Political State News
- Hon. R. E. Trowbridge of Lansing wants to be Govemor of IdahoTerritory. - Oglesby wants Davis's seat in the Senate and is going to try hini on the Berlin mission. - "Who put up tho Uhristiancy job,' asks the Chicago Times. We suspect il in that sly, old rascal, Zach. - Whitelaw Reid of the Tribunt, which published the cipher dispatches, has been before the Potter comuiittee. - The leader of the upper península delegation says he would give $100 for the privilege of votiug for Chandler. - Senator Matt Carpenter of Wisconsin was recei vod at Washington in a style that revived the palmy days of Boss Shepherd. - The first cipher explosión knocket over As8istant P. M. Gen. Tyner. War ranted to hit Únele Samuel every time they kick around and are Hable to hit a good niany before the end is reached. - Moses W. Field, Chairraan Stato Central Comuiittee, hascalled a meeting at Linsing, on Tuesday, the 4th day o Maren at 12 o'clock, for the purpose o nominating a Judge of the Supreme Court and two Regenta of the University Pour delegates should be sent for each represen tatire in the State Legislature - I aere are between oOO and 600 hceuoed news boys in Detroit. - The President hits decidéd to reappoint Digby V. Bell Collector of the Port of Detroit. - Corimua's postinaster haa gone to see the Pre8ideut about hia opponents who want to get hold of the poat offioe up there. - J. W. Andrews has left Battle Creek for Switzerland and W. C. White for Texas. They are advent elders, and go to spread the advent faith. - A girl ñamad Belle Church - known to sorue as Belle Haynes - attempted to ooinmit suicide at Grand Rápida January 30, by taking poiaon, but was discovered iu time to defeat her parpose. - N. H. Giles, once a prominent business man of Lexington, was taken to the Pontiac Insane Insano Asylum Friday morning. He has for a long time back shown symptoms of insanity, and last week became entiroly deranged. - The case of B. J. Rogers, oflngham, for enticing away Misa Clara Swan, a young lady of 14, for the purpose of marriage, terminated by a withdrawal of the prosecution. It is understood that the young lady will remain with her parenta for the present at least. - The Saranac Local believesthat " in correcting children it is well to appeal to the head before rusorting totheother extreme." Evidently tho mind of the Loêal editor has been soaring back into the dreamy days when the ina'arn used to doublé him up like a jack-knife and reach for the globe sights on his puntalooas with a ruler. - Mason News.
Old News
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