Whale's Back point; to pvcvont tlie deatruction and exportation of deer ; anking Congrcas for an appropriation for the harbor of rcf uge at Jlackinaw ; to r.mend law relativp to Aun Arl)or school. Kti:edat, Jan. 25. - Sekate. - Bills wore iutrodueed: By Mr. Palmer, toenablo the Superannuated Preachora' Aid Society of the Methodibt Episcopal Chureh to hold its annual meeting at the eeseiori of the conference of said elmrh ; by Mr. Ambler, to amend "An act to provide fqr the paymeut of the salaries of the títato officora ; " by Mr. McElroy, to authorize boards of supervisors of countios toappoint probate rcgistorn ; to authorize boards of supervisors of countiei to appoint aesistaut prosecuting attorneys; by Mr. Mooro, to amend an act relativo to Circuit Courte: to incorpórate the village of CohmibiavüU', in the county of Lapeor Bills passsd: To amend an act rein tive to plank roads; to amend an act reluBVe to elections other thau for militia and township officors Mr. McElroy preei'iiti-d a potition asking that the law bu amondud so as to more effectually ]rot;ct croditora The Committee " on Health reported favorably a bijl to prevent qiiackery hy compolling phyticians to have diplomas from State medical societies of the respective schools of medicine, tho diplomas to be recordod in the afftee of the Coanty Clerk. and providing puuishment forhmiüg bogus diplomas Senator Weir'a bilí aboJishing gatea on plank roads in city limita paaefid. House.- In committeo of the whole, a joint ï-esolution was iutroduced asking for the abolitiou of polygamy The Committee on State Affaire reported advorsely on Sawyer's tramp bill and several other bilis of the same oharaotor. Keferred to the committee of the wiiolo. Billa passed : Incorporating the village of Manchester, Washtenaw county ; amending the law relaüve to the affidavitfl of persons in othor Btatos and counties, wnich Bhall be valid and regular when anthenticated by a court having a soal, or by a conamissioner, notary public, or justice; to amend the laiv relativo to foroibíe entries and detainera; amending chapter218 relativo to foreclosure of mortgages by advertisement : joint resohition to prevent tlie adulteration of migar; bilí relativo to eatablishing water courses and locating ditches or drains; relativo to issues of f act in courte of ehancery Bills introduced : For the appointment of inspeotors of boilers and stationary origines ; to puniBh corruption at primaries and elections; by Mr. McOurk, relativo to Justices' fees in criminal caaes ; by Mr. Hawycr, relativo to returns and Bummoning jurors; bv Mr. Hamilton, relativo to incorporating tlie village of Oonstantine ; by Mr. Miller, to Hmit pay of Supervisors on special meetings ; by Mr. May, to vacate the towuship of öherman, in Wexford couuty, and attach to Spriugwells, Antioch, Hanover and Wexford, in Wcxford-eounty; by Mr. Littall, as to time of statement of account of County Treasurers to Auditor General; by Mr. Barnes, relativo to the appraisal of estatea of wards ; by Mr. Shattuck. relativo to incorporation of railroad companioH and aniondments thereto; by Mr. Cliaso, for a tax on dogs; by Mr. Ludington, against the kHling of elk in the State: by Mr. Pailthorp, relativo to maiming, catching" or killing pigeons... .A joint resolution waa iutroduced by Mr. McNabb relativo to polygamy iii the Unitöd Htates The Committoo ou thü L'uiveröity roported tbat the total disbui'seniontá in the Urnversity account sinoe the formatiouof the insütution were fl,521,l7.


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